Title: Transmission Developer Perspective
1Transmission Developer Perspective
A presentation to the Reliability Electric Infras
tructure Task Force October 5, 2006 Robert S
2I. National Grid US
- In Northeastern US
- Own and operate electricity transmission and
distribution systems in New York, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island and New Hampshire
- 3.4 million electric and 570,000 gas customers
- Reduced controllable costs by 20 real between
2002 and 2005
- 9,000 miles of electricity transmission. Asset
base of 3B
- Co-owner and operator of Quebec - New England
HVDC link
- Member of New England RTO and New York ISO
- The first FERC approved independent transmission
entity. Involved in many leading RTO / Grid
Planning forums
- Well established working relationship with FERC.
Numerous technical conferences, whitepapers and
filings on transmission in the past 3 years
- Announced acquisition of Keyspan in 2006
3I. National Grids Global Experience - HV
transmission, LNG and other new-build projects
North Yorkshire line
Isle of Man to UK interconnector
US Capital Program
UK Capital Program
UK Isle of Grain LNG
USA Quebec New England
Netherlands Brit-Ned Sub-sea
Norway -UK NSI Sub sea
USA Trans-West Western new build
Indonesia Sumatra Backbone HV Line
Peru Montoya Socaboya (Andes)
Malaysia Peninsula HV Line
500M project, commissioned in 2006, on time,
under budget.
Philippines Mindoro Luzon Sub-sea
Brazil North South line
Australia Basslink HVDC
India Mangalore Evacuation HV Line
Brazil Intelig LD Mirror Carrier
Pakistan Indus Grid HV Project
India Mau- Bihar shariff HV Line
RSA Zimbabwe HV Line
Argentina 2nd HV Line
Chile, Argentina Silica LD Carrier
4Realizing Wind Potential
- Tapping into wind power
- Invest in strong foundations
- Support with secondary clean energy
- Cost allocation and recovery
- http//ngridusdev/transmission/c3-3_documents.asp