Title: Laurina Bragdon Has Outstanding Leadership Skills
1Laurina Bragdon Has Outstanding Leadership Skills
2Laurina Bragdon is a dedicated program manager
and analyst with over eight years of experience
in business, financial, and project management in
both government and private sector. She is
skilled in preparing written communication,
including guidance, policies and reports. She has
the proven ability to manage priorities and make
sound decisions to achieve immediate and
long-term goals.
3Presently, she is Program Analyst at a well-known
organization. She manages implementation of five
agency programs Fringe Benefits, Fulfillment
Center Operations, Occupational Safety and
Health, Federal Occupational Health, and Overseas
Voting Assistance. She is responsible for program
compliance with federal laws and regulations.
4In her career, Laurina Bragdon has achieved
several accomplishments. She streamlined benefit
distribution process by eliminating 13
departmental coordinators to reduce paperwork and
employee time. She simplified invoice payment
procedures by restructuring benefits ordering
method. She received award for fulfillment center
consolidation project that saved organization
over 150,000.
5She also designed and implemented a web-based
inventory management system to track agency
property and fulfill task orders. She has
excellent leadership, problem solving and team
building skills. She has highly developed
knowledge of effective program implementation,
operations management, financial software, and
business processes. She serves as a Contract
Officers' Representative (COR), administering
three contracts ranging from 30,000 to 600,000
6Thank You!