Title: ePrescribing Task Force Report
1e-Prescribing Task Force Report
- Medical Subcommittee
- Jerry Miller, M.D. Dick Gourley, Pharm.D.,
2Risks to Current Prescribing Business Model
- Change
- Antiquated but working (not an optimum level)
- Poor mode of tracking real data
- Patient safety issues
- Too much time required of providers as well as
pharmacists with current - Inefficiencies in current system
3Risks to Current Prescribing Business Model
- Part of an unsustainable health system
- Potential effects on the independent health care
practitioner in terms of cost of hardware,
software, staff training - Current model does not address cost of drug
related problems - Current system does not have the ability to share
information with other health care providers in a
timely manner does not respond to IOM
4Benefits of Current Business Model
- History, been around a long time
- Patient trust and comfort with current system
most of the time? - Seems affordable but hidden costs of an
inefficient system as well as medication errors
are not included in most cost calculations - Providers do not like change!
5Barriers to Implementation of e-Prescribing
- Lack of access to and knowledge of successful
models in e-prescribing by providers - Legal complexities (HIPPA)
- Lack of financial models (ROI)
- Who will pay for hardware, software, training of
staff as well as providers - Connectivity problems
- Specialty practice issues, e.g. dermatology use
of compounded Rx
6Barriers to Implementation of e-Prescribing
- Potential conflict between providers over cost
equity of e-prescribing among professions - Corporate health care may have a significant
advantage over independent practitioners - Potential lack of continued freedom of choice by
7Barriers to Implementation of e-Prescribing
- Standards for sending/receiving electronic data
must be made know to all involved - Will providers have to input their own data or
can they give a verbal order to a staff person
who then inputs the data? - Inconsistent use of e-prescribing by M.D. e.g.
sends electronically but gives patient a written
8Survey Results
- Survey results are based on a scale of 1-5 with
five (5) being the best score - Survey document was limited to committee members
9Top Reasons to Implement e-Prescribing
- Patient safety
- Efficiency
- Cost savings
- Ability to detect prescribing patterns and
patient activity - Data Management (record keeping)
10Top 5 Obstacles to Implementation
- Cost
- Lack of standardization
- Lack of M.D. staff knowledge of e-prescribing
- Technology not fully integrated between
physicians offices, pharmacies, PBMs, and Payers - Time constraints possibility of lower
productivity during implementation
11Answers to Questions
- Familiarity with e-prescribing 3.5
- Importance of e-prescribing 3.83
- Importance in 5 years 5
- Will M.D. support e-pres. 3.83
- Will R.Ph. Support e-pres. 4.16
- Will health plans support 3.83
- Will Pharma support 3.5
- Will patients support 3.66
- Will hospitals support 3.83
- How good is technology 3
12Preliminary Recommendations
- State-wide survey of all providers and
pharmacists - Limit decision making to key participants
providers pharmacists - Educate all health care providers, pharmacists,
public policy makers, patients on e-prescribing - Provide best practice models
13Preliminary Recommendations
- Identify locations (rural, urban, etc.) for
demonstration projects on e-prescribing - Define a financial model that does not penalize
any health care practitioner - Empower working groups of TMA and TPA
- Engage the Colleges of Medicine and Pharmacy in
the state to educate current students on
e-prescribing to make clinical education on
e-prescribing universal across the state
14Preliminary Recommendations
- Make sure that the educational institutions have
implemented e-prescribing in their practice
programs - Convert state health departments to e-prescribing
demonstration sites - Identify grants that are available for practices
that want to implement e-prescribing - Establish visible projects in all three
geographical areas of Tennessee with
implementation ASAP
15Next Step
- Further educate committee /or task force
- Define what each subcommittee can to with more
focused objectives - Draw consensus now move forward with
recommendations aggregate answers to ? From each
16Questions ?