Title: Positioning the University for the Future
1Positioning the University for the Future
- Milt Hakel
- August 31, 2007
2Clark Kerr
- 66 institutions have existed continuously since
- Roman Catholic Church and Lutheran Church
- Parliaments of Iceland and of the Isle of Man
- 62 universities
3Alfonso X, The Learned
- Lived in Challenging Times
- Wrote on law and history
- Wrote poetry
- Deposed by Dukes and his son
4Had I been present at the creation,I would have
given some useful hints for the better ordering
of the universe.
- Alfonso X, the Learned,
- King of Spain, 1252-1284
5Insight is the sudden cessation of stupidity.
Edwin Land
6Learning goes beyond knowing to being able to
do what one knows
7Strategic Positioning Group Members
Don Bell Bryan Benner Steve Cady Linda Dobb Mi
lt Hakel Jodi Haney Bill Knight Monica Longmor
Gene Poor Jim Smith
8Strategic Positioning Group Charge
- Explore Alternative Futures and Do Visioning for
the University
- University-wide perspective
- Five Tasks
- Identify key issues and trends
- Determine dimensions and metrics
- Determine how to relate differently, creatively
and effectively
- Reconceptualize major issues and purposes
- What will we "look like" in 10 years?
9Our Students in 2020
10Imagine BGSU in 2020
- Possibility-Based Learning in Action Communities
- Meeting the Problem
- Inquiry and Investigation
- Building Solutions
- Taking Action
- Action Communities and Action Teams
- Tangible Artifacts
11The Case for Change
- Demonstrate Accountability
12Who Is This Woman, and Why Is She Famous?
Margaret Spellings
Clara Peller
13The Case for Change
- Demonstrate Accountability
- Promote Student Success
16The Case for Change
- Demonstrate Accountability
- Promote Student Success
- State Master Plan for Higher Ed
- Assert Our Distinctive Identity
- Teach More Efficiently and Effectively
- Implement Advanced Practices in Learning and
17Focus on Learning
Clemson University
Evergreen College
18How Plan and Change?
- Preliminary Step Focus Groups
- Action Community Prototyping
- 5 Action Communities launched in 2008
- 3-year projects launched in 2009
- Conceptual Modeling
- Iterative Consultation
- Collaboration and teamwork needed
- First Systemic Change
- We need a clear goal and a deadline
19Among Our Current Assets
- Students graduate at a rate 12 higher than
forecast from their academic credentials
- Six year graduation rate is 61, comparing well
with the 43 rate at peer institutions
- Values initiative is firmly established
- Student learning outcomes have been defined for
the University and all majors
- Electronic portfolios are gaining ground
20ePortfolios at BGSU
as of 8/28/2007
As of 6/24/2006
22Epsilen Environment
Personal Home Page My ePortfolio Showcase Learn
ing Matrix Resume Files Groups Visitors Fee
?Lifetime Accounts ?My Networks
?Certified Files / Folder ?Courses ?Share It ?R
eview It ?Rubrics ?Email ?Take Notes ?Search
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?New York Times Content
23On the Folly of Rewarding A While Hoping for
BStephen Kerr
24(No Transcript)
25Shaping Change
- Increase Urgency
- Build the Guiding Team
- Get the Vision Right
- Communicate for Buy-In
- Empower Action
- Create Short-Term Wins
- Dont Let Up
- Make Change Stick
From Kotter and Cohen, The Heart of Change, 2002
26Jack Matson
- Always Prefer Intelligent Fast Failure
- To Slow Stupid Failure
27Positioning the University for the Future
- Milt Hakel
- August 31, 2007