Title: Fundraising Best Practices
1Fundraising Best Practices
- Molly Taylor
- Director, Ministry Support
- Lutheran Hour Ministries
2Fundraising Best Practices
3Fundraising Best Practices
4How to choose your fundraiser
- Working by self or with others?
- of volunteers available
- How much money do you need to raise?
- Time available for planning?
5How to choose your fundraiser
- Age range of your volunteers and supporters
- What topics or types of events interest group?
- Fundraiser in summer, fall winter, spring?
6Fundraising Event Ideas
- Golf
- Tournament
- Mini Golf
- Tournament
7Fundraising Event Ideas
Food is Always a Good Idea
- Oktoberfest
- Sausage Supper
- Spaghetti Dinner
- Moms Day Out
- of the Kitchen
- Chicken Pot Pie Supper
8Fundraising Event Ideas
9Fundraising Event Ideas
Advent Chorale Fest
10Fundraising Event Ideas
Get the Picture
Rubber Duck Derby
11LHM Sunday
- Follow the planning checklist in your LHM Sunday
packet for easy to follow instructions.
12LHM Sunday
- Show the DVD
- Talk to Bible study groups, others
- Promote the matching grant
- Talk about how much you personally believe in the
13Fundraising Best Practices
14Fundraising Event Ideas
The LHM Ministry Brochure is a great handout to
use with Minute Man Presentations.
1510 tips for organizing your fundraiser
- Have a written project plan
- Review previous records
- Set a specific timeline
- Actively recruit
- Volunteers
- 5. Identify needs
- and define roles
1610 tips for organizing your fundraiser
- Have a master sergeant
- Set small group goals
- Use Thrivent matching funds
- Say thank you!
- Have fun!
17Fundraising Best Practices
You miss 100 of the shots you dont take. -
Wayne Gretzky