Title: Hot Topic
1Hot Topic
- 4th March 2003
3C2H5OH - Ethanol
4Alcohol Problems in Primary Care
- Prevalence of alcohol related problems
- The effects of alcohol
- Recognising problem drinking
- The tools of detection
- Managing problem drinking
- Managing alcohol dependence
6- I feel sorry for people who dont drink. They
wake up in the morning and thats the best they
are going to feel all day! - (Frank Sinatra)
7Prevalence of alcohol related problems
- 0.4 Population alcohol dependent
- 2 Alcohol Problems
- 8 Heavy drinkers
- 7.5 consumer outlay
- Equates to 9 pints/adult per week
- Over 10 Billion per year
8Prevalence of alcohol related problems
- 9 of population had problem in previous year
- 1 in 5 drink above recommended levels
- 1/5 healthy men have abnormal LFTs
- Only 1 in 10 heavy drinkers known about
9The effects of alcohol
10The effects of alcohol
Beauty lies in the eye of the Beer holder
11The effects of alcohol
- Harmful effects
- Physical, Psychological and Social
12The effects of alcohol
- An Inn has one entrance and three exits
- to hospital, to asylum and to prison.
- (Croatian proverb)
13The effects of alcohol
- Harmful effects
- Physical, Psychological and Social
- Men drinking gt15u/wk higher mortality
- Drinking gt35u/wk doubles risk of CVA
- 30g/day increases HDL Triglycerides
- Decrease risk of CHD by 25
14Recognising problem drinking
15Recognising problem drinking
16Recognising problem drinking
- Recognition is difficult
- GPs well placed
- 2/3rds patients in 1 year / 90 in 5 years
- Long standing knowledge of patient and family
- Opportunity to observe change
- Chance to visit homes
17Recognising problem drinking
- Amount consumed in units
- Time of first drink
- Pattern of drinking
- Presence of withdrawal symptoms
- Use of specific questionnaires
18Recognising problem drinking
- Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody
forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had
nothing to live on but food and water! - (WC Fields)
19Barriers to detection - definitions
- No acceptable or universal definitions
- Lack of consistent advice
- HEC 1983 21u Men, 14u Women
- BMA/ College 1995
- 1/3rd higher in men
- 50 higher in women
- Expert advice contradictory
20Barriers to detection GPs attitudes
- GPs consume more than they should
- Lack knowledge, experience and skills
- Easier to avoid potential conflict
- BJGP March 2001 500 GPs/300 nurses
- Most Unable to determine content of 6 drinks
- lt50 determined 5 out 0f 6
- Only 50 knew safe limits
- gt40 recommended higher levels
21How well would we do?
- Pint of beer e.g. Tennants
- Bottle of wine
- Bottle of spirits
- Pub measure spirits
- Eng/Wales
- Scotland
- Pint of Strong beer
- e.g. Stella
- Bottle of Alco-pop
22How well would we do?
- Pint of beer e.g. Tennants
- Bottle of wine
- Bottle of spirits
- Pub measure spirits
- Eng/Wales
- Scotland
- Pint of Strong beer
- e.g. Stella
- Bottle of Alco-pop
- 2 units
- 8 units
- 30 units
- 25 ml, 1 unit
- 35 ml, 1.5 units
- 3 units
- 1.5 units
23Barriers to detection Patients attitudes
- Ignorance regarding safe levels
- Variety of vague effects not directly linked
- Psychological barriers resulting in denial
- Perception of a negative family doctor
- Underestimation of true consumption
- The unknown drinker may not present to the GP
24- It only takes one drink to get me drunk. The
trouble is, I cant remember if its the
thirteenth or fourteenth! - (George Burns)
25The tools of detection
- Honesty
- Blood tests
- Opportunism
- Target driven
- CAGE (Mayfield 1974)
- MAST ( Pokorny 1972)
- Five shot
26- A meal without wine is like a day without
sunshine, except that on a day without sunshine
you can still get drunk - (Lee Entrekin)
27Managing problem drinking
- Population based strategies
- Brief interventions by GPs
- Support Family / Further referral
- Assisted withdrawal
- Prevention of relapse
- Self help groups
- Controlled drinking versus abstinence
- About 1/3 recover without intervention
28- An alcoholic is someone you do not like who
drinks as much as you. - (Dylan Thomas)
29Managing alcohol dependence
- Craving for alcohol which overrides normal
social constraints on drinking - Risk of withdrawal
- Community detoxification
- Support after withdrawal/ rehabilitation
- May need specialist mental health services
30- I am not a heavy drinker. I can sometimes go
for hours without touching a drop. - (Noel Coward)
31Any Questions?
- Prevalence of alcohol related problems
- The effects of alcohol
- Recognising problem drinking
- The tools of detection
- Managing problem drinking
- Managing alcohol dependence
33- I would kill everyone in this room for a drop
of sweet beer. - (Homer Simpson)
34The End