Title: The ASEAN Economic Community after the ASEAN Charter
1The ASEAN Economic Community after the ASEAN
- Trading Bloc or Blocked?
- Associate Professor Michael Ewing-Chow
- National University of Singapore
2ASEAN, Quo Vadis?
- The ASEAN Charter was signed on 20 November 2007.
- The ASEAN members also issued a Declaration on
the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) with adopted
the AEC Blueprint for the implementation of the
AEC by 2015. - The Declaration says that "the AEC Blueprint
will transform ASEAN into a single market and
production base, a highly competitive economic
region, a region of equitable economic
development, and a region fully integrated into
the global economy." - This presentation will consider whether the legal
frameworks and institutions in ASEAN are
sufficient to transform the vision of that
Declaration into a reality. - Is ASEAN more than the sum of its parts or
3ASEAN History
- Originally a security bloc to show solidarity
against communist expansion. - Backdrop of the Konfrontasi.
- Therefore Bangkok Declaration on 8 August 1967
emphasised cooperation, amity and
non-interference. - Different instinct than Schumans supranational
European Coal and Steel Commission. - This resulted in the ASEAN Way.
- Bali Summit in 1976 put economics on the agenda.
- In 1992, idea of a regional bloc formed with the
CEPT scheme and AFTA. - In 2001, idea of a hub-spoke model for ASEAN
and China, Japan and Korea first enunciated. - 2007 ASEAN Charter and ASEAN EC Blueprint.
- Momentous Constitutional Moment?
4Hubs and Spokes in Asia Pacific
5Principal Organs of ASEAN
- From the ASEAN Secretariat website
- The ASEAN Economic Community is, as outlined in
the 1997 ASEAN Vision 2020, the end-goal of
economic integration measures. - The goal is to create a stable, prosperous and
highly competitive ASEAN economic region in which
there is a free flow of goods, services,
investment and a freer flow of capital, equitable
economic development and reduced poverty and
socio-economic disparities in year 2020. - The ASEAN Economic Community seeks to establish
ASEAN as a single market and production base, so
as to make ASEAN a more dynamic and stronger
segment of the global supply chain. - 3 Main Building (Stumbling?) Blocks AFTA, ASEAN
Charter and AEC Blueprint
7First Block - AFTA
- Launched in 1992, the ASEAN Free Trade Area
(AFTA) is now in place. It aims to promote the
regions competitive advantage as a single
production unit. - The elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers
among Member Countries is expected to promote
greater economic efficiency, productivity, and
competitiveness. - Enabling Clause Notification.
- AFTA Agree First Talk After?
8Tariff Reductions
- As of 1 January 2005, tariffs on almost 99
percent of the products in the Inclusion List of
the ASEAN-6 (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia,
Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and
Thailand) have been reduced to no more than 5
percent. More than 60 percent of these products
have zero tariffs. - The average tariff for ASEAN-6 has been brought
down from more than 12 percent when AFTA started
to 2 percent. - For the newer Member Countries, namely, Cambodia,
Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Viet Nam (CLMV), tariffs on
about 81 percent of their Inclusion List have
been brought down to within the 0-5 percent range.
9Other non-tariff initiatives
- Other major integration-related economic
activities of ASEAN include the following - Roadmap for Financial and Monetary Integration of
ASEAN - trans-ASEAN transportation network
- Roadmap for Integration of Air Travel Sector
- interoperability and interconnectivity of
national telecommunications equipment and
services, including the ASEAN Telecommunications
Regulators Council Sectoral Mutual Recognition
Arrangement (ATRC-MRA) on Conformity Assessment
for Telecommunications Equipment - trans-ASEAN energy networks
- Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) focusing
on infrastructure, human resource development,
information and communications technology, and
regional economic integration primarily in the
CLMV countries - Visit ASEAN Campaign and the private sector-led
ASEAN Hip-Hop Pass to promote intra-ASEAN tourism - Agreement on the ASEAN Food Security Reserve.
10Second Block ASEAN Charter
- From the ASEAN website
- The ASEAN Charter is at the core of ASEAN's
strategy to adapt itself to a changing regional
landscape and the challenges of the future. - ASEAN Leaders recognise that this is an
opportunity to set a clear and ambitious
long-term vision, of an ASEAN that is relevant
and competitive, effective and credible. - With the Charter, ASEAN intends to build a solid
institutional framework that will facilitate a
more focused and coordinated agenda. - This will be supported by a rigorous legal
framework that will reinforce ASEAN's cooperation
and commitments in all areas. - At the same time, we are working to make the
Charter a visionary document, to inspire the
people of ASEAN and our future generations, and
engage them more closely in the future of our
11Charter Timeline
- Nov 2004
- "Development of an ASEAN Charter" included in the
Vientiane Action Programme (2004-2010) - Dec 2005
- Kuala Lumpur Declaration on the Establishment of
the ASEAN Charter - ASEAN Leaders at 11th ASEAN
Summit appoint a 10-member Eminent Persons' Group
of senior statesmen to come up with bold and
visionary recommendations to be included in an
ASEAN Charter. Singapore's representative was DPM
S Jayakumar. - Jan 2007
- EPG submits its report to the 12th ASEAN Summit.
- Cebu Declaration on the Blueprint for the ASEAN
Charter - ASEAN Leaders mandated a 10-member High
Level Task Force on Drafting the ASEAN Charter of
senior officials to prepare the draft Charter.
Singapore's representative was Ambassador-at-Large
Tommy Koh. - Nov 2007
- ASEAN Charter adopted at 13th ASEAN Summit in
12Ratification of the Charter
- For the 1st Asean Charter to become legally
binding, it has been agreed upon that all ten
member nations must ratify the Charter before the
next ASEAN Summit this December 2008. - The Charter will become effective on the 30th day
after the 10th "Instrument of Ratification" has
been submitted to the ASEAN Secretary-General,
Dr. Surin Pitsuwan.
13The Charters Economic Purposes
- Art 1 of the Charter
- The Purposes of ASEAN are
- 2. To enhance regional resilience by promoting
greater political, security, economic and
socio-cultural cooperation - 5. To create a single market and production base
which is stable, prosperous, highly competitive
and economically integrated with effective
facilitation for trade and investment in which
there is free flow of goods, services and
investment facilitated movement of business
persons, professionals, talents and labour and
freer flow of capital - 6. To alleviate poverty and narrow the
development gap within ASEAN through mutual
assistance and cooperation
14Single Market?
- To most people, a single market is synonymous
with a custom union which also includes not just
free movement of goods but also of labour,
services and capital. - The most famous single market, the European Union
(EU) began life as the European Coal and Steel
Community in 1951 (Treaty of Paris (1951)) and
went on to become the European Economic Community
(EEC) in 1957 (Treaty of Rome (1957)) (when it
become known in Britain and Ireland as "the
Common Market"). - The abolition of internal tariff barriers was
achieved in 1968. In subsequent years little was
done to move from this basic customs union to a
full single market. - The Single European Act was signed in 1986 to
establish a Single European Market by 1992, by
removing the barriers to free movement of
capital, labour, goods and services. - ASEAN EC will have free movement of goods,
services, skilled labour and freer movement of
capital but is unlikely to be a custom union.
15Custom Union?
- Unlikely because a custom union has to create a
common external tariff policy. - Singapore has an almost zero tariff policy (only
beer, stout, samsu and medicated samsu c.f.
excise tax). - This means that Singapores tariffs will have to
go up or that other ASEAN members will have to go
down significantly to implement a common external
tariff policy. - Further, Singapore will have to give up many of
its FTAs with non-ASEAN partners unless they
agree with all the other ASEAN partners or the
preferential tariff rates are harmonised with the
ASEAN common external tariff rates (thus, making
the FTA superfluous at least for goods).
16Charters Institutions
- Art 7 ASEAN Summit held twice annually to
make decisions - Art 8 ASEAN Coordinating Council
- Art 9 ASEAN Economic Committee Council
- Art 11 A DSG for Economic Community
- Art 12 Permanent Representatives to ASEAN
17Third Block ASEAN EC Blueprint
- Along with the Charter, ASEAN leaders also
adopted the AEC Blueprint. - Blueprint Para 9. An ASEAN single market and
production base shall comprise five core
elements - (i) free flow of goods (tariffs/NTBs eliminated
ROOs and TF improved to create single production
base) - (ii) free flow of services (particularly air
transport, e-ASEAN, heath care and tourism /
MRAs) - (iii) free flow of investment (AIA and ASEAN
IGA) - (iv) freer flow of capital (ASEAN Capital Market
Development and Integration) and - (v) free flow of skilled labour (visas and
employment passes for professionals and skilled
labour and ASEAN University Network). - In addition, the single market and production
base also include two important components,
namely, the priority integration sectors, and
food, agriculture and forestry. - SD Treatment for CLMV including IAI.
- NB AFTA ROOs at the moment is 40 regional value
18Tricky Bits
- Competition Policy by 2015 (NB Competition out
of Doha Single Undertaking) - Consumer Protection
- High Level of IPRs including accession to Madrid
Protocol where possible - Infrastructure Development
- Transport Linkages
- Energy Cooperation
- Mining Cooperation
- Double Taxation Agreement by 2010
- Biggest Tricky Bit Myanmar
19Implementation of Blueprint
- High Level Task Force
- SG to provide monitoring and reporting
- Economic Committee and Summit to decide things
- ASEAN Minus X can be invoked to accelerate
implementation - Flexibility is pre-agreed (!?)
20Getting to the AEC
- We have the vehicle ASEAN
- We have the destination AEC
- We have the map Blueprint
- Can ASEAN get there?
21Is the vehicle good enough?
- Does the ASEAN vehicle have
- a steering wheel,
- an engine, and
- a spare tire?
- Does it have
- a decision making institution,
- a monitoring institution and
- an dispute settlement institution
- c.f. European Community?
22Steering Wheel
- Art 20.1 As a basic principle, decision-making
in ASEAN shall be based on consultation and
consensus. (ASEAN Way) - Art 20.2 Where consensus cannot be achieved,
the ASEAN Summit may decide how a specific
decision can be made. (refer to Rule 1?) - Art 21.2 In the implementation of economic
commitments, a formula for flexible
participation, including the ASEAN Minus X
formula, may be applied where there is a
consensus to do so. - Variable Geometry?
- Art 11 and 27 Greater role of the SG in
monitoring and reporting to the ASEAN Summit
regarding progress on Blueprint - Equal financial contributions of member states.
- In the current financial year, ASEC has been
given US9.05 million. Thus each Member State
contributes US905,000 to the budget. - The ASEAN Secretariat staff now consists of SG, 2
DSGs (from Cambodia and IndonesiaLao PDR and
Myanmar are next in line to nominate theirs), 60
openly-recruited staff from 9 Member States (none
from Brunei Darussalam), and about 200 support
staff (almost all are Indonesians).
24A Spare (in case of blow ups)
- Art 25 Where not otherwise specifically
provided, appropriate dispute settlement
mechanisms, including arbitration, shall be
established for disputes which concern the
interpretation or application of this Charter and
other ASEAN instruments. - Art 26 When a dispute remains unresolved, after
the application of the preceding provisions of
this Chapter, this dispute shall be referred to
the ASEAN Summit, for its decision. - Art 24.3 Where not otherwise specifically
provided, disputes which concern the
interpretation or application of ASEAN economic
agreements shall be settled in accordance with
the ASEAN Protocol on Enhanced Dispute Settlement
Mechanism. (implementation by negative consensus)
25ASEAN Proton or Porsche?
- ASEAN Way?
- Considering the historical backdrop, the best one
could hope for? - Better for our culture?
- Does it matter that it does not look like the EU,
so long as the vehicle takes us there?
- As of 2006, the ASEAN region has
- a population of about 560 million,
- a total area of 4.5 million square kilometers,
- a combined GDP of almost US 1,100 billion,
- and a total trade of about US 1,400 billion.
- Facing competition for FDI from India and China.
- Increasingly manufacturers prefer a vertically
integrated manufacturing chain. - Reduced transactional costs will add to the
attractiveness of the region. - Together we stand, divided we fall?
27Multilateralising ASEAN
- Art 6
- 2 Admission shall be based on the following
criteria - (a) location in the recognised geographical
region of Southeast Asia - (b) recognition by all ASEAN Member States
- (c) agreement to be bound and to abide by the
Charter - and
- (d) ability and willingness to carry out the
obligations of Membership. - 3. Admission shall be decided by consensus by the
ASEAN Summit, upon the recommendation of the
ASEAN Coordinating Council. - (PNG Timor-Leste?)
28The New Economic Landscape
- From ASEAN website
- For 2006, total ASEAN exports expanded by 16.5
from US 650.63 billion in 2005 to US 758.04
billion in 2006. - Intra-ASEAN exports increased from US 164.06
billion in 2005 to US 189.12 billion in 2006, up
by 15.3. - The growth in intra-ASEAN imports registered a
15.8 increase from US 141.42 billion in 2005
to US 163.69 billion in 2006. - The share of intra-ASEAN trade in ASEAN total
trade remained relatively constant with a slight
increase of 24.97 in 2006 as compared with 24.83
in 2005 . - Japan, the US, the European Union, China and
Korea continued to be ASEANs largest trading
partners. The share of ASEAN trade (exports
imports) with these countries to overall ASEAN
trade in 2006 was 11.55, 11.52, 11.43, 9.97
and 3.73 , respectively.
29A journey of a thousand miles begins with a
single step
30Everything is for the best for man lives in
the "best of all possible worlds." Pangloss, in
Voltaires Candide
An optimist thinks this is the best of all
worlds. A pessimist fears the same may be true.
Doug Larson