The Hebrews - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Hebrews


Hebrews, or Jews, are members of the Jewish people, an originating in the ... Yiddish ... Jews, based primarily on German with words taken from Hebrew and many other ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Hebrews

The Hebrews
  • History of the Jewish People

Who are the Hebrews?
  • Hebrews, or Jews, are members of the Jewish
    people, an originating in the
    Israelites of the ancient Middle East. The
    ethnicity is strongly related to the __________
    of Judaism, and converts to Judaism are
    ____________ among the Jewish people

The Biblical account
  • The earliest stories of the origins of the Jews
    come from what they call the __________ for
    Christians it is the first five books of the
  • Genesis
  • Exodus
  • Leviticus
  • Numbers
  • Deuteronomy
  • These books are like long chapters in the story
    of the development of the Jewish people

The Beginning
  • The story begins in Genesis (which fittingly
    means the beginning or origin)
  • Adam and Eve
  • The first Man and Woman are Adam and Eve.
    According to Jewish tradition, all peoples can
    trace their heritage to these two.
  • Adam and Eve break Gods law and are punished by
    __________ from Him.

  • Additional time passes
  • Yahweh seeks to reconnect with man again and
    establishes a relationship with a man named Abram
    and his wife Sarai.
  • As an act of obedience to Yahweh, Abram and Sarai
    leave their home and travel to the land of
    __________ - the area of what is now the nation
    of Israel.
  • Yahweh gives Abram and Sarai new names as a sign
    of this relationship. He also promises that
    __________ will be the father of a great nation
    even though he and Sarah are childless.

The Children of Abraham
  • Sarah did not believe she could have children so
    she had Hagar (her handmaiden) have a child with
  • From this union, __________ was born
  • In Jewish and Islamic traditions, Ishmael is the
    ancestor of the Arab people.
  • Later, Sarah miraculously gives birth to
    Abrahams son, __________ .
  • Isaac marries Rebekah and they have a set of

  • The twins are named Esau and __________ . (For
    our purposes, Jacob is the more important child)
  • Later Jacob enters into a relationship with
    Yahweh and is given a new name.
  • Israel has __________ sons who become the heads
    of the twelve tribes of the nation, Israel.
  • Note that Jacobs new name is also the name of
    the people group they are called the __________
    and they are the ancestors to the modern day
    Jewish people.

  • Because of __________ , Israel/Jacob and his
    family move to Egypt (this is the story of Joseph
    and his coat of many colors now a modern
  • It is in __________ that the nation of Israel
    grows and multiplies.
  • Some time passes and the Pharaoh begins to
    __________ the Israelites.

  • Yahweh sees the suffering of Abrahams
    descendents and raises up a leader Moses.
  • Through various miracles, Pharaoh decides to let
    the Israelites go the Parting of the __________
  • This story is taken up in the next book, Exodus

The Rest of the Story
  • Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers Deuteronomy

The Promised Land
  • Yahweh calls the Israelites HIS people they
    consider themselves the __________ of God.
  • Yahweh promises them a land filled with milk and
    honey the land of __________ .
  • They conquer the land under the leader named
    Yehoshua or __________ (does this sound similar
    to the name Jesus? Yehoshua means Yahweh is

Characteristics of the Religion
  • People that are set apart different from all
    other people groups and therefore must live
    according to Yahwehs laws.
  • 10 __________
  • Also rules regulations concerning clothing,
    food, special __________ days, and many other
    aspects of every day life.
  • The concept of __________ and unclean
  • Monotheistic contrary to the __________
    religion of many of their neighbors.
  • Religious life centered around the __________

Tribal Governments to Kingdom
  • The Promised Land was divided into areas for the
    tribes to live in. They had __________ that would
    lead them into battle when threatened, and decide
    between disputes.
  • The Israelites asked Yahweh for a king they got
    __________ and then later David and Davids son,

End of the Israel Kingdom
  • After several generations, the kingdom split into
    two nations __________ and Israel.
  • Then they were both defeated in battle because of
    the sinful ways of the kings and the people.
    Yahweh used other nations to correct his
  • They were conquered but allowed to come back and
    re-established their communities centered around
    the __________ Temple.

After Biblical Records
  • Roman period to today

Dispersion of the Jews
  • Several hundred years later
  • Under the Roman Empire, the Israelites often now
    called the __________ or Jews were dispersed
    throughout Roman lands, especially in modern day
  • However there was always a remnant of the people
    in the Promised Land.
  • The majority of the Jewish people were homeless
    minorities throughout several nations.
  • Their religion became centered around synagogues
    and a __________ which means teacher

Medieval and Enlightenment Persecutions 1066-1782
  • Many nations in __________ Europe persecuted them
    and for many Jews the only occupation left to
    them was __________ .
  • Later, countries like England and France expelled
  • This led to a great number moving to Poland and
    to Russia
  • In the late 1800s, pogroms - which are organized,
    often officially encouraged massacre or
    persecution of a minority group - pushed many in
    Russia and Poland to immigrate to America or join
    the Zion movement in Palestine

  • In the late 1800s rising Anti-Semitism sparked
    the __________ movement for the Jewish people to
    find a home for their people again.
  • In 1948, __________ controlled Palestine (once
    called the Land of __________) became the new
    Nation of Israel.
  • According to Jewish tradition, this is a
    fulfillment of Yahwehs promise that their people
    would be gathered from the four corners of the
    earth back to Jerusalem or Zion.
  • In a secular understanding the Jewish people
    determined that they would _____________ have to
    be a minority in someone elses nation.

Jewish Culture
Religious Writings
  • Torah
  • 24 books broken up into three sections
  • The Hebrew Bible
  • Talmud
  • collection of teachings from early rabbis
  • Rabbi
  • religious teacher, leader of a synagogue
  • Cabala
  • mystical commentary on the Torah
  • Hasidic Jews

  • Rosh Hashanah New Year
  • Holy Day
  • begin introspection, looking back at the mistakes
    of the past year and planning the changes to make
    in the new year
  • Yom Kippur
  • Day of Atonement. A day set aside for fasting,
    depriving oneself of pleasures, and repenting
    from the sins of the previous year.

  • Passover
  • Holiday commemorating the Exodus from Egypt. The
    holiday also marks the beginning of the harvest
  • Chanukkah - Hanukkah
  • the Jewish festival of rededication, also known
    as the festival of lights, is an eight day
  • Driedel game

  • Chanukkah Hanukkah - continued
  • According to tradition as recorded in the Talmud,
    at the time of the rededication, there was very
    little oil left that had not been defiled by the
  • Oil was needed for the menorah (candelabrum) in
    the Temple, which was supposed to burn throughout
    the night every night.
  • There was only enough oil to burn for one day,
    yet miraculously, it burned for eight days, the
    time needed to prepare a fresh supply of oil for
    the menorah.

Other Info
  • Yiddish
  • The "international language" of European Jews,
    based primarily on German with words taken from
    Hebrew and many other languages, and written in
    the Hebrew Alphabet
  • Kaddish
  • Kaddish is commonly known as a mourner's prayer,
  • but the prayer itself has nothing to do with
    death or mourning.
  • The prayer begins "May His great Name grow
    exalted and sanctified in the world that He
    created as He willed.
  • Why then is it said in the mourning period?

Who is a Jew?
  • A Jew is any person whose mother was a Jew or any
    person who has gone through the formal process of
    conversion to Judaism.
  • The liberal movements, on the other hand,
    consider a person to be Jewish if either of his
    parents was Jewish and the child was raised
  • Non-Jews are called Gentiles

Who is a Jew?
  • It is important to note that being a Jew has
    nothing to do with what you believe or what you
  • A person born to non-Jewish parents who has not
    undergone the formal process of conversion but
    who believes everything that Orthodox Jews
    believe and observes every law and custom of
    Judaism is still a non-Jew

Who is a Jew?
  • In this sense, Judaism is more like a nationality
    than like other religions, and being Jewish is
    like a citizenship.
  • Once a person has converted to Judaism, he is not
    referred to by any special term he is as much a
    Jew as anyone born Jewish.

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