Title: Challenges in an Emission and Energy Constrained World
1Challenges in an Emission and Energy Constrained
- Tom Cackette
- California Air Resources Board
- ASE Congressional Fact Finding Trip
- December 1, 2004
- 4 challenges facing CA
- Smog (summer ozone)
- Particulate matter (PM2.5)
- Climate change
- Petroleum dependence
3Impacts of Air Pollution(per year in CA)
4High Cost of Air Pollution (per year in CA)
5Summertime Smog
6Lifetime Car Emissions Dramatically Declining
7Reducing Ozone Pollution Remaining Challenges
- Reduce emissions from many smaller sources
- Consumer products, forklifts, lawn mowers
- Clean up older vehicles
- Better smog inspections, scrap, retrofit
- Goal of eliminating ozone as a health problem
will be achieved
8Particulate Pollution
9Particulate Air Pollution
- PM2.5 pollution is pervasive
- 63 of national exposure in CA
- Worst day 3 times safe levels (LA)
- Diesel impacts significant
- 1/2 of premature deaths
10Diesel Emissions Being Reduced
- New engine NOx and PM reduced1
- 98 by 2010 models
- 97 by 2013 models
1 Compared to uncontrolled
11Reducing PM PollutionRemaining Challenges
- Reduce emissions for other mobile sources
- Locomotives, ships, jet aircraft
- Strong Federal role needed
- Clean up existing diesel engines
- Retrofit/re-engine gt1 million engines
- State funds 140 million/year
- Federal needed for federal sources
12Climate Change
13Climate Change Projectionsfor California -- Next
100 Years
- Business as usual scenario
- Average temperature increase 7 to 10 oF
- Sea level rise 11 to 16 inches
- Sierra snow pack reduced 73 to 89 percent
- Winter/spring flooding
- Shortage of irrigation water in summer
- California joins the world community in
addressing this challenge
14State Law Requires Vehicle GHG Reduction
- Regulation adopted Sept. 2004
- Maximum feasible reduction
- Cost beneficial to consumer
- New 2009 passenger vehicles
- Separate standards for cars and trucks
- Near and mid-term standards
- Phased-in over 8 years
15Adopted Regulation Reduces GHG Emissions
16Average Price Increase of New, Low GHG Vehicles
17Net Savings for Vehicle Purchaser
18Reducing Petroleum Dependency
19Reducing Petroleum Dependency - 2003 Study
- ARB/CEC 2003 Report to the Governor and
Legislature - Recommendations
- Adopt goal Reduce on-road petroleum use to 15
below 2003 levels by 2020 - Adopt goal Increase use of non-petroleum fuels
to 20 of consumption by 2020
203 Actions That Could Reduce Petroleum Use
- Double new passenger vehicle fuel economy
(federal government) - Replace 1/3 of diesel fuel with natural
gas-derived Fischer-Tropsch diesel - Introduce hydrogen fuel cell vehicles - next
decade - Hydrogen offers long term solution
21CA Goal for ReducingPetroleum Dependency