Title: Multimedia and Interactive Virtual Environments
1Multimedia and Interactive Virtual Environments
- Conventional media audio, video, text, image,
- Emerging types of media provide greater
interaction. - Wearable/enhanced interfaces
- Head-Mounted Displays
- 3D Goggles
- Gloves
- Haptics (e-touch)
- Others
- The high-level of immersion and interaction with
these new devices and media can lead to
unprecedented rich learning experience.
3Virtual Environments
- Sometimes called Virtual Reality, is an
artificial environment created with computer
hardware and software and presented to the user
in such a way that it appears and feels like a
real environment. - A user uses special gloves, earphones, and
goggles, all of which receive their input from
the computer system. - To date, virtual reality systems require
extremely expensive hardware and software and are
confined mostly to research labs.
4Virtual Reality vs. Real Virtuality
5Bring the Touch - HAPTICS
- Science of applying force feedback and tactile
sensation to human interface with computers.
BMWs iDrive
CyberForce Tactile Feedback System
VirtualHand for MotionBuilder
CyberGrasp Exoskeleton
6Ambient Intelligence Tele-Surveillance
Multimedia Web Services (sensory data
enterprise/Gov. knowledgeare stored on
distributed DB2 databases
Env. SensoryDB
Enterprise 1DB
Gov. NDB
SOA-based Distributed Environment
Multimodal User Interface
User Query Interface
7Azzedine Boukerche
- Research Interests
- Sensor Networks
- Wireless Multimedia
- QoS in Heterogeneous Wired and Wireless Networks
- Large-Scale Distributed Interactive Simulation
- DoD High Level Architecture (HLA/RTI)
- Parallel and Distributed Simulation
- Distributed and Collaborative Virtual
ProfessorCanada Research Chair
8Eric Dubois
- Research Interests
- Digital Signal Processing
- Â
- Data CompressionÂ
- Image Processing and CommunicationÂ
Professor and Director
9Abdulmotaleb El Saddik
- Research Interests
- Haptic Audio Visual Environments (HAVE)
- Multimedia Communications
- Multimedia Tele-surveillance
- Knowledge Management
- Interactive Media and Games
- Collaborative Ambient Intelligence Systems and
Applications (CAMISA)
Associate ProfessorDr.-Ing., P.Eng., SMIEEE
University Research Chair
10Nicolas D. Georganas
- Research Interests
- Ambient Multimedia Intelligence Systems (AMIS)
- Multimedia Communications
- Collaborative Virtual Environments
- Tele-Haptics
- Web Telecollaboration Applications
- Intelligent Internet Sensors and Appliances
Associate Vice-President, Research
(External) Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D., P.Eng., Dr.-Ing.
(h.c.), OC, OOnt, FIEEE, FRSC, FCAE, FEIC,
Distinguished University Professor
11Robert Laganière
- Research Interests
- Image and Video processing
- Computer Vision
- Visual Surveillance
- Image-based Modeling
- View matching and 3D reconstruction
Ph.D., P.Eng. (OIQ) Associate Professor
12Jochen Lang
- Research Interests
- Computer graphics
- Image-based modelling
- Physics-based modelling Deformable modelling
- Computer vision
- 3D sensing and modelling
- Interactive acquisition
- Navigation systems
- Virtual environments
- Haptics
Ph.D. Assistant Professor
13WonSook Lee
- Research Interests
- Computer Graphics Animation
- Human modeling animation
- Face Recognition
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Virtual Reality in Health Care
- Medical application
- Music Analysis
- Computer
- Computer Vision
- Computer Game
- Graphics related eCommerce
Assistant Professor
14Emil Petriu
- Research Interests
- Intelligent Sensors
- Robot Sensing and Perception
- Interactive Virtual EnvironmentsÂ
- Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
- Digital Integrated Circuit TestingÂ
Dr. Eng., P. Eng., F'IEEE, F'CAE, F'EIC
Professor University Research Chair
15Shervin Shirmohammadi
- Research Interests
- Massively Multiuser Online Gaming and Simulations
- Tele-Haptics and Telecollaboration systems
- Multimedia Adaptation and P2P Communication
Assistant ProfessorPh.D., P.Eng., SMIEEE
16Jiying Zhao
- Research Interests
- Image and video processing
- Multimedia communications
Associate ProfessorPh.D., P.Eng.
go raibh maith agaibh