Title: Benefits 101: Choosing the right plan for you
1Benefits 101Choosing the right plan for you
Federal Employee Plans
Disclaimer - This presentation is brought to you
by Aetna Life Insurance Company and/or its
affiliates to educate you on the Aetna plan
options available to you through the Federal
Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) or
Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance
Program (FEDVIP). The Aetna HealthFund
(HDHP/CDHP), the Aetna Open Access HMO Plan, the
Aetna Dental PPO Plan are not endorsed by the
U.S. government and/or its federal agencies.
2Federal Employee Plans
FEHBP Features
- Choice of Plans and Coverage
- No waiting period
- No pre-existing condition limitations
- Salary deduction
- Government contributes 72
- Annual enrollment opportunity
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3Federal Employee Plans
Common Healthcare Terms
- Provider/PCP
- Referral
- In-Network vs. Out-of-Network
- Co-pay
- Coinsurance
- Deductible
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4Federal Employee Plans
Making Sense of the Acronyms!
- Plans and Coverage
- HDHP with an HSA
- And theres more
- High, Basic, Standard
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5Federal Employee Plans
Making Sense of the Acronyms!
- Plans and Coverage
- PPO (Preferred Provider Organization)
- FFS (Fee For Service)
- HDHP with an HSA (High Deductible Health Plan
with a Health Savings Account) - CDHP w/ HRA (Consumer Driven Health Plan with
Health Reimbursement Arrangement/Account) - HMO (Health Maintenance Organization)
- And theres more
- High, Basic, Standard (Same Insurance Company
might offer different plan options with different
costs) - FSA (Flexible Spending Account)
- FEDVIP (Federal Employee Dental Vision Insurance
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6Federal Employee Plans
Comparing the types of plans PPO vs. HMO
- Must live or work in the geographic area to
enroll - You must use network providers, except in
emergencies - Most have no deductibles or coinsurance, just pay
- Nationwide network of preferred providers
- Allows you to choose providers in and
out-of-network - No referrals
- Deductible Coinsurance
? Aetna, Inc. for presentation purposes only
7What do you get for your healthplan dollars?
Federal Employee Plans
- Plans with no referrals
- Plans with no deductibles
- Tax Savings
- National networks
- Out of Pocket Maximums
- Dental benefits included
- Vision benefits included
- Discounts on
- Weight loss programs
- Massage, Chiropractic and Acupuncture
- Gym Memberships
- Referrals required for California HMO.
? Aetna, Inc. for presentation purposes only
8Federal Employee Plans
Compare. Theres more to it than just the premium
these days
Self Example Only Common PPO Plans PPO Network Plans (CDHP) Your Plan
Employee Premium Contribution(Bi-weekly premium x 26) 1,825 1,052
Carrier deposit to your fund (amount if any) 0 1,250
Deductible HospitalCo-payment 300 Annual 200/Admission 750
In-Network Coinsurance Level 90 90
Catastrophic OOP Maximum (In Network) 5,000 3,000
Are there tax saving? Can you carry over unused
funds? Is preventive care free?
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9Federal Employee Plans
Example of CDHP Plan with PPO Network
1) Medical Dental Funds Medical Single-
1,250 / Family-2,500 Dental Single- 300 /
100 Preventive Care In-Network
2) Deductible Medical Single- 750 /
- 3) Coinsurance
- Plan pays for covered services
- In-network 90
- Out-of-network 60
- Rx 10/25/40 (your copay)
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10Federal Employee Plans
Example of HDHP Plan with PPO Network
Monthly Deposits Single- 62.50/monthFamily-
Member Contributions(optional) Single- up to
2,250/year Family- up to 4,450/year
100 Preventive Care In-Network
2) Deductible In-network Single- 1,500 /
Family-3,000 Out-of-Network Single- 2,500 /
Family- 5,000
- 3) Coinsurance
- In-network 90/ 10
- Out-of-network 70/ 30
- Rx 10/25/40
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11Federal Employee Plans
FFS PPO Network Plans
In-network Benefits Using participating
facilities and Providers -ARicher benefit
level -Mostly co-insurance -Negotiated Fees/Rates
Out-of-Network Benefits Non-Participating
Providers -more cost sharing
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12Federal Employee Plans
HMO Network Plans
In-network Benefits Must use participating
facilities and Providers -Mostly
co-payments -Possible Referrals -MUCH less
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13Federal Employee Plans
What about Perks?
- Eyewear Vision services
- Weight loss programs
- Fitness programs
- Chiropractic Acupuncture services
- Massage Therapy
- Vitamins
- Mail Order Rx
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14Federal Employee Plans
Do you need a separateDental or Vision plan?
- What dental and vision benefits are in your
Medical Plan - Screenings?
- Cleanings?
- Fillings?
- Reimbursement for eyewear?
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15Federal Employee Plans
How can you choose the right plan?
- Compare Plans and Plan features, like
- Premiums, Coinsurance, Copays and Network
- Tax Savings, Rollover feature
- Prescription drug coverage Generic drugs and
Mail Order benefit - Understand Vision and Dental benefits included
with Medical Plans - Discounts Access to discounts that could save
money on services and items you use already!
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16Federal Employee Plans
Now what?
- Research now before Open Season
- www.OPM.gov/Insure
- www.benefeds.com
- Do the math now Budget your expected medical
expenses - Do you now how to enroll?
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17Federal Employee Plans
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