Title: The Time Value of Money
1The Time Value of Money
- Economics 71a
- Spring 2007
- Mayo, Chapter 7
- Lecture notes 3.1
- Compounding and Future Values
- Present Value
- Valuing an income stream
- Annuities
- Perpetuities
- Mixed streams
- Term structure again
- Compounding
- More applications
- PV present or starting value
- FV future value
- R interest rate
- n number of periods
4First example
FV 1000(1.10) 1,100
5Example 2Compound Interest
FV 1000(1.1)(1.1)(1.1) 1,331
FV PV(1R)n
6Example 3The magic of compounding
- PV 1
- R 6
- n 50
- FV ?
- FV PV(1R)n 18
- n 100, FV 339
- n 200, FV 115,000
7Example 4Doubling times
- Doubling time time for funds to double
8Example 5Retirement Saving
- PV 1000, age 20, n 45
- R 0.05
- FV PV(10.05)45 8985
- Doubling 14
- R 0.07
- FVPV(10.07)45 21,002
- Doubling 10
- Small change in R, big impact
9Retirement Savings at 5 interest
- Compounding and Future Values
- Present Value
- Valuing an income stream
- Annuities
- Perpetuities
- Mixed streams
- Term structure again
- Compounding
- More applications
11Present Value
- Go in the other direction
- Know FV
- Get PV
- Answer basic questions like what is 100 tomorrow
worth today
12ExampleGiven a zero coupon bond paying 1000 in
5 years
- How much is it worth today?
- R 0.05
- PV 1000/(1.05)5 784
- This is the amount that could be stashed away to
give 1000 in 5 years time
- Compounding and Future Values
- Present Value
- Valuing an income stream
- Annuities
- Perpetuities
- Mixed streams
- Term structure again
- Compounding
- More applications
- Equal payments over several years
- Usually annual
- Types Ordinary/Annuity due
- Beginning versus end of period
15Present Value of an Annuity
- Annuity pays 100 a year for the next 10 years
(starting in 1 year) - What is the present value of this?
- R 0.05
16Future Value of An Annuity
- Annuity pays 100 a year for the next 10 years
(starting in 1 year) - What is the future value of this at year 10?
- R 0.05
17Why the Funny Summation?
- Period 10 value for each
- Period 10 100
- Period 9 100(1.05)
- Period 8 100(1.05)(1.05)
- Period 1 100(1.05)9
- Be careful!
18Application Lotteries
- Choices
- 16 million today
- 33 million over 33 years (1 per year)
- R 7
- PV12.75 million, take the 16 million today
19Another Way to View An Annuity
- Annuity of 100
- Paid 1 year, 2 year, 3 years from now
- Interest 5
- PV 100/(1.05) 100/(1.05)2 100/(1.05)3
- 272.32
20Cost to Generate From Today
- Think about putting money in the bank in 3
bundles - One way to generate each of the three 100
payments - How much should each amount be?
- 100 FV PV(1.05)n (n 1, 2, 3)
- PV 100/(1.05)n (n 1, 2, 3)
- The sum of these values is how much money you
would have to put into bank accounts today to
generate the annuity - Since this is the same thing as the annuity it
should have the same price (value)
- This is an annuity with an infinite life
22Discounting to infinity
23Present Value of a Constant Stream
24Perpetuity Examples and Interest Rate Sensitivity
- Interest rate sensitivity
- y100
- R 0.05, PV 2000
- R 0.03, PV 3333
- Compounding and Future Values
- Present Value
- Valuing an income stream
- Annuities
- Perpetuities
- Mixed streams
- Term structure again
- Compounding
- More applications
26Mixed StreamApartment Building
- Pays 500 rent in 1 year
- Pays 1000 rent 2 years from now
- Then sell for 100,000 3 years from now
- R 0.05
27Mixed StreamInvestment Project
- Pays -1000 today
- Then 100 per year for 15 years
- R 0.05
- Implement project since PVgt0
- Technique Net present value (NPV)
- Compounding and Future Values
- Present Value
- Valuing an income stream
- Annuities
- Perpetuities
- Mixed streams
- Term structure again
- Compounding
- More applications
29Term Structure
- We have assumed that R is constant over time
- In real life it may be different over different
horizons (maturities) - Remember Term structure
- Use correct R to discount different horizons
30Term Structure
Discounting payments 1, 2, 3 years from now
- Compounding and Future Values
- Present Value
- Valuing an income stream
- Annuities
- Perpetuities
- Mixed streams
- Term structure again
- Compounding
- More examples
32Frequency and compounding
- APRAnnual percentage rate
- Usual quote
- 6 APR with monthly compounding
- What does this mean?
- R (1/12)6 every month
- That comes out to be
- (1.06/12)12-1
- 6.17
- Effective annual rate
33General Formulas
- Effective annual rate (EFF) formula
- Limit as m goes to infinity
- For APR 0.06
- limit EFF 0.0618
- Compounding and Future Values
- Present Value
- Valuing an income stream
- Annuities
- Perpetuities
- Mixed streams
- Term structure again
- Compounding
- More examples
35More Examples
- Home mortgage
- Car loans
- College
- Calculating present values
36Home MortgageAmortization
- Specifications
- 100,000 mortgage
- 9 interest
- 3 years (equal payments) pmt
- Find pmt
- PV(pmt) 100,000
37Mortgage PV
- Find PMT so that
- Solve for PMT
- PMT 39,504
38Car Loan
- Amount 1,000
- 1 Year
- Payments in months 1-12
- 12 APR (monthly compounding)
- 12/121 per month
- PMT?
39Car Loan
- Again solve, for PMT
- PMT 88.85
40Total Payment
- 1288.85 1,066.20
- Looks like 6.6 interest
- Why?
- Paying loan off over time
41Payments and Principal
- How much principal remains after 1 month?
- You owe (10.01)1000 1010
- Payment 88.85
- Remaining 1010 88.85 921.15
- How much principal remains after 2 months?
- (10.01)921.15 930.36
- Remaining 930.36 88.85 841.51
42CollegeShould you go?
- 1. Compare
- PV(wage with college)-PV(tuition)
- PV(wage without college)
- 2. What about student loans?
- 3. Replace PV(tuition) with PV(student loan
payments) - Note Some of these things are hard to estimate
- Second note Most studies show that the answer
to this question is yes
43Calculating Present Values
- Sometimes difficult
- Methods
- Tables (see textbook)
- Financial calculator (see book again)
- Excel spreadsheets (see book web page)
- Java tools (well use these sometimes)
- Other software (matlab)
44Discounting and Time Summary
- Powerful tool
- Useful for day to day problems
- Loans/mortgages
- Retirement
- We will use it for
- Stock pricing
- Bond pricing
- Compounding and Future Values
- Present Value
- Valuing an income stream
- Annuities
- Perpetuities
- Mixed streams
- Term structure again
- Compounding
- More examples