Title: Sami Yasharpour
1Sami Yasharpour
2 About Sami
Yasharpour - Living in Diverse Areas
- Sami Yasharpour is a believer in the value
of living in a diverse neighborhood. Since 1978,
Sami Yasharpour has been living various racially,
ethnically, and religiously diverse areas in Los
Angeles. Living with people from different
backgrounds has given Sami Yasharpour great
respect and tolerance for others. Sami believes
in principals of love thy neighbor and do unto
others as you have them do unto you. Sami has
practiced the same during his 35 years of stay in
the Los Angeles area. He believes in achieving
other folks respect by loving them, accepting
them as who they are. Sami has always included
other people, regardless of their race, religion,
or any other artificial classification in his
working and personal life.
3Law Abiding Citizen Sami Yasharpour
- Sami Yasharpour is a law abiding citizen
living in the Los Angeles area. Sami does not
even have a parking ticket to his name. Sami
Yasharpour is the embodiment of justice and the
American way. -
- Sami Yasharpour believes and practices the
American way of life. Further, he believes in
living free from government and corporate
oppression. He respects the government and the
laws of the country, but also believes in
fighting injustice within the frame work of the
legal system. Sami Yasharpour believes in the
values set forth in the Constitution and has
always worked to uphold equality and justice for
4 Real Estate Investor Sami Yasharpour
Sami Yasharpour is an entrepreneur and a
businessman who has invested in the real estate
market. Currently, he owns and manages a
multimillion-dollar portfolio of properties and
financial products. Sami Yasharpour is a
self-made man who has worked hard for the last 35
years without ever sacrificing his integrity.
Sami Yasharpour's ultimate goal of financial
self-sufficiency will be accomplished through his
real estate investments. His goal of adding
additional real estate to his portfolio will
create a continuous cash flow from the rent
5 CONTACT Sami Yasharpour