- Tim Curtin
- Presentation to the ANU
- 20th February 2008
2Carbon Stocks and Flows
3Increase in atmospheric concentration of carbon
dioxide 1958-2006 in parts per million by volume
4If only inflation was as low as CO2 growth at
less than 0.2 p.a.
5Measuring Global warming in 1885 the data base
6 GLOBAL Temperature Anomalies 1880-1900in .01 C
base period 1951-1980
7Global climate science
- If global temperatures in 1885 were below the
average for 1951-1980, when in the 1880s there
was in effect zero instrumental temperature
coverage of the tropics, where is the science? - Clearly a case of lies, damned lies, and
8Measuring AGW 1945
9Measuring global warming in 2005if it
existed it was mostly measured in the USA
10Measuring Global warming
- How global warming is measured by GISS, Miami
11Rise in temperature at Miami AZ after relocation
of weather station in 2001 (station used to be in
Magma copper mine pit workings)
12Lampasas Texas new location 2001
13Hey presto, global warming! Or how Jim Hansen
made 2005 the warmest year ever
14Mr Micawbers basic accounting identity and mine
- Y income, X expenditure
- Y gt X happiness
- Y lt X misery
- Y X S (Saving)
- M emissions of CO2 in year t
- C change in atmospheric concentration of CO2
in year t - U uptakes of CO2 by terrestrial oceanic
photosynthesis in year t - Ct Mt Ut, so Ut Mt Ct
- In 2000-2006 on average, Mt 9.1 GtC, Ct 4.1
GtC, so Ut 5.0 GtC - That is, 9.1 4.1 5.0
- So uptakes by photosynthesis averaged 5 GtC p.a.
equal to 55 per cent of CO2 emissions from
2000-2006 (Source Canadell et al PNAS 2007)
15Sensitivity to estimation error each
under-estimate of CO2 emissions means an equal
and opposite understatement of CO2 uptakes
16What of Human CO2 emissions?(aka breath)
17 Micawbers Climate Stocks and Flows
18Fig.1 Falling proportion of retained emissions
(unvarnished data)
19Fig.2. The massaged (by Canadell et al) version
of the data - rising proportion of emissions
retained in the atmosphere
20How to fudge data
- Canadell co justify the data massaging they did
to get the declining trend curve in Fig.1 to turn
up as in Fig.2 in the Supporting text to their
PNAS October 2007 paper. - Despite having an annual time series of more than
40 years they considered it necessary (1) to
remove intra-annual variability of the Mauna Loa
series due to the spring flush of the NH, and (2)
the inter-annual variability associated with El
Nino (ENSO) and volcanic data. - Step (1) is unnecessary for an annual end-of year
series. The success of Step (2) in reversing the
trend of the raw data implies that ENSO and
volcanic activity themselves had a secular trend
to act as sinks, soaking up CO2. - The truth is that Canadell et al have been
striving for years in a great profusion of papers
and books to prove that there is already
Saturation of the Terrestrial Carbon Sink (that
is the title of their chapter 6 in their latest
book on all this). - But Micawbers identity defeats them, for the
annoying truth is that virtually every year since
1960 more than half of recorded CO2 emissions has
been taken up by globally, so less than half has
stayed up, as confirmed by comparing CGIAD and
IEA data on emissions with Mauna Loa.
21Fig.3 Saturation of the Earths sinks? The
declining trend of the airborne fraction since
1993 again indicates increasing sinks
22Fig.4 Another refutation of Canadells saturating
terrestrial sink world food production absorbs
CO2 via GPP
23Fig. 5 Relationship between CO2 emissions and
world food production emission flows more
important than the atmospheric stock because of
partial pressure and altitude effects
24Effect of elevated CO2 on yields
25In defence of oil palm
26Mass suicide plans of the IPCC, EU and Mr Rudd
- 55 per cent of CO2 emissions are taken up by
photosynthesis, and this equates to Mr Micawbers
savings and happiness. - But the IPCC, EU and Mr Rudd (along with Ms Wong
and Ross Garnaut) require us to reduce emissions
to 40 per cent of the 1990 level by 2050. - McKinsey claimed last week Australia could do
better by achieving 40 per cent of the 1990 level
by 2030, at a cost per person equal to just one
mobile phone call a day. - The global 1990 level of emissions was 8.36 GtC
(including land use change of 2.26 GtC),, so
reducing to 40 of the 1990 level means a level
of 3.35 GtC, which is 33 of the 2006 level of
9.94 GtC, and (for Australia) 27 of the 2030 BAU
level. - Emissions reduced to 3.35 GtC will be well below
the current uptake level of CO2 of over 5 GtC a
year, and that must impact on productivity of
agriculture forestry and fisheries
27Fig.6 How to create a shortage of carbon dioxide
by reducing emissions to 40 of 2000 level by
28Fig.7Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (ppmv)after
global emissions reduction to 40 of level in
2000 by 2050
29Will agricultural production at todays level and
growth be sustainable with 60 cuts in emissions
from the 1990 level by 2050?
- Obviously Figs. 6 and 7 depend on the
assumption that CO2 uptakes continue even if
China and India join the US, EU, and Australia et
al in going for the minimum 60 cuts in 1990
emission levels by 2050 (Stern wants 80). - Probably they will not. But if not, what then
for the agricultural production levels and growth
in Fig.5? - They will not be sustainable if emissions are cut
by that amount, and starvation resulting from
the ever rising food prices we are already
witnessing will soon be the lot of all our
30The Hansen-Sato emission reduction rule
- James Hansen and Makiko Sato (PNAS, 16 Nov 2004)
the growth rate of methane (CH4) emissions is
down by 66 since 1980. - N2O growth shows zero trend since 1978.
- That means a reduced need to cut CO2 emissions
for any targeted level of forcings. - Stabilization of atmospheric composition
requires CO2 emissions to be reduced to match
the CO2 absorbed by the ocean and biosphere. - Why then do UK, EU, and Australia seek to reduce
emissions below the rate of absorption?
31Why not set targets by latitude?
32Enforcing Kyoto the Garnaut Plan
- There is already influential talk in the United
States (amongst those supporting firm mitigation
policies at home) and the European Union, of
trade sanctions against non-cooperating
countries. - I myself worry about the risk of capture by other
interests favouring protection for other reasons.
Withdrawal of opportunities for trade in
greenhouse gas credits and development assistance
would seem to be less problematic instruments of
punishment. (Lee Lecture, 29/11/07) - The suggested punishments look more like
toothless tigers if China and India decline to
subscribe to Kyoto II, that itself indicates a
lack of interest in emissions trading credits,
and both are doing quite well enough without
development assistance. - The EUs threat to impose trade sanctions is of
course largely protectionist, but very dangerous,
as trade wars can lead to real wars (remember
Pearl Harbor).
33The Garnaut Emission Trading Scheme
- Ross Garnaut has already sketched what he has in
mind for his ETS Report - Targets or Caps will not be fixed or enforced on
an annual basis so long as at the end (2020,
2030, or 2050) the respective target has been
achieved. - The Trading in Credits will be managed by a kind
of Reserve Bank. - Problem For any given Cap to be achieved, enough
firms must emit enough less than their caps to
earn credits for sale to non-performing firms to
cover their excess emissions.
34Emissions Trading in Practice the case of Rio
- Rio Tintos Aluminium operations increased their
emissions of CO2e from 166,486 tonnes in 2004 to
973,977 tonnes in 2006 (2007). Had the ALP won
the 2004 election and introduced emissions caps
and trading, presumably the expansion of output
leading to these growing emissions could only
have happened if Rio had bought credits. Even if
the carbon dioxide price that emerged from the
ETS was only A60 per tonne of CO2e (A16.34 per
tonne of carbon), (McKinsey mentioned A65 last
week) Rio would have had to buy credits costing
A50 million p.a. (assuming the cap had been set
only at 80 of the 2004 level), equal to 20 per
cent of its capital expenditure in 2006, or 6.76
per cent of net earnings in 2006. Given that the
ETS credits would have to be purchased every
year, how long would it take for Rio to determine
that piping the CO2 into Gladstone harbour was
more cost effective. It would moreover be able to
recover the cost of this by selling the resulting
earned credits to those with less easy disposal
options. A good news day for the Barrier Reef!
35Emission caps trading could promote CCS with
its potential for more harm that that of nuclear
- In 1986 the volcanic lake on Cameroons Mount
Nios produced a cloud of carbon dioxide that
drifted down the mountain and killed 1750
villagers as they slept. This was many more than
the 36 or so who died at Chernobyl just a few
months earlier. - In 1979, an explosion at Dieng volcano in
Indonesia released 200,000 tonnes of CO2,
smothering 142 people on the plain below. Any gas
at concentrations approaching 1 million ppm is
highly dangerous, apart from oxygen
36Cargo cult of the 21st century (Peter Walsh)
- The Hawke government finance minister Peter Walsh
has warned the Rudd Government that cutting
greenhouse gas emissions by 60 per cent by 2050
would send Australian living standards back to
the Middle Ages. (The Australian, 26 January
- Ainsworth, E.A. and S.P. Long 2005. What have we
learned from 15 years of free-air CO2 enrichment
(FACE)? New Phytologist, 165 351-372. - Australian Greenhouse Office 2006. Australias
National Greenhouse Accounts. AGO, Canberra. - Canadell, J. and C Le Quéré, M.R. Raupach, C.B.
Field, E.T. Buitenhius, P. Ciais, T.J. Conway,
N.P. Gillett, R.A. Houghton, G. Marland 2007a.
Contributions to accelerating atmospheric CO2
growth from economic activity, carbon intensity,
and efficiency of natural sinks. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Science of the USA,
October 25, 2007. - Canadell, J., and P. Ciais, T. Conway, C. Field,
C. Le Quéré, S. Houghton, G. Marland, M. Raupach,
E. Buitenhuis, N. Gillett 2007b. Recent Carbon
Trends and the Global Carbon Budget. Global
Carbon Project, Canberra. - CDIAC 2007. see Marland et al. 2007
- Coase, R.H. 1990. The Firm the Market and the
Law. University of Chicago Press, Chicago and
London. - Denman K.L. et al. (including P. Ciais, P.M.
Cox, P. Bousquet, J. Canadell, P.
Friedlingstein, C. Le Quéré, M. Raupach, and W.
Steffen) 2007. Couplings between Changes in the
Climate System and Biogeochemistry, in WGI 2007. - Dyson, F. 2007. A Many-colored Glass. Reflections
on the Place of Life in the Universe. University
of Virginia Press. Charlottesville and London.
38More References
- Garnaut, R. 2007. Will climate change bring an
end to the Platinum Age? Inaugural S.T. Lee
Lecture. - Hansen, J. and M. Sato 2004. Greenhouse gas
growth rates, Proceedings of the National Academy
of Science, November 16, 2004, vol.101, 46,
16109-16114. - Hoyle, F. 1981. Ice. Hutchison, London.
- Keeling, C.D. and T.P. Whorf 2007. Atmospheric
CO2 concentrations (ppmv) at Mauna Loa. Carbon
Dioxide Research Group, Scripps Institute of
Oceanography (SIO), from http//cdiac.ornl.gov/ftp
/trends/co2/maunaloa.co2 - Lomborg, B. 2007. Cool it. The Skeptical
Environmentalists Guide to Global Warming.
Marshall Cavendish, London. - Marland, G, T.A. Boden, R.J. Andrews 2007.
Trends a compendium of data. CDIAC, Oak Ridge
(availble at http//cdiac.ornl.gov/trends/ - Metz, Metz B. et al. (eds) 2005. Carbon Dioxide
Capture and Storage. IPCC Special Report. Summary
for Policy Makers. IPCC, WG III. - Nicholls, R.J. and R.S.J. Tol 2006, Impacts and
responses to sea-level rise A global analysis of
the SRES scenarios over the 21st Century,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
A Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
Sciences, 361 (1841), 1073-1095. - Nordhaus, W.D. and J.G.Boyer 2000, Warming the
World Economic Models of Global Warming The MIT
Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. - Penner, J.E., D.H. Lister, D.J. Griggs, D.J.
Dokken, M. McFarland 1999. Aviation and the
Global Atmosphere. IPCC, CUP, Cambridge.
39And more references
- Rio Tinto 2007. Annual Report and Financial
Statements 2006. Rio Tinto Limited, Melbourne. - Robson, A. 2007. A Solution in Search of a
Problem. Lavoisier Group, www.lavoisier.com.au,
Melbourne. - Shergold, P. 2007. Report of the Task Group on
Emissions Trading. Australian Government,
Canberra. - Stern, N. 2007. The Economics of Climate Change.
The Stern Review. CUP, Cambridge. -
- Stoy, V. 1965. Photosynthesis, respiration, and
carbohydrate accumulation in spring wheat in
relation to yield. Physologia Plantarum
Supplementum IV, Lund. -
- Tol, R.S.J. and G.W. Yohe 2006, Of Dangerous
Climate Change and Dangerous Emission Reduction
in H.J. Schellnhuber, W. Cramer, N. Nakicenovic,
T. Wigley and G. Yohe (eds.), Avoiding Dangerous
Climate Change, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, Chapter 30, pp. 291-298. -
- UIG (Universal Industrial Gases) 2007. Carbon
Dioxide Properties, Uses, Applications. UIG,
Easton PA. (available at www.uigi.com/carbondioxid
e.html) -
- WGI (Working Group I Contribution to the Fourth
Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change) 2007. Climate Change 2007. The
Physical Science Basis. CUP, Cambridge. -
- WGIII (Working Group III Contribution to the
Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change) 2007. -
40Annex Freeman Dyson and carbon dioxide(not used
at Presentation)
The effect of carbon dioxide is important where
the air is dry, and air is usually dry only where
it is cold. Hot desert air may feel dry but often
contains a lot of water vapor. The warming effect
of carbon dioxide is strongest where air is cold
and dry, mainly in the arctic rather than in the
tropics, mainly in mountainous regions rather
than in lowlands, mainly in winter rather than in
summer, and mainly at night rather than in
daytime. The warming is real, but it is mostly
making cold places warmer rather than making hot
places hotter. To represent this local warming by
a global average is misleading. The fundamental
reason why carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is
critically important to biology is that there is
so little of it. A field of corn growing in full
sunlight in the middle of the day uses up all the
carbon dioxide within a meter of the ground in
about five minutes. If the air were not
constantly stirred by convection currents and
winds, the corn would stop growing. About a tenth
of all the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is
converted into biomass every summer and given
back to the atmosphere every fall. That is why
the effects of fossil-fuel burning cannot be
separated from the effects of plant growth and
41More Freeman Dyson
Greenhouse experiments show that many plants
growing in an atmosphere enriched with carbon
dioxide react by increasing their root-to-shoot
ratio. This means that the plants put more of
their growth into roots and ess into stems and
leaves. A change in this direction is to be
expected, because the plants have to maintain a
balance between the leaves collecting carbon from
the air and the roots collecting mineral
nutrients from the soil. The enriched atmosphere
tilts the balance so that the plants need less
leaf-area and more root-area. Now consider what
happens to the roots and shoots when the growing
season is over, when the leaves fall and the
plants die. The new-grown biomass decays and is
eaten by fungi or microbes. Some of it returns to
the atmosphere and some of it is converted into
topsoil. On the average, more of the above-ground
growth will return to the atmosphere and more of
the below-ground growth will become topsoil. So
the plants with increased root-to-shoot ratio
will cause an increased transfer of carbon from
the atmosphere into topsoil. If the increase in
atmospheric carbon dioxide due to fossil-fuel
burning has caused an increase in the average
root-to-shoot ratio of plants over large areas,
then the possible effect on the top-soil
reservoir will not be small.
42Freeman Dyson, cont.
- There is no doubt that parts of the world are
getting warmer, but the warming is not global. I
am not saying that the warming does not cause
problems. Obviously it does. Obviously we should
be trying to understand it better. I am saying
that the problems are grossly exaggerated. They
take away money and attention from other problems
that are more urgent and more important, such as
poverty and infectious disease and public
education and public health, and the preservation
of living creatures on land and in the oceans,
not to mention easy problems such as the timely
construction of adequate dikes around the city of
New Orleans. - We dont know how big a fraction of our emissions
is absorbed by the land, since we have not
measured the increase or decrease of the biomass.
- The number that I ask you to remember is the
increase in thickness, averaged over one half of
the land area of the planet, of the biomass that
would result if all the carbon that we are
emitting by burning fossil fuels were absorbed.
The average increase in thickness is one
hundredth of an inch per year. - The point of this calculation is the very
favourable rate of exchange between carbon in the
atmosphere and carbon in the soil..
43 Freeman Dyson, concluded
To stop the carbon in the atmosphere from
increasing, we only need to grow the biomass in
the soil by a hundredth of an inch per year If
we plant crops without ploughing the soil, more
of the biomass goes into roots which stay in the
soil, and less returns to the atmosphere. If we
use genetic engineering to put more biomass into
roots, we can probably achieve much more rapid
growth of topsoil. I conclude from this
calculation that the problem of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere is a problem of land management,
not a problem of meteorology. We do not know
whether intelligent land-management could
increase the growth of the topsoil reservoir by
four billion tons of carbon per year, the amount
needed to stop the increase of carbon dioxide in
the atmosphere. All that we can say for sure is
that this is a theoretical possibility and ought
to be seriously explored. But clearly it will
not be explored by the Garnaut Review