Title: NYMTC Regional Freight Plan
1NYMTC Regional Freight Plan
Task 5 Preliminary Identification of
Improvements and Solutions
presented to Freight Transportation Working Group
(FTWG) presented by New York Metropolitan
Transportation Council Cambridge Systematics,
Inc. December 12, 2001
2Alternative Categories
- Infrastructure projects
- Policy strategies
- Operational improvements/technology
- Highway
- Rail
- Port landside only
- Air landside only
- Economic development
4Functions of Alternatives
- Enhance connections between modal networks to
improve overall system functionality - Balance the needs of freight and passenger
traffic - Remove bottlenecks in modal networks
- Expand goods access to key regional demand
centers - Increase transportation options available to users
5Major Truck Trip Corridors
6Major Rail Freight Corridors
7Highway Analysis Summary Table
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Task 7
Task 8
Possible Solutions/Alternatives
Evaluationof Alternatives
Financing Plans
Operating Measures
Operating Limitations
Infrastructure Improvements
Truck volumes (with respect to total traffic
Chronic congestion on many regional roadways
Eliminate vertical clearance limitations on
highways that cause truck diversion to local
streets (e.g., on BQE at Brooklyn Bridge)
Poor signage along surface truck routes
Task 5 alternatives will be evaluated to
determine how effectively they address Task 4
deficiencies and help to achieve regional goals
and objectives, against the identified
performance measures. The evaluation will
consist of three stages A physical/policy
evaluation to determine the alternatives
feasibility A performance evaluation to assess
how well the alternative addresses current
deficiencies and An environmental evaluation to
identify impacts or mitigation needs.
Preferred alternatives from the Task 6
evaluation will be further developed to include
more detailed costs, and financing
strategies. Alternatives will be screened based
on financial viability, resulting in a final
group of recommended policy, infrastructure and
operations projects.
Recommended alternatives fromTask 7 will be
coordinated into a comprehensive implementation
program, which includes Regional project
priority and phasing Agency roles and
responsibilities Institutional framework
and Specific timeline for implementation.
Levels of service (LOS) for major truck routes
Bridge and tunnel crossings act as choke points
for regional traffic
Create new roadway links to access major truck
trip generators (e.g., direct Hunts Point
connection to the Bruckner Expressway)
Average speed
Toll policies at certain facilities encourage
circuitous truck routing and extra VMT
Toll costs
Reconstruct bottleneck interchanges to improve
flow (e.g., Highbridge Interchange)
Limitations on Truck Access
Curbside space management (loading/unloading
zones, parking enforcement, etc.)
Gap in regional freight network caused
bytruck-excluded roadway segments (ex., Grand
Central Parkway)
Develop new east-west connector serving South
Brooklyn and JFK Airport, on either new
right-of-way or modification of existing routes
to permit trucks
Accident and incident rates
Legally and illegally parked vehicles on
alreadynarrow and difficult to navigate surface
Develop continuous service roads along major
highways to provide alternate truck routing in
case of incidents
Physical Measures
Limited Truck Routes
Height clearances
Trucks with 53-foot trailers are prohibited from
serving destinations within New York City
Increased capacity and lane widths at the
Goethals Bridges
Turning radii
Access width
Improve capacity on the Tappan Zee crossing
Only one truck route within the NYMTC region for
interstate-standard 53-foot trailer vehicles
serving Nassau and Suffolk Counties (New England
Thruway, Throgs Neck Bridge, Clearview
Expressway, Long Island Expressway) No
limited-access, high-speed truck corridors in
Manhattan (except the one-mile Trans-Manhattan
Expressway) Gowanus Expressway/Brooklyn Queens
Expressway/Long Island Expressway is the only
east-west truck route between Southern Brooklyn
and Queens/Long Island Long Island Expressway is
the only east-west highway open to trucks serving
Nassau and Suffolk Counties
Weight limitations
Policy Improvements
Investigate the use of key parkway segments by
smaller trucks and vans to eliminate gaps in the
truck network (e.g., one-mile section of the
Grand Central Parkway between the Triboro Bridge
and BQE)
Truck delays at railroad/highway grade crossings
Usable shoulders
Highway design standards, acceleration/deceleratio
n lanes, truck climbing lanes, etc., and Signage
Allow smaller commercial vehicles to use parkways
during nighttime hours (900 or 1000 p.m. to
600 a.m.)
Curbside capacity (for truck operations)
Coordinate toll pricing management plan to
influence truck route and timing choice (this
management plan should address all vehicles, not
just trucks)
Cross-Bronx Expressway is the only east-west
arterial for the Bronx
Stricter enforcement of current truck routes and
Geometric Constraints
Allow trucks to use regional HOV lanes during
nighttime hours
Low clearances in Hudson River tunnels, and at
highway overpasses
Substandard turning radii, lane widths, and
grades at key points of regional network
Encourage off-peak deliveries in the CBD through
a combination of incentives and curbside
No shoulders
Short acceleration and deceleration lanes
Review/update current truck route network to
maximize commercial accessibility and minimize
community impacts
Poor Connections to Regional Freight Facilities
Only one major truck access route to JFK Airport
(Van Wyck Expressway)
Review truck length and weight restrictions for
U.S. compatibility
Trucks must use local streets extensively
to access regional rail and port terminals
(e.g., limited and difficult connections between
Brooklyn waterfront freight terminals and the
Gowanus Expressway truck route)
Better management of commercial curbside space
Operating/Technology Improvements
Accelerated expansion of Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS)
Targeted roadway geometry improvements at the
most critical locations
Improved signage for truckers
Increased usage of ITS and enhanced communication
Greater coordination between private logistics
and public ITS systems
8Anticipated Applicability of Initial Solutions
to Regional Roadway Corridors
NY27/Sunrise Highway
MDE/I-87/ \NYS Thruway
Southern Crossing
Western Corridor
I-95/NE Thruway
Infrastructure Improvements
Eliminate Vertical Clearance Limitations That
Cause Truck Diversion to Local Streets
New Roadway Links to Access Major Truck Trip
Reconstruction of Major Interchanges to Eliminate
Congestion Bottleneck
New East-west Connector Between the Southern Ends
of the Two Eastern Corridors
Continuous Service Roads Along Major Highways
Increased Capacity and Lane Widths at the
Goethals Bridge
Improve Capacity on the Tappan Zee Crossing
Significant Applicability/Expected Benefit
Some Applicability/Expected Benefit
9Anticipated Applicability of Initial Solutions
to Regional Roadway Corridors (continued)
NY27/Sunrise Highway
MDE/I-87/ \NYS Thruway
Southern Crossing
Western Corridor
I-95/NE Thruway
Policy Improvements
Potential to allow commercial traffic to use key
parkway segments (at all times or off-hours only)
Coordinated toll pricing management plan
Stricter enforcement of current truck routes and
Allow trucks to use regional HOV lanes during
nighttime hours
CBD delivery management through incentives and
curbside regulations
Review/update current truck route network
Review truck length and weight restrictions for
US compatibility
Better management of commercial curbside space
Significant Applicability/Expected Benefit
Some Applicability/Expected Benefit
10Anticipated Applicability of Initial Solutions
to Regional Roadway Corridors (continued)
NY27/Sunrise Highway
MDE/I-87/ \NYS Thruway
Southern Crossing
Western Corridor
I-95/NE Thruway
Operating/Technology Improvements
Accelerated expansion of Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS)
Improved signage on local connectors to major
Targeted roadway geometry improvementsat the
most critical locations
Significant Applicability/Expected Benefit
Some Applicability/Expected Benefit
11Anticipated Applicability of Initial Solutions
to Regional Railroad Corridors
Hell Gate Line/Freemont Secondary
Hudson Line/Oak Point Link
INYCHRR/BayBridge Line
West Shore Line
LIRR Main Line
SouthernTier Line
Infrastructure Improvements
17-6 TOFC vertical clearance program
20-6 East-of-Hudson doublestack vertical
clearance program
Sufficient lateral clearances
Increased weight limits on select railroad lines
West-of-Hudson rail line and terminal capacity
Increase East-of-Hudson terminal capacity
Develop new intermodal rail terminal at Maspeth,
Construct a permanent cross-Hudson freight rail
Significant Applicability/Expected Benefit
Some Applicability/Expected Benefit
12Anticipated Applicability of Initial Solutions
to Regional Railroad Corridors (continued)
Hell Gate Line/Freemont Secondary
Hudson Line/Oak Point Link
INYCHRR/BayBridge Line
West Shore Line
LIRR Main Line
SouthernTier Line
Policy Improvements
Support the East-of-Hudson Rail Freight Operation
Task Force (EOHRFOTF)
Monitor impacts of toll pricing on river
crossings and rail mode share
Eliminate or reduce railroad taxation to spur
railroad investment in infrastructure improvements
Operating/Technology Improvements
Continued coordination between passenger and
freight rail operations
Revitalize cross harbor car floats as a near-term
solution to improved cross-Hudson connectivity
Restore rail freight service to Staten Island
Support Amtraks mail and express delivery
Significant Applicability/Expected Benefit
Some Applicability/Expected Benefit
13Anticipated Applicability of Initial Solutions
to Regional Port-Access Corridors
Highway Corridors
Rail Corridors
Cross Harbor/Bay Ridge Corridor
West Circumferential
Freemont Secondary Corridor
MDE/I-87/NYS Thruway
West Shore Line
Northern Crossing
Infrastructure Improvements
Increase availability of "ExpressRail" style
on-dock rail and expand West-of-Hudson
intermodal Rail Yard Capacity
Improve NYMTC port terminal connections to
regional rail network
Improve Truck circulation and port access
Policy Improvements
Combat freight sprawl by adopting land use
policies that encourage warehouse and
distribution center development in the existing
metropolitan area
Operating/Technology Improvements
Use dedicated "inland distribution networks" to
move port commodities through limited terminal
space rapidly and efficiently
Use information systems to manage terminal
Significant Applicability/Expected Benefit
Some Applicability/Expected Benefit
14Anticipated Applicability of Initial Solutions
to Regional Airport Access Corridors
West Circumferential
MDE/I-87/NYS Thruway
Manhattan Crossing
NY 27/ Sunrise Highway
Southern Crossing
Northern Crossing
Western Corridor
I-678/ VWK
Infrastructure Improvements
New east-west connector between the southern ends
of the two eastern corridors
Improve key Hudson River crossings to facilitate
access to Newark International Airport
Improve capacity or traffic flow on the Van Wyck
Develop truck ferry service from Manhattan to JFK
Policy Improvements
Permit trucks to use sections of parkways or
other truck-excluded routes to access regional
airport facilities
Permit small trucks and vans to use HOV lanes in
the region
Operating/Technology Improvements
Tailor landside access to complement the
operating niche of local airport resources
including JFK, La Guardia, Islip, Newark, and
White Plains
Improve operations of loading and unloading
zones in Manhattan
15Major Economic Issues
- Regional dependence on trucking
- High cost of freight movement
- Shortage of transportation-supportive land
- Municipal solid waste disposal
16Recommended Improvements to Promote Economic
- Infrastructure projects
- Remedy bottlenecks that cause congestion, prevent
travel by interstate standard trucks, impede
connections to regional freight facilities - Improve EOH rail infrastructure and Cross-Hudson
connections - Construct waste transfer stations and support
facilities consistent with NYCDOS plans - Policy strategies
- Promote land banking for transportation uses
- Reclaim brownfields for transportation uses
- Operations
- Enhance railcar float operations
- Explore truck barges