Title: Measurement and Evaluation of the Carcass
1Measurement andEvaluation of the Carcass
2What is Value-Based Marketing?
- Method of establishing carcass value based upon
demand for product leaving the slaughter plant
3Information Needed for Efficient Implementation
- Methods of evaluating live animals
- Methods of evaluating carcasses for composition
and meat quality - Consumer research on what is desired
4What methods are currently available for
evaluation of live animal composition?
5Evaluation of Live Animal Composition
- Eyeball method
- Backfat probe
- Weight, age, other linear measurements
6Evaluation of Live Animal Composition
- Ultrasound / real time imaging
- Can estimate fat depth and muscling without
slaughtering the animal
7What methods are currently available for carcass
8Dressing Percent
- DP Chilled Carcass Weight
- Live weight X 100
9Average Dressing Percent by Species
- Lamb 50
- Beef 60
- Pork 70
- Poultry 60-70
10Cutting Test
- Determine the percentages of muscle, fat and bone
- Can do "Proximate Composition" or protein,
fat, water, and ash on each
11Other Methods
- Back penetration probes
- Optical lean-fat probes
- predict lean meat
- increase number of probes increases accuracy
12Other Methods
- Ultrasound
- Real Time - picture that calculations come from
- Velocity of Sound - velocity with which sound
passes from a transmitter to a receiver
13Carcass Grading
- Determination of yield grade is typically done
for Beef, Lamb and Pork
14What methods would be used to evaluate the
quality of the carcass?
15Evaluation of Carcass Quality
- Meat and fat color standards
- Halothane
- Test for stress susceptible (PSS) live hogs
16Evaluation of Carcass Quality
- pH - 45 minutes post mortem
- Looking for PSE or DFD carcasses
- Fiber optic probes
- Optical lean-fat probes
17Evaluation of Carcass Quality
- Carcass Grading
- Determination of quality grades is typically done
for Beef, Lamb, Pork and Poultry
18Quality and Yield Grading
19Purpose of Assigning "Grades
- Separation of carcasses into like groups for
purchase or marketing purposes
20Who Administers the "Grading" Program?
21Grading Program
- USDA-Agricultural Marketing Service or comparable
state service - North Carolina Department of Agriculture NCDA
22Grading Inspection are different how?
23Quality Grades
- Estimate of palatability
- How tender and flavorful the meat will be
24Yield Grades
- Estimate of the yield (in percent) of boneless,
closely trimmed retail cuts
25USDA Beef Grades
- Determine a Quality and Yield Grade
- Only used for finished cattle
26USDA Quality Symbols for Beef
27Beef Quality Grade Factors
- Class
- Degree of marbling
- Estimate of physiological maturity
- Adjustments related to color and/or texture
- Determine physiological maturity by looking at
bone structure - Cartilage tips on vertebrae
- Color of lean
- Dark in mature
29Thoracic Vertebrae Ossification
30USDA Marbling Illustration
31Beef Quality Grade Chart
32USDA Yield Grades for Beef
33Factors Evaluated forBeef Yield Grades
- Fat thickness
- Ribeye area
- Percent kidney, pelvic heart fat
- Hot carcass weight
34Measurement of Fat Thickness
35Measurement of Ribeye Area
36 Kidney, Pelvic Heart Fat
37Yield Grade
- YG 2.5 (2.5 x 12th rib fat thickness)
(.0038 x hot carcass weight) (.2 x KPH) - (.32
x ribeye area)
38USDA Yield Grades
- Determination of Yield and Evaluation of Quality
in One Grade
40Barrows and Gilts
- US 1 Lean
- US 2
- US 3
- US 4 Fat
- US Utility Unacceptable quality of lean
41Factors Evaluated forPork Carcass Grades
- Backfat thickness
- last rib
- Muscling score
- 1thin 3thick
42Measurement of Carcass Length Backfat Thickness
43Electronic Measurement of Fat Muscle Depth
44Pork Carcass Muscling Scores
45Color Scores for Pork
46Firmness/Wetness Scores for Pork
47Marbling Scores for Pork
- Used for retail trade
- If not Grade A it does not end up as a whole
bird in the package - One grade for both quality and yield
- Poultry grades are the only ones which also
account for quality of workmanship in the
slaughter process
50Grades for Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, etc.
51Factors Used for Grade Determination
- Condition
- amount of fat or finish
- Confirmation
- amount of muscling
- Processing Defects
- Pinfeathers
- Exposed flesh
- Discoloration
- Bruises and broken bones
53Broiler A vs B
54Turkey A vs B Quality