Title: Sheet Metal Fabrication & Component Manufacturing in Australia
1Professional Repetition Steel Fabrication
Component Manufacturing
Free Call 1800 626 525 Fax 1300 799
373 sales_at_swiftmetal.com.au http//www.swiftmeta
2About Swift Metal Services and their professional
metal fabrication techniques.
As a specialist component manufacturer and metal
fabrication company, Swift Metal Services
understands the value of customer service. Our
commitment to fast quotes, in house design, tool
room facilities and personal representation is
all designed to ensure that you receive your
parts or products, on time, every time!. As a
leading metal fabrication and component
manufacturer, Swift Metal Services will make sure
we deliver the very best products to our clients,
on time, every time. Ph 1800 626 525
3Sheet Metal Stamping, Pressing, Forming other
Swift Metal Services provides high quality
manufacturing services from sheet metal stamping,
steel pressing, punching, sheet metal forming,
through to laser cutting, machining, tooling,
thread rolling, drilling tapping, notching,
profiling and assembly.
Free Call 1800 626 525 Fax 1300 799
373 sales_at_swiftmetal.com.au http//www.swiftmetal.
4Metal Laser Cutting Profiling Service
Metal laser cutting profiled components are an
integral part of our business to provide a total
component solution. Steel cutting options include
guillotining, laser cutting, automatic-sawing,
flame cutting and CNC Routering. Our metal laser
cutting and plate processing capabilities Mild
steel 25mm thick Stainless Steel 20mm thick Laser
bed capabilities 1.5m x 6m Fully-automatic
self-loading saws
Free Call 1800 626 525 Fax 1300 799
373 sales_at_swiftmetal.com.au http//www.swiftmetal.
5Press Tooling, Jigs In-House Tool Room
Swift Metal Services offers a complete in-house
facility for tool design, tool construction
ongoing tool maintenance. From simple tooling and
forming jigs and fixtures through to multi-stage
high volume press tooling, Swift has the skilled
personnel, the equipment and technology to
deliver solutions to your unique requirements.
Free Call 1800 626 525 Fax 1300 799
373 sales_at_swiftmetal.com.au http//www.swiftmetal.
6Sheet Metal Stamping, Pressing, Forming other
One of Australias leading repetition
manufacturers of metal components, Swift Metal
Services Pty Ltd, has expanded their range of
custom designed Heavy-Duty Pipe Supports. These
supports are produced in accordance with client
specifications and available in sizes ranging
from 300mm up to 2 metres in diameter.
Free Call 1800 626 525 Fax 1300 799
373 sales_at_swiftmetal.com.au http//www.swiftmetal.