Olive Domestication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Olive Domestication


First believed that domesticated olive was introduced to the ... 7. At least two simultaneous domestications occurred on opposite ends of the Basin. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Olive Domestication

Olive Domestication
Olea europaea
  • Family Oleaceae
  • Six subspecies
  • Olea europaea ssp. europaea (olives) grows in
    Mediterranean Basin at the N limit of Olea range
  • Other 5 subspecies grow in Africa and Asia
  • Olea fruit gathered 19,000 year BP in E.
  • One of the first plants cited in early literature
  • Can live 2000-3000 years

Kohler's Medizinal-Pflanzen in naturgetreuen
Abbildungen mit kurz erlauterndem Texte Atlas
zur Pharmacopoea germanica,  Volume 2 (1887)
Oleaceae phylogeny
www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/.../ Olea.europaea.ho5.jpg
Wallander, E. and V. A. Albert. 2000. Phylogeny
and classification of Oleaceae beased on rps16
and trnL-F sequences. American Journal of Botany
12 1827-1841.
Olea europea ssp. europaea
  • 2 practically indistinguishable varieties
  • Olea europaea ssp. europaea var. sylvestris
    wild olive, ancestor of cultivated olive.
  • Olea europaea ssp. europaea var. europea
    cultivated olive

www.classatravel.com/ gordana/Sicily/images/Ag...
www.bestofsicily.com/ mag/art160.gif
Olea europaea ssp. europaea var. europaea
(cultivated olive)
  • Wind pollinated and diploid
  • Propagated by cuttings or grafting
  • Self incompatible male often sterile
  • Morphologically very similar to oleaster
  • 90 of olives grown
  • for oil production
  • healing leaf

Ancient olive DNA in pits preservation,
amplification and sequence analysis (Elbaum et
al. 2006)
  • Archeological studies verify intensive
    exploitation of fruit 8000 years ago.
  • Developed method to select pits with high quality
    DNA-Mediterranean climate is not favorable for
    DNA preservation
  • Successfully sequences first ancient olive DNA.

Olive Pit Collection Sites
  • Kfar Samir - coast off of Haifa olive oil
    extraction site (7530-6570 BP) 3 pits analyzed
  • Nahal Megadim - off Carmel coast 6 (6115 BP), 6
    pits analyzed
  • Qumran hundreds of desiccated olive pits, date
    palm pits found in a Byzantine layer (1430 BP)
    10 pits analyzed

Elbaum et al. only had 2 pits with high quality
  • Amplified 109 bp segment from TrnT-TrnL in
    chloroplast genome. Only 35 bp could be read
    for these, the sequence was identical to the
    database for modern O. europaea.

Today olives are cultivated throughout the
Mediterranean Basin, as well as in CA, Argentina
Breton et al. 2006
flickr.com/photos/ turquoise_bleue/162944624/jpg
Using Multiple Types of Molecular Markers to
Understand Olive Phylogeography
  • Catherine Breton, Guillaume Besnard, and André A.

Breton et al. used mitotypes, SSR and RAPD data
to gain better understanding of olive
Previous hypotheses on olive domestication and
  • First believed that domesticated olive was
    introduced to the Mediterranean Basin
  • More recently scientists hypothesized
  • 1. The wild olive was only in E. Med.
  • 2. Cultivars were derived in the East and spread
  • 3. Wild olives in the West are all feral

However, Breton et al. propose
  • There is an obvious genetic difference between
    eastern and western oleaster populations the
    western populations are not feral.
  • These disjunct populations, which have different
    mitotypes, are the result of multiple isolated
    refugia during the glaciations.
  • According to SSR and RAPD data, oleaster genetic
    diversity is higher in the western Mediterranean
    than in the East.

However, Breton et al. propose
  • 4. Generally cultivars are of eastern origin.
  • 5. Olive cultivars on Corsica Sicily may have
    been directly selected from ancient native
    oleasters (based on MCA).
  • 6. O. europaea ssp. europaea arose and
    diversified in Morocco, where it picked up the
    MCK mitotype.
  • 7. At least two simultaneous domestications
    occurred on opposite ends of the Basin.

Oleaster population collections
The above oleasters and over 100 cultivars
Oleaster genetic diversity is higher in the
western Mediterranean than in the East and higher
in oleaster than in cultivars
  • From Table 11. 3 Distribution of Molecular in
    Oleasters and Olive Cultivars

Type of Marker Oleasters Oleasters Oleasters Cultivars
Type of Marker Total Specific to East Specific to West Cultivars
Mitotypes 3 1 2 4
RAPD 57 6 12 45
SSR 167 12 33 99
Cultivars are generally of eastern origin.
Some cultivars possess western-specific oleaster
RAPD bands as well as western-specific mitotypes,
suggesting that these cultivars were selected
directly from oleasters in the western
SSR-based dendrogram showed 3 main groupings
western Med, eastern Med and Corsica/Sicily
Pairwise estimated Variance for cultivated, wild
and ancient olives
Baldoni et al. 2006
  • CVcultivated Wwild ATancient
  • UMUmbria, SASardinia, SISicily

Ancestry of oleaster
  • Mitotype data show 2 mitotypes (MOM and MCK) not
    found in other subspecies. The authors note that
    the MCK type is very similar to MMA found in O.
    e. maroccana. This supports the hypothesis that
    oleaster diversified in the West. Breton et al.
    suggest a southern Moroccan diversification.
  • Chlorotype data also show that O. e. europaea has
    chlorotypes from two distinct lineages, implying
    that it may be a hybrid.

Oleaster and cultivar movement
  • Three refugia
  • NW Africa
  • W. Med.
  • Near East

Breton et. al. 2006
Genetic diversity and gene flow between the wild
olive and the olive several Plio-Pleistocene
refuge zones in the Mediterranean basin suggested
by SSR analysis. Breton, C., Tersac, and A.
Bervillé. Journal of Biogeography (2006) 33
  • 166 oleaster species and 40 cultivars were used
  • Chlorotype data from 12 unlinked SSR loci
  • Constructed ancestral populations (RPOP)
  • Found
  • Diversity of oleasters, with unique populations,
    can be explained by glacial refugia.

  • Used STRUCTURE to assign each individual to one
    or several RPOP (80 probability, if less then
    possibly hybrid)
  • Seven pre-defined RPOPs
  • 1. Corsica 2. Turkey 3. Sicily
  • 4. Tunisia 5. Libya 6. Spain 7. Israel

Map of RPOPs
  • Figure 4 Map of the Mediterranean basin showing
    the approximate locations of the seven oleaster
    populations. RPOPs are circled by continuous
    lines and numbered according to Table 4. Dotted
    circles indicated that the two RPOPs were not
    differentiated by all methods.

  • Distribution of oleaster diversity can be
    explained by recolonization into the
    Mediterranean Basin after the last glaciation.
  • There is gene flow between some populations due
    to overlap

  • If there were at least 2 sites of olive
    domestication, why do most cultivars have a high
    percentage of ME1 mitotype?
  • Given that oleaster has more genetic diversity,
    why do cultivars have an additional mitotype?
  • Is it likely that the mitotype presence was
    biased by large sample size in West and small in
    the East?
  • Why not use phylogenic analysis of molecular data
    instead of dendrogram?
  • Only 1 to 2 samples of the other O. europaea
    subspecies were examined. Is this sufficient?

(No Transcript)
  • Baldoni. et al. 2006. Genetic structure of wild
    and cultivated olives in the Central
    Mediterranean Basin. Annals of Botany 98
  • Breton, C., Tersac, and A. Bervillé. 2006.
    Genetic diversity and gene flow between the wild
    olive and the olive several Plio-Pleistocene
    refuge zones in the Mediterranean basin suggested
    by SSR analysis. Journal of Biogeography 33
  • Breton, C., G. Besnard, and A. A. Bervillé.
    2003. Using multiple types of molecular markers
    to understand olive phylogeography. Documenting
  • Elbaum, R. et al. 2006. Ancient olive DNA in
    pits preservation, amplification and sequence
    analysis, Journal of Archaeological Science 33
  • Wallander, E. and V. A. Albert. 2000. Phylogeny
    and classification of Oleaceae based on rps16 and
    trnL-F sequences. American Journal of Botany 12
  • .
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