Title: The Watchdog Of All Aspects Of Financial Management
The Watchdog Of All Aspects Of Financial
2A treasurer is the information and reference
point for the management committee members.
Dedication, sincerity and financial expertise
are the keys to succeed in this elevated
position. Skills, qualifications and the
current dynamics of an organisation determine the
job activities of a treasurer.
4Financial Oversight
- Overseeing and presenting accounts, financial
statements and budgets to the committee - Liaising with designated team for financial
matters - Ensuring adherence to appropriate legislation
5Funding, Fundraising Sales
- Advising on the companys fundraising strategy
- Making sure the use of funds conforms to the set
conditions - Ensuring that fundraising and sales follow
relevant legal guidelines
6Reporting To The Board
- Explaining any major divergence between the
budgeted and actual expenditure - Discussing alternative courses of action to
balance the discrepancy - This is the most challenging duty of a treasurer.
Excellent power of judgment makes the difference.
7 Duties Involve
- Financial planning, budgeting and reporting
- Controlling companys assets and stocks
- Banking
- Book-keeping and record-keeping
8The safe-keeping of a companys funds is totally
dependent on the treasurer. You have a big and
a very crucial to play when you hold the position
of a treasurer.
944 (0)20 7936 2601