Title: The OGC and OpenGIS Development
1The OGC and OpenGIS Development
2What is OpenGIS?
- OpenGIS is defined as transparent access to mixed
geodata and geoprocessing resources in a
networked environment.
3The Importance of OpenGIS for the development of
- Interoperability established by OpenGIS standards
will enable web users to combine data from many
locations by eliminating obstacles created by
platform differences.
4Sample application
- A student who is interested in the proximity of
new public schools to closed landfills can easily
create a map on his browser by connecting to just
the data he needs. The student does not know that
the data is coming from two different state
agencies (TNRCC and TEA), or that the data is
kept in two different GIS platform types. With
the creation of true OpenGIS interfaces the
student can create a map that was never even
imagined by the suppliers of the data.
5The OpenGIS Consortium
The OGC was created in order to develop the means
by which the next level of GIS interoperability
can be realized. The OGC is made up of developers
and users of geographic information resources
including vendors, system integrators, academia,
government agencies, and standards organizations.
6Goal of the OGC
- The goal of the OpenGIS Project is to provide a
comprehensive suite of shared interface
specifications. These specifications will enable
developers to write the software components that
will provide true interoperability.
7Completed Implementation Specifications
- The OpenGIS Simple Features Specification
currently open to public at http//www.opengis.org
- The OpenGIS Grid Coverage Specification
(Available to the public late 2000)
- The OpenGIS Catalog Services Specification
(Available to the public late 2000)
8Future OGC Specifications
- Feature Identity Relationships
- Geometry
- Ordinary Coverages
- Presentation- The OpenGIS Mapping
Specifications GetMap, GetCapabilities, and
- In the normal Technical Committee process, these
are created first as abstract specifications
and than as an implementation specifications.
9OGCs recent breakthrough Web Mapping Testbed 1
- The WMT demonstrated two uses of Web mapping
- Thin Client- A user easily and rapidly
searched, retrieved, compiled geospatial
information from multiple locations on the WWW
with only a web browser.
- GIS Client- A disaster management agency used
the interoperable web-based geodata to feed
pre-made functions on a agency GIS which created
data that would otherwise take to long acquire
and process.
10Future DIR Research Topics
- Open Source GIS platforms (GRASS, EPPL7)
- Freely distributed Web mapping software
(UMN Mapserver, Jshape)
- Emerging and existing Metadata Standards