Title: HIS in AsiaPacific 2004
1Health Information Systems in the Pacific Island
Countries (PICs) Issues, Challenges and
2Presentation at the WHO SEARO/ WPRO Consultation
on Strengthening Health Information System in
Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, 13-15 December 2004
- Presented by Dr Salanieta T Saketa, Fiji
- 13th December 2004.
3Issues in the Pacific for HIS
- Diverse in terms of level of HIS development,
population size and infrastructure development - Lack of skilled workforce in HIS
- Similarities in health systems
- Oceans of data and drops of information
- Data quality and integrity
- Strategic planning for HIS
- Use of HI as a management tool to improve health
care delivery
- Vast ocean with many islands
- Volcanic to coral atolls
- Population range from 5million to
- less than 20,000
- Varied government commitment
- to HIS development
- IT infrastructure development is
- varied
- Differing HIS systems in place
5Workforce for HIS
- Staff strength and skills lacking
- No clear career structure
- Lack of leadership
- Lack of commitment
- High turnover with loss of corporate memory
6Health systems
- System similarities related to colonisation
linkages (British, US, French, NZ) - Strength in networking and support possibilities
- Common training institutions
- Healthy competitiveness in health care system
7Use of health information
- Mismatch between supply and demand
- Overwhelming data collection with limited
analysis and feedback - Capacity for analysis often lacking
- Culture of information use maybe lacking
- Resources limited to enable free flow of
8Data quality and integrity
- Checking systems ill-defined
- Capacity to validate information maybe lacking
- Lack of clear procedures and guidelines
- Coordination and consolidation of various data
sources - Centralised systems with limited delegation of
responsibilities and authority
9Strategic Planning for HIS
- Few countries have a Strategic Plan for HIS in
place - Leading to lack of monitoring and evaluation of
the system - Poor prioritisation of resources
- Success of organisational performance dependent
on use of information for planning
10Evidence-based decision making
- Nurturing of culture of information use
- Demand for information by management at every
level - Timeliness of available high quality information
- Information use in management and in clinical
- Leadership
- Political/Financial commitment
- Identification of roles and responsibilities
- Manpower (brain drain)
- Level of management awareness of health
information - Geography
- Support system
- Telecommunication infrastructure
- Health reform
- Improvement and decentralisation of HIS
- Regional network
- Collaboration and support
- Monitoring and Evaluation of
- Performance in MDGs
- Open Learning Centres
13Fiji Health Information System
14Issues in Fiji Health Information System
- Complex with extensive data collection processes
- Minimal information feedback
- Public health information well documented
- Varied and poor medical record filing procedures
- Centralised system
- Capacity and skills of staff
15Fiji Health Management Reform Patient
Information System (PATIS)
16Objectives of PATIS
- Improve patient services and outcomes
- Assist health service administration
- Collect information for timely public health
surveillance and health programme monitoring
- Software developed on Access database
- Registers all persons who have been serviced at
hospital, health centre and nursing stations - Person registered within their locality
- Local area networks linking into wide area
18Coverage of PATIS
- Piloted in 2001 in Northern division
- All 3 major hospitals with 2 subdivisional
hospitals on line - Rollout limited by funds and staffing capacity
- Rollout also dependent on infrastructure
- HIS in Pacific Island Countries
- Issues
- Challenges
- Opportunities
- Issues in Fiji HIS
20- Thank You
- Vinaka vakalevu
- Websites
- www.spc.int/phs
- WHO website
- Documents
- Discussion Paper A Pacific Health information
Network in the Context of Health Reform- AusAID - Evaluation of the Fiji Health Information System-
AusHealth International - Samoa Health Information System Project
Review-AusAID - Fiji Patient Information System (PATIS)-
AusHealth Insternational - Fiji Management Information Plan- AusAID
- Evaluation of PATIS pilot- Dr S Saketa
- Evaluation of Fiji HIS- Dr Y C Chong, WHO