Title: Oikocredit and Social Ratings
1Oikocredit and Social Ratings
2Oikocredit in the world
- Working in 65 countries around the world.
- 10 Regional Offices
- Total Portfolio amount USD 395 M
- Number of clients 695 (437 active in
- Loan Average USD 800 thousand
3Regional OfficeSouth America - Northern Region
- Operations in 3 countries
- Total Portfolio amount USD 42 M
- Number of clients 50
- Loan Average USD 721 mil
- Growth in 2007 46
4Oikocredit and SPM
- Two projects in SPM plan
- Social Rating
- Implementation of PPI
- Technical Assistance for SPM improvement at MFIs
- Use of SP information in Oikocredit systems
5Collaborations Oikocredit in social ratings
- Microfinanza Rating Peru,Ecuador
- Planet Rating - Colombia
- CERISE - Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina
6Collaboration Oikocredit-Microfinanza Rating
- Perform a Social Rating, as a SPM diagnosis of 5
of Oikocredit clients in Ecuador and Peru
- Identify strengths and weaknesses on MFI systems,
related to mission accomplishment.
- Get objective judgment on MFIs which can be
compared with other MFIs
- Establish a SPM improvement plan with MFIs
7Why an external social rating?
- Valid methodology specialized in ratings in
depth verified information
- Independent objective information
- Standard methodology - Comparison with best
practices social indicators quantitative and
qualitative information
- Importance for social evaluation as it is given
to financial evaluation
8The rated MFIs so far
1Banco Solidario database, April 2008
2 Edpyme Proempresa database,
3 Fundación Espoir database April 2008
9How does Oikocredit use this information?
- For external purposes
- To better inform our stakeholders and investors
on our clients emphasis on the double and triple
bottom lines.
- For internal purposes
- To understand better the MFIs emphasis on the
double and triple bottom line
- Use it in due diligence - discount on loan prices
for those MFIs that rate high in social
- Technical Assistance on SPM improvement for those
MFIs that go through the rating process
- To promote the use of the PPI as a poverty
measurement tool.
10Problems encountered during the Rating Process -
Main Disadvantages
- High costs
- Time spent on visits and report
- Operative issues coordination of survey,
- Getting information of social indicators
11Next steps on the project
- Two or three more ratings are slated to take
place during the coming months. Some of the
interested MFIs are Edpymes Edyficar (Peru) and
Huellas Grameen (Ecuador). - In the meantime, discussions will be held with
the 3 MFIs that have been rated to develop their
SPM plans.
12 thanks!!