REPUBLIC%20OF%20BIAFRA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Nigeria, Ghana, India, South Africa, East Timor etc gained their independence. ... East: By the Obudu plateau and the Highlands of Oban and Ikom. South: By ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • November 2001

The logic for Biafra has returned despite
Nigerias so-called No Victor, No Vanquished
post-war rhetoric
  • Emergence of Islamic States in Northern Nigeria
    since 1999 clearly demonstrates inability of
    Federal Government to enforce 1999 Constitution
    and protect citizens
  • Though supposedly applicable to only Muslims,
    non-Muslims being forced to obey Islamic law
    direct assault on secularity of Nigerian
  • Hisbah (religious police) now arrest and harass
    Igbo traders for non-compliance with Islamic law
  • In Fall 2001, Deputy-Governor of Kano State,
    personally led Hisbah in attacking a hotel
  • Hotels, bars and general Igbo businesses now
    operate in fear of attacks from Hisbah
  • State Sanctioned Financial Asset Seizure (20
    Pounds Policy)
  • State Sanctioned Property Confiscation
    (Abandoned Property)
  • Employment Discrimination in Northern Nigeria
  • The Igbo increasingly feel unwelcome in Nigeria
  • Nigerian authorities have become cynical about
    Igbo plight no compelling evidence that
    authorities will protect Igbos or work to defend
    them against encroachment of radical Islamism
  • Biafra-bashing now in vogue again Gen. Obasanjo
    showed off his war wounds on the 1999 campaign
    trail periodically makes hostile references to
  • Igbo civil and human rights stripped away by
    Islamic law
  • The Igbo and other Eastern Nigerian nationality
    groups periodically attacked
  • Federal, State and Local authorities usually
    respond slowly
  • Since May 1998, pogroms now wearing explicit
    religious face

From Zamfaras January 2000 introduction of
Sharia Law, Islamic states have mushroomed in
northern Nigeria. Gombe in late 2001 implemented
Sharia Law
Source http//
The Nigerian Federal Government has demonstrated
systematic disregard for the right to life of
ordinary Biafrans, even as sectarian violence and
hate campaigns increase in frequency
  • In October 2001, religious riots in Kano, a major
    northern Nigerian city claimed the lives of over
    200 Biafrans and southern Nigerians. Questioned
    about the riots, Nigerian ruler, President
    Olusegun Obasanjo responded thus
  • "I don't worry. . . We knew there would be people
    who would want to express (themselves)."
  • General Olusegun Obasanjo, President and
    Commander-in-Chief, Armed Forces of the Federal
    Republic of Nigeria (1999 Present)
  • In contrast, a resident of Kaduna, one of the
    cities in which hundreds died in Sharia-related
    riots in 2000, reflected thus
  • "We now live in perpetual fear because of the
    incidents of terror unleashed by rampaging youths
    in their battle to ensure Islamic sharia law is
    in operation in the city. I don't stay out
    beyond six in the evening.
  • Kate Obosa, Kaduna resident

Source Nigerian president says unconcerned by
violence, (October 15, 2001) Reuters BBC Online
The strategic nexus of high level corruption, a
militarized democracy and state complicity in
civilian massacres has convinced Biafran
activists the Nigerian state is incapable of
protecting their civil rights
  • High Level Corruption
  • In 2001, Nigeria was ranked among the worlds
    most corrupt countries by Transparency
    International, a Berlin-based NGO
  • Corruption related to the upcoming 2003 general
    elections intensifying. According to NGO groups,
    contractors are being asked to set aside 20 of
    the value of a Federal contract to pay for the
    President and his ruling Peoples Democratic Party
    (PDP) re-election
  • Militarization of Law Enforcement
  • Since the beginning of the Obasanjo
    Administration, supposedly a democracy, the use
    of military force to crush civilian populations,
    following attacks by militant youths or criminal
    elements has intensified
  • October 12, 2001 Soldiers opened fire on
    villagers in central Nigeria and razed four
    communities, along the border between Benue and
    Taraba states near the place where the bodies of
    19 soldiers were found hacked to death. More than
    200 people killed. Over 100,000 refugees created
    by military action
  • November 1999 Odi Village Invaded and razed by
    the Nigerian Army following the kidnap and murder
    of a dozen Nigerian Police Force officers
  • State Complicity in Violence
  • During the Jos massacre of 2001, arms and
    ammunitions used by Islamic militants supplied by
    Bauchi State Governor, Alhaji Muazu, the former
    Police Commissioner in Plateau State, among
  • State sponsored terrorism has now assumed a
    different dimension reminiscent of the events
    leading up to the 1967 civil war
  • Only in a failed state would allegedly
    legitimate authorities sponsor terrorism against
    its own citizens

Thus, Biafra is a response to the terrorism,
cruelty, failure and utter lack of humanity
represented by the Nigerian state
  • Logic Biafrans at historical crossroads
  • The Federal Government is afraid of daring the
    perpetrators of the Sharia Law. We, therefore,
    find ourselves at another crossroads. Do we want
    freedom in a New Biafra or Slavery in Nigeria?
    The memory of the past civil war stares us in the
    face. The issue of another Biafra therefore
    raises more questions than answers. We are now
    faced with the problem of convincing our people
    that the quest for the new Biafra will not cause
    another war. We have therefore resolved to
    pursue the cause of freedom in our new Biafra.
    This is the greatest legacy that we can bestow on
    our future generation.
  • Objective Biafran Independence
  • Having hoisted the flag of our new Biafra today,
    we wish to declare our resolve to demand and
    pursue the realization of our sovereignty from
    the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
  • Independence Strategy Non-violence and
    negotiation culminating in a referendum
  • The process admits use of negotiations,
    dialogue and consultation. It also admits use
    of non co-operation and passive resistance to
    oppressive and obnoxious laws of the
  • Process Steps 25 stages for the actualization of
    the sovereignty of the new Biafra State through
    Non-violence and Non Exodus.
  • It was through a struggle like ours that
    Nigeria, Ghana, India, South Africa, East Timor
    etc gained their independence.

Source MASSOBs Aba Declaration. For a copy
please see http//
The proposed Biafran territory subject to an
initial referendum and perpetual constitutional
right for its members to secede - is about 29,400
square miles
  • Proposed Biafran Borders
  • Biafran independence campaigns intend to conduct
    a referendum to determine who wants to be
    included in the new republic. Campaigners are
    hopeful that the boundaries of the republic will
    match those given below
  • West By the lower reaches of the River Niger
    and its Delta
  • East By the Obudu plateau and the Highlands of
    Oban and Ikom
  • South By the Bight of Biafra
  • North by an administrative boundary following,
    approximately, the 7 degree North latitude

The revival of the Biafran self-determination
project flagged off in 1999 - has been
effectively led by a local grassroots based
organization, MASSOB
  • Background
  • Full Name Movement For the Actualization of the
    Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB)
  • Founded in 1998/99
  • Influences Ghandi, Mandela and King
  • Objective Lead a non-violent campaign for Biafra
    self-determination and independence
  • Goal Obtain UN-supervised referendum for
  • Key Leadership Chief Ralph Uwazuruike, Mr.
    Orjiakor and Mr. Uche Okwukwu
  • Headquarters Okigwe
  • Membership 7.5 million (within and outside

The revival of the Biafran self-determination
project flagged off in 1999 - has been
effectively led by a local grassroots based
organization, MASSOB (Cont.)
  • Successes
  • Developed a 30 step for the journey to
  • In May 2000, declared the Republic of Biafra
  • Introduced a number of organizations and
    paraphernalia of Biafra
  • In May 2001, celebrated the first anniversary of
    the Republic of Biafra
  • Chief Magistrate declared she had no jurisdiction
    to try case of treason against MASSOB members for
    MASSOB membership.
  • Establishment of MASSOB courts to accommodate
    Biafrans who prefer the MASSOB courts to Nigerian
    courts. Parties involved agree to accept the
    rulings of the MASSOB courts as final.
  • In September 2001, inaugurated Biafra House in
    Washington, D.C.

The revival of the Biafran self-determination
project flagged off in 1999 - has been
effectively led by a local grassroots based
organization, MASSOB (Cont.)
Funeral Procession for Slain MASSOB Members
  • Set Backs
  • Over 45 members shot and killed by Nigerian
    Police Force
  • About 1000 members in detention a number on
    trial for treason

Source http//
The Sept. 2001 opening of Biafra House marks a
critical shift in the efforts towards
self-determination it provides a platform for
organizing the Biafran Diaspora, as well as
international relations
  • On Sept. 29, 2001, the leadership of MASSOB,
    Biafra Foundation, Ekwe Nche and a number of
    well-wishers opened Biafra House located in
    Washington D.C.
  • Biafra House acts as central gathering point for
    Biafran activities in North America
  • Provides a platform for the organization of
    intellectual, fund raising and diplomatic efforts
    to support the independence of the Biafran state
  • Provides a credible symbol of the results of a
    strategy of non-violence in the pursuit of
    Biafran independence

Source Biafra Foundation (http//www.biafraland.c
Voice of Biafra International has been
broadcasting once a week since late 2001. The
one-hour broadcast provides a critical source of
information and boosts the morale of Biafrans
  • Voice of Biafra International (VOBI)
  • The goal of VOBI is to provide and disseminate
    news and information of relevance and pressing
    import to Igbo-Biafra, and to the rest of the
    world, using SHORTWAVE Radio..
  • On September 1, 2001, the maiden broadcast was
  • Frequency 7380 KHz  (equivalent to 41 Meter
  • Time 2100 Hours UTC (Universal Time
    Coordinated) equivalent to 10.00pm Biafraland
    time every Saturday.
  • A project of Biafra Foundation and Biafra
    Actualization Forum. (updated 1/24/04)

Source Biafra Foundation (http//www.biafraland.c
To join the effort to help achieve Biafran
independence and guarantee over 30 million people
their freedoms, please contact the following
Movement For the Actualization of the Sovereign
State of Biafra (MASSOB)National
Headquarters 153 Owerri RoadOkigwe, Biafra PH
234-88-420-120 E-mail
Biafra Liberation Movement (BLM) Biafra
Committee for Immediate Action (BCIA) P.O. Box
501 Iowa City, IA 52244 E-mail
Biafra Foundation733 15th St NW Suite
700 Washington DC 20005 PH 202
347-2983. E-mail
Ekwe Nche Organization.P.O.BOX 408250CHICAGO,
IL 60640 E-mail
Voice Of Biafra International 733 15th St
NW Suite 700 Washington DC 20005 PH 202
347-2983. E-mail
Backup Slides
Rising Sun
We shall emerge triumphant from this ordeal,And
through the crucible unscathed well passWhen
we are poised the wounds of battle to heal,We
shall remember those who died in massThen shall
our trumpets peal the glorious songOf victory we
scored oer might and wrong. Oh God, protect us
from the hidden pitfall,Guide all our movements
lest we go astrayGive us the strength to heed
the humanist callTo give and not to count the
cost" each dayBless those who rule to serve
with resoluteness,To make this clime a land of
 Land of the rising sun, we love and
cherish,Beloved homeland of our brave heroesWe
must defend our lives or we shall perish,We
shall protect our hearts from all our foesBut
if the price is death for all we hold dear,Then
let us die without a shred of fear. Hail to
Biafra, consecrated nation,Oh fatherland, this
be our solemn pledgeDefending thee shall be a
dedication,Spilling our blood well count a
privilegeThe waving standard which emboldens
the freeShall always be our flag of liberty. 
Since 1945, Biafran nationality groups have been
subjected to repeated pogroms, harassment and
dispossession of property. The scale and
frequency suggests genocide
During the 1967-70 Biafran Civil War, over 1
million Biafran civilians died of starvation as a
result of a Nigerian policy aptly described as
starvation is a legitimate weapon of war.
Source Biafra Foundation, http//
Nigeria has experienced a creeping Islamization
since the 1804 Jihad, only interrupted by the
British colonial era, with Islamic radicals
pursuing a goal of dipping the Koran in the sea
  • 1960-1977 Secular state (and occasionally)
    constitution in force Sharia negotiated away
    during pre- independence negotiations

1977-78 New constitution being drafted efforts
to introduce federal Islamic law up to creating a
Sharia Supreme Court headed by a Grand Mufti
with powers equal to Chief Justice of Federation
defeated at last minute. Efforts backed by then
and current president, General Obasanjo
1979-83 Era of first post-war civilian
government led by Alhaji Shehu Shagari. Sharia
issues raised but no significant gains
1983-85 Era of brutal Buhari-Idiagbon
dictatorship. Regime focused on repression,
hence did not push forward on Sharia agenda
1985-93 Era of Babangida dictatorship. Nigeria
secretly enrolled in Organization of Islamic
Countries (OIC) by General Babangida. Nigeria
also joined the Islamic Development Bank
1993-98 Era of Abacha dictatorship. Nigeria
openly participates in OIC and D8 (Islamic
Development Conference) meetings.
1999 - Present Proclamation of Sharia Law and
emergence of nine Islamic States in northern
Nigeria. President Obasanjo declines to mount
constitutional challenge insists not a problem
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