Title: W.Y.P 2005 in Estonia
1W.Y.P 2005 in Estonia
Kaido Reivelt
- The European preparatory meeting for the W.Y.P.
Population 1.4 millions Estonian Physical Societ
y currently unites 207 members
3Physics in Estonia
Founded in 1632, theUniversity of Tartuis
among the oldest universities established in
Northern and Eastern Europe.
4The objectives of the W.Y.P. 2005
To increase the public awareness of physics and
higlight its role in society...
5What is the problem
People are afraid of physics (this is the
tough thing I had to learn in the high-school)
Physicists are freaks (the ones that do something
with the tough thing I had to learn in the
Its not fully respectful to be a physicist
What we need is a positive public image
6About the positive public image
The textbook stuff
Cool things
Just normal people
71. The international events
Below or over the critical mass
82. Regular events
- The annual meeting of Estonian Physical Society
- Summer and Autumn schools of the young
- The Family Day of Physics in faculty of Tartu
93. Physics in national television (ETV)
- The interviews in the Morning TV, twaice in
week, one demonstration (fascinating experiment)
each time with the story behind it.
- During the science week, in November, the ETV
will show a series of documentaries, produced by
some foreign company (Discovery) as the part of
EPS the documentaries will be introduced by our
- We want to produce a series of video clips or
short animations to show in ETV in prime times.
104. Launch of the special web portal
- The portal provides the young people with a
comprehensive overview of physics and sciences in
Estonia with relevant links to international
level so that the possibilities of careers in
science, physics related industry, research and
development would become apparent for them. - The portal is highly dynamic in the sense that
every member of the community can easily (from
the techical point of view) contribute to the
content of the portal - Physics demos, interesting physics etc.
- Probably we will apply for the Pirelli award
115. A physics exhibition
Estonian Science Center AHHAA
126. The scientific lectures
We will run a non-stop multimedia scientific
lectures in a big screen in the main square of
our cities during the science week in November.
The sound will be focused to some spots so that
people can really listen the lectures.
We are at the beginning of a long way