Title: Order Steroids Online
1We are a professional mail order service
distributing pharmaceutical PRODUCTS.
2Fat Loss
- Sport is the best way of self-realization and
finding a harmony with your body. Thanks to
physical training you can deliver yourself from
negative energy and as a contrary to it discover
new powerful energy of positive meaning. Sport
makes us stronger and teaches not only body how
to survive and protect yourself, but also your
soul as it gets necessary self-consciousness and
ability to resist difficulties.
- Pharmaceutical Name clenbuterol hydrochloride
Chemical Structure (RS)-1-(4-amino-3,5-dichloroph
enyl)-2-(tert butylamino)ethanol Effective Dose
40-160 mcg/day Clenbuterol (also called Clen) is
a prescription drug originally intended as a
- STEROIDKINGS.com We are a professional mail
order service distributing pharmaceutical
products.We only supply original, high-quality
bodybuilding enhancement and men's health related
products, prescription-free over the Internet.
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- The Drugs Are Your Friends
- Effective dosages of these two drugs are debated.
I would recommend that the two drugs be used
together, Nolvadex at 20 mg per day, and clomid
at 50 mg per day. If Nolvadex is used by itself,
20-40 mg are sufficient. 50-100 mg of clomid can
be used if clomid is the only ERA drug. Clomid
should be used for two weeks after the last
steroid injection to help return your body to its
natural hormonal state. Nolvadex and Clomid are
mildly expensive, but very available because they
are not scheduled drugs and can be legally
imported. There is a second class of drug used to
combat estrogen side effects from what is grandly
called steroid therapy there are aromatase
inhibitors. As mentioned previously in this
chapter, the body can convert testosterone into
estrogen using the enzyme aromatase. This second
group of drugs, which I will call the inhibitors,
prevents this process from occurring at all. This
class of medication is generally only prescribed
for severe conditions and is generally more
expensive then any of the ERA.
- Clomid is the anti-estrogen of choice for
improving recovery of natural testosterone
production after a cycle, improving testosterone
production of endurance athletes, and is also
effective in reducing risk of gynecomastia during
a cycle employing aromatizable steroids.
9Injectable Steroids
- Any of a group of usually synthetic hormones that
are derivatives of testosterone, are used
medically especially to promote tissue growth,
and are sometimes abused by athletes to increase
the size and strength of their muscles and
improve endurance
10Sexual Health
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11Contact Us
- Contact Us
- Address8901 Marmora Road, Glasgow, D04 89GR
- Telephone1(324) 567-8902 Fax1 (324)