Title: Biological Weapons Improved Response Program BWIRP
1Biological Weapons Improved Response Program
(BWIRP) Acknowledgements Sue Skidmore BAH Jim
Church U.S. Army Soldier and Biological, Chemical
Command Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
The Domestic Preparedness program was created
under the Nunn-Lugar-Domenici Legislation (PL
104-201) - National Defense Authorization Act
(FY1997), Title XIV Defense Against Weapons
of Mass Destruction
Under Section 1415 - The Secretary of Defense
shall develop and carry out a program for testing
and improving the responses of Federal, State and
local agencies to emergencies involving chemical
and biological weapons
3IRP Approach
WMD IP Initiatives First Responders
Chem/Bio Terrorism
Valid Solutions
Tough Problems
Improved Response Program
4BWIRP Overview
- Multi-year effort (April 1998)
- Multi-agency team
- 60 Responders, 5 Workshops
- Accomplishments
- Completed an assessment of the BW response
problem - Formulated an integrated approach to BW emergency
response - Identified gaps and improvements in response
5BWIRP Overview
- Workshops
- Identify critical response activities and gaps
- Identify and document best practical approaches
to BW response - Technical Investigations
- Explore possible solutions to technological/policy
gaps - Field Tests
- Validate and demonstrate BW response model
component concepts
6BW Response Template and Key Decisions
7Modular Emergency Medical System (MEMS)
- The Modular Emergency Medical System (MEMS) was
developed as a framework for organizing a
communitys inherent medical resources to provide
for an effective medical response following a BW
terrorist attack - MEMS is a framework that also provides for the
rapid integration of mutual aid and federal
response support effort - Identifies recommended techniques for addressing
special concerns of a BW incident
8Modular Emergency Medical System
- Activated by a city
- Augmented by volunteers, State and Federal assets
- Neighborhood Emergency
- Help Centers (NEHC)
- Expanded clinics
- - Triage, prophylaxis
- - Treatment information
- - Tracking, transportation
- Acute Care Centers (ACC)
- Satellite off of hospitals
- - Triage
- - Treatment
- - Supportive care
Community Outreach - Treatment - Self help
at home - Communication link
9Purpose of the NEHC
- Directs BW patients away from the Emergency
Department (ED) - Allowing hospitals to remain open in some
capacity - Renders basic medical evaluation and triage
- Provides limited treatment, including
- stabilization care
- distribution of prophylactic medications
- self-help information
Designed to process 1000 patients / 24 hrs
10MEMS Development Process
- Working Group
- Created the basic idea of each component
- Medical experts who refined/developed the various
concepts - Computer Modeling
- Modeled with different scenarios, sizes, flow
rates of arriving patients, number of patients,
staffing levels and concept flexibilities - Validation Panel
- Outside peer review by another group of medical
11MEMS Development (Cont)
- Field Test
- Used a National Guard medical unit (and
others) to set up and run the NEHC - Alternate Scenarios Working Group
- Could the NEHC concept work with agents other
than Tularemia? - ACC Validation Panels
12NEHC Patient Flow
13NEHC Staffing
- Total staff required 80 people (per shift)
- Key staff
- 3 Physicians
- 1 PA
- 1 Nurse Practitioner
- Other staff administration, housekeeping,
volunteers, clerks, security
- 7 Nurses
- 3 Paramedics
- 6 EMTs
14NEHC Staffing
15Acute Care Center Patient Flow (ACC)
16Acute Care Center (Cont)
- The ACC is a 1000 bed temporary hospital ward
in a non-hospital location - Provides agent specific therapy and supportive
care - Designed for BW patients only
- Does not provide ventilators (or oxygen)
- Includes suggested sample admission orders and
list of basic stock medications with rationale
17Acute Care Center Staffing (Cont)
- Suggested Staffing per 12 hour shift and 50 bed
nursing subunit - 1 MD
- 1 Physicians Assistant or Nurse Practitioner
- 6 RNs or mix of RNs and LPNs
- 4 nursing assistants
- 2 medical clerks
- 1 RT
- 1 Case Manager/Social Worker
- 2 housekeepers
- 2 patient transporters
18Community Outreach Mass Prophylaxis
- Primary purposes are to
- Disseminate information related to the BT
incident - Assess the affected community
- Enhance the distribution and dispensing of mass
prophylaxis - Secondary purpose in some cases may be to provide
some type of patient care such as patient
assessment and triage.
19Other Components
- Criminal and Epidemiological Investigations
- Law Enforcement Officers Guide
- Planning Guide For State and Local Communities
20Summary and Contact Information
- Visit our web site http//hld.sbccom.army.mil/dow
nloads/ or http//hld.sbccom.army.mil/downloads/bw
irp/ - Web site has copies of our completed reports and
pamphlets - Call Jim Church at 410-436-5686 for further