Title: Masters Thesis Defense
1 Masters Thesis Defense
- Immune based Event-Incident model for
Intrusion Detection Systems - A Nature Inspired Approach to
Secure Computing -
Swetha Vasudevan - Director of Thesis
Dr. Michael Rothstein
2 Acknowledgements
- This thesis would not have been possible
with out the constant support and encouragement I
received from my academic advisor, Dr. Michael
Rothstein. From the first vague proposal of this
topic to later queries on focus and connection,
he was always eager to entertain my ideas and
help me solve conceptual difficulties. I
sincerely thank him for his consistent efforts
and true desire to keep me on track. - I would also like to thank my committee
members, Dr. Johnny Baker and Dr. Austin Melton
for serving in my defense committee despite their
overwhelmingly busy schedule. - Special thanks to the staff at the Kent
State Department of Computer Science, in
particular Marcy Curtiss who helped and
encouraged me every step of the way during my
time in the department. - Finally, I would like to express my
deepest gratitude to my parents. Their support
and unwavering confidence in my ability helped me
achieve my academic dreams.
3 Outline
- Introduction
- Scope of the Thesis
- Ideal Intrusion Detection System
- Understanding Human Immune System
- Review of Existing Literature
- The Immunological Concept of Danger Theory
- Application of Danger Theory to Intrusion
Detection - Proposed Danger Theory based Event-Incident Model
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
4 5 - Introduction
- Why are Computer Scientists interested in
Human Immune System?
- Defense In Depth
- -gt External Line
of Defense - -gt Innate
Immunity - -gt Adaptive
Immunity - Uniqueness
- Distributed accurate detection and subsequent
elimination of foreign activities - Self Replication
- Learning/Memory
6 IntroductionWhy are Computer Scientists
interested in Human Immune System? (Cont.)
- Adaptability
- Methodology of protecting itself from attacks
7 8 Scope of the Thesis
- Two well-known immunological theories are
examined - -gt Self / Non-Self
Theory (SNS) - -gt Danger Theory
- Inadequacies of the classic SNS theory is
presented. - Analogy between Human Immune System and Intrusion
Detection System is reviewed and assessed. - A Danger Theory based Event-Incident Model for
Intrusion Detection System is proposed. - The Proposed model also exhibits characteristics
of autonomous multi-agent system.
9 Scope of the Thesis (Cont.)
- It is designed to be accurate in its ability to
differentiate an event from an incident,
scalable, flexible and adaptable. - The model employs a group of detectors known as
the Mobile Intrusion Detection Squad to
identify and respond to both distributed and
coordinated attacks. - This thesis ONLY provides a conceptual view and
overall infrastructure of the proposed model. - Specific implementation is beyond the scope of
this thesis.
10 The Problem Statement
- Problem
- The literature of Immune-based Intrusion
Detection System currently lacks solution for
ensuring corruption free immune detectors . - Result of this Problem
- Monitoring by CORRUPTED immune detectors -gt
ineffective correlation of intrusion analysis
results and alerts -gt false alarm production. -
11 Solution
- Proposed Solution
- Implementing attack resistant mobile agents which
can relocate itself inside the network and be
elusive when a suspicious activity is sensed. - Employ Immunological concept of Danger Theory
and Danger Zone Establishment for effective
alert correlation and false alarm reduction.
12 13 Ideal Intrusion Detection System
- Any attempt to compromise the Confidentiality,
Integrity, and Availability (CIA) of a resource
can be categorized as Intrusion. - There is a growing need to ensure CIA of a
resource and eliminate both internal and external
system penetrators. - Effective way of achieving this is to utilize the
concept of Intrusion Detection which is the
process of gathering and analyzing Information to
determine that the system has presence of
intrusive activity. - Intrusion Detection techniques adopt the
philosophy of Defense in Depth. Multiple layers
of defense strengthens the overall security
infrastructure. -
14 Defense in Depth
15 Architecture
- One of the most critical considerations in
Intrusion Detection. - In an effective architecture each host, its
internal components and process performs its
functions in an -
-gt Effective -
-gt Coordinated manner -
Resulting in -
-gt Efficient Information Processing -
-gt Analysis -
-gt Timely Response - Can be Single-Tiered, Multi-Tiered or Peer-Peer.
16 Tiered Architecture
17 Ideal Intrusion Detection System
- Three major tasks to perform
-gt Continuous Monitoring -
-gt Detect the presence of malicious activities -
-gt Notify system security officer and take -
appropriate steps to resolve the issue - Accomplished by 4 components
-gt Agent -
-gt Director -
-gt Alert Analyzer -
-gt System Security Officer
18 Ideal Intrusion Detection System
19 20 Understanding Human Immune System
- Human Immune System is a complex, intricate
network of organs which produces cells and
tissues that participate in immune response. - Defense in Depth
- -gt First Level
Surface barrier that prevents direct pathogenic -
entry into our body (e.g. skin). - -gt Second
Level Innate Immune System (non-specific) that -
prevents pathogenic entry into our
tissues. - -gt Third Level
Adaptive Immune System (specific) that can -
recognize, respond to a pathogen by
producing -
needed antibodies. -
Exhibits Immunological memory which
helps -
mount a stronger, focused attack in
21 Immune System (Defense in Depth)
22 Immune System- Major Players
- Lymphocytes
- Antigens
- Antibodies
- Antigen Presenting Cells (APC)
- Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)
23 Classes of Lymphocytes
- Two classes of Lymphocytes take part in the
immune response. -
-gt B cells (antibody secreting white blood cells) -
-gt T cells - Lymphocytes have specific binding areas (called
Receptors) that enable them to bind to a
particular antigen. - Receptors have complementary shapes to the
localized region on the surface of antigens known
as Epitopes. - Antigens are recognized by their epitopes binding
to lymphocyte antibody receptors.
24 Classes of Lymphocytes (Cont.)
- Antibodies are a specific type of proteins
produced by lymphocytes in response to the
invading foreign organism. - Each antibody is unique and defends our body
against a specific kind of antigen. - B cells (has special binding areas called B-cell
receptors) - -gt Develop and mature in bone
marrow. - -gt When body gets invaded by
foreign pathogens, B cells react in - response by secreting
antibodies. - -gt B cells produce enough
antibodies to protect our body from - diverse range of antigens.
25 Classes of Lymphocytes (Cont.)
- -gt B cells are capable of
immunological memory. - -gt Memory cells remind the
Immune System of all the antigen - patterns that have been
encountered by our body in the past. - T cells (has special binding areas called T-cell
receptors) - -gt Responsible for cell mediated
immunity (involves eliminating - infected self cells before
the release of harmful toxins and - viruses that can infect
other cells). - -gt Made in bone marrow but
develop in thymus. - -gt Two classes (T-helper and
26 Structure of an Lymphocyte
27 Negative Selection
- Only fully developed B and T cells can
participate in the immune response and fight
infection. - During the birth of B and T cells it is possible
that the developing B and T cells categorize self
proteins as harmful antigens. - This leads to the bonding of B and T cell
receptors to the self cell epitopes. - This creates auto-immunity (commences immune
response against our own bodys cells and
tissues) - The process of negative selection is used to
filter such B and T cells.
28 Negative Selection (Cont.)
- Negative selection ensures that our body only
produces lymphocytes that could bind themselves
to the epitopes of foreign antigens not self
cells. - During this phase all B and T cells that react to
self cells are killed instantly. - Since B cells mature in the lymph nodes which are
distributed all over the body, ensuring tolerance
in B cell is harder than T cells which mature in
the thymus. - In this case T cells provide distributed
censoring of B cells via Co-Stimulation.
29 Concept of Negative Selection
30 Co-Stimulation
- In order to become activated, B cells must
receive co-stimulation in the form of 2 signals. - Signal 1 occurs when the B cell receptors bind
to the antigen epitopes beyond the affinity
threshold. - Signal 2 is provided to the B cell by the
helper T cell. Helper T cell will only provide
signal 2 if it recognizes the pathogen the B
cell has captured. - If not, it concludes that B cell has captured a
self cell and does not co-stimulate the B cell by
providing signal 2. In the absence of signal
2, B cells die.
31 Co-Stimulation
32 Lymphocyte-Antigen Bonding
- Antibodies secreted by B-cells needs to be
activated either directly or indirectly to be
able to recognize harmful antigens. - B cell receptors bind to antigen epitopes with
certain affinity. - Probability of bond forming increases as affinity
increases. - The number of features required to bind before a
match can be made between antigen epitopes and
lymphocyte receptors is known as affinity
threshold. - If B cell receptors bind themselves to an antigen
epitope above a certain threshold , they get
directly activated.
33 Lymphocyte-Antigen Bonding (Cont.)
- However, if B cell antibody receptor binds to an
antigen epitope with weak affinity, it seeks the
help of T cells and MHC. - MHC helps B cells by performing 2 functions
-gt Binds to hidden fragments of antigens that -
are not visible on the cell surface. -
-gt Transports the antigen infected cell to the -
surface of the B cell. - In order for the T cell receptors to recognize
the antigens, the antigens needs to first be
processed by APCs which are usually dendritic
34 Lymphocyte-Antigen Bonding (Cont.)
- The processed antigen is then stuck into the
special molecule inside the MHC. - APC now displays this foreign antigen complexed
with MHC for T cell receptors to recognize. - Now T cells can easily bind to the MHC molecule
on the surface of B cell. - When T cell receptor binds to the MHC molecule
with strong affinity, it sends chemical signal to
B cell which lets it get activated immediately. -
35 Lymphocyte-Antigen Bonding
36 37 Review of Existing Literature
- Forest et.al Negative selection algorithm
- - Protecting computer systems viewed as
instance of distinguishing - self (legitimate users) from non-self
(malicious activities). - - Self-gt normal behavior.
- - Random patterns compared to self
pattern. - - If matches, it fails to become a
detector. - - If detector matches newly profiled
pattern, it indicates presence - of anomaly.
38 Review of Existing Literature (Cont.)
- Kepharts immunologically inspired approach
- - Known virus -gt computer coded
sequences. - - Unknown virus -gt unusual behavior.
- - Decoy programs at strategic areas in
memory. - - Decoy programs periodically examined
for modification. - - Modification indicates presence of
virus. - - Modified decoys are processed to
obtain signature of attack which is - then stored in the archive for
future reference.
39 Review of Existing Literature (Cont.)
- Dipankar Dasguptas approach
- - Computational aspects of immune system
integrated in single framework. -
- - Develops multi-agent intrusion and
response system. - - Monitors several parameters at
multiple levels. - - Monitoring agents, communicator agents
decision/action agents - functions as immune cells.
- - Three appealing properties Mobility,
adaptivity and collaboration.
40 Review of Existing Literature (Cont.)
- Mell and McLarnons approach towards ensuring
attack resistance in mobile agents (not an immune
based approach) - - Attack resistance achieved
through five stages. - - Stage one -gt Location of
mobile agents randomized. - - Stage two-gt Removing
centralized directory services for -
eliminating single points of failure. - - Stage three-gt Agents take
evasive action to avoid attack.
41 Review of Existing Literature (Cont.)
- - Stage 4-gt Resurrect killed agents.
- - Stage 5-gt Backup agents take over
and reestablish broken - communication
links. -
42 Review of Existing Literature (Cont.)
- Emergence of Danger Theory
- -gt According to SNS any entity that
originates from the organism will - not trigger an immune response,
where as an entity that originates - outside of the organism will
trigger an immune reaction - -gt Many immunologists questioning
the legitimacy of the above - statement. (no immune reaction
to the foreign bacteria in the gut - or in the food we eat although
both originate from outside the - organism)
- -gt Polly Matzinger introduced a new
concept known as Danger - Theory (DT) that attempts to
fill the gap left by the SNS theory. -
43 Review of Existing Literature (Cont.)
- -gt According to DT, immune response
is triggered when diseased - cells that die unnaturally
induces alarm signals. - -gt Alarm or danger signals are
actually harmful toxins released by
- cells in distress.
- -gt Propagating signals create a
danger zone around itself and only - antibodies within the range begin
immune reaction. - -gt It is not the foreignness of an
entity that triggers the immune - response by the actual level of
danger itself.
44 Review of Existing Literature (Cont.)
- -gt Computer Security experts are
trying to implement this fascinating - philosophy in Intrusion
Detection Systems. - -gt In the context of IDS, danger
signals would be interpreted as - unusual memory usages, access
of unauthorized files, intruder - presence, inappropriate disk
activity and so forth. - -gt Generated alarm signals would be
correlated with IDS alerts. - -gt Based on DT, alerts are
classified as Apoptotic (normal) and - Necrotic (abnormal)
45 Review of Existing Literature (Cont.)
- -gt It is believed that proper
balancing of the two types of alerts would - result in a optimum sensor
setting of threshold. This results in - reduced false alarms.
- -gt Successful correlation of these
alerts would then lead to - construction of an intrusion
scenario. - -gt When IDS has strong indications
of presence of intrusive activities - it can activate the sensors
that are spatially, temporally or logically - near the original sensor
emitting the danger signal (danger zone). - Propagation of these signals
would enable the system to immune - itself from attacks.
47 Concept of Danger Theory
- Every cell in our body has a defined life cycle
- -gt A
beginning. - -gt An
end. - Cells can die in two ways
- -gt
Necrosis (get killed accidentally by harmful -
pathogens). - -gt
Apoptosis or Programmed Cell Death ( process -
of deliberate life relinquishment of a cell). - In the case of Apoptosis, the cells that undergo
suicide, sends out signals to nearby scavenger
cells (Phagocytes), which helps prevent the dying
cell from releasing harmful toxins (intact cell
48 Apoptosis (Programmed Cell Death)
49 Concept of Danger Theory (Cont.)
- In the case of Necrosis, the cell death is not
organized. - The disorderly death does not send signals which
inform the nearby Phagocytes to engulf the
injured cells. - This makes it hard for the cleanup cells
(Phagocytes) to locate and digest the cells that
die due to Necrosis. - The injury received by the cells, compromises the
cell membrane which stores special digestive
enzymes. The release of this harmful toxin,
accelerates unorganized chemical reaction.
50 Necrosis
51 Concept of Danger Theory (Cont.)
- DT was built on the concept that proposed that
the intracellular contents that were released by
damaged cells were actually a form of danger
signal that alerted the nearby APCs and
activated them. - Only cells that die due to Necrosis would send
out alarm signals. Healthy cells and cells that
die due to Apoptosis or PCD should not. - Rather than responding to the foreignness in the
case of SNS, according to DT, the Immune System
responds to actual danger. - Danger Model was built on existing immune signal
model that utilizes the SNS discrimination.
52 Immune Signal Models
- Burnets One Signal Model
- Bretscher and Cohns Two Signal Model
- Lafferty and Cunninghams Model
- Janeways Model (Priming of Antigen Presenting
Cells) - Matzingers Danger Signal Model
53 Burnets One Signal Model
54 Bretscher Cohns Model
55 Lafferty and Cunninghams Model
56 Janeways Model
57 Matzingers Danger Signal Model
58 59 Application of DT to IDS
- DT based IDS would focus on accurate
classification, correlation and balancing of
alerts. - Alerts classified as
- -gt Apoptotic
(prerequisite for an attack). - -gt Necrotic
(consequence of a successful attack). - Relies on successful correlation of prerequisite
and consequence of individual attacks to develop
intrusion scenario. - In DT based alert correlation post-conditions of
certain attacks can be used as precondition for
other attacks (linking alerts). Hence, it is
sufficient to specify properties such as
prerequisites and consequences for individual
60 Application of DT to IDS (Cont. )
- This enables identify missing alerts.
- DT based IDS would minimize false alarms as it
can quantify the degree of alert detection by
appropriately tuning the intrusion signatures and
anomaly thresholds. - Striking a balance between Apoptotic and Necrotic
alerts would enable IDS to identify the most
suitable intrusion signature and anomaly
threshold setting. - Similar to memory cells in HIS, intrusion
signatures and thresholds are continuously
redefined as new attacks invade the system. This
significantly increases the accuracy rate of the
61 Application of DT to IDS (Cont. )
- When intrusion detection sensor identifies the
presence of unauthorized activity, it raises an
alert. - Danger alerts arising from one sensor can be
transmitted to nearby sensors informing them of
the intruder presence. - Alerts are propagated only if the probability of
an intrusion scenario is higher than the
threshold set. - Activation of nearby sensors establishes Danger
- Employs Intrusion Detection Squad
(attack-resistance mobile agents) - -gt Assistant
Patrol Agents. - -gt Incident
Pattern Presenters. - -gt Correlator.
- -gt Negotiator.
- -gt Coordinator.
- -gt Neutralizer.
- Works with
- -gt CIA Threshold Unit
(Confidentiality, Integrity - Availability).
- -gt Knowledge Database.
- -gt Anomaly Signature
Converter. - -gt Peer Information
Buffer. -
- Architecture
- -gt Peer-Peer.
- Works at four levels
- -gt Host level.
- -gt Application
level. - -gt Protocol
level. - -gt Network
level. - DT based Event-Incident Model for IDS is a Six
Phase Process. Each phase denotes distinct
sequence of events which leads to the progression
to the next phase.
- Recruitment (Phase One) Coordinator of the
Intrusion Detection Squad responsible for
recruitment of customized mobile agents. They
generate two classes of agents for each of the
four levels namely, Assistant Patrol Agents (APA)
and Incident Pattern Presenters (IPP). - Dispersal (Phase Two) Coordinator sends agents
to neighborhood patrol. When it receives the
monitoring results from the agents, it
communicates with Peer Information Buffer to
decide whether an action plan is required. - Alert Categorization and Intrusion Scenario
Strength Analysis (Phase Three) Correlator/
Negotiator unit is responsible for alert
categorization and intrusion scenario strength
analysis (adopts the immune signal model).
- Propagation (Phase Four) Coordinator activates
the Neutralizer unit and starts to propagate the
danger signal to all its neighbors upon
confirming the presence of intrusion. - Neutralization (Phase Five) Neutralizer unit
takes necessary steps (based on the type and
severity of the attack) to immunize itself from
the infected node. - Updating Knowledge Database (Phase Six) If the
signature of the undergoing attack is not already
saved, the coordinator feeds the detected anomaly
to Anomaly Signature Converter unit to generate a
signature. After this the knowledge database is
68Laws of DT based Event-Incident Model
- Law 1
- Coordinator becomes activated if
- -gt Receives signal
0. - -gt Receives signal
1. - -gt Receives both
signal 0 and signal 1. - Law 2
- Coordinator propagates Danger
Signal if and only if
- -gt
Receives confirmation signal 2 from -
Correlator/ Negotiator Unit (ELSE) - -gt
Ignore signal 0 and signal 1. - -gt
Become deactivated.
69Laws of DT based Event-Incident Model
- Law 3
- After Propagation of Danger Signal
- -gt Become
deactivated. -
70 Attack Resistance
-gt Randomized Agent Location -gt Digitally Signed
Code -gt Cooperating Agents -gt Maintain Backup
Copies -gt Proof Carrying Code -gt Maintain Path
Histories -gt Encrypted Communication
72 Topology
73 74 Conclusion
- Merits of the proposed DT based Event-Incident
Model - -gt
Recognition. - -gt
Learning Memory. - -gt
Diversity. - -gt
Scalable. - -gt No
single point of failure. - -gt
Danger Zone establishment (alert communication). - -gt
False alarm reduction by alert correlation. -
-gtAttack Resistance. -
75 Conclusion
Analogy between HIS Event-Incident Model
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