Title: Insider Trading Regulations
1Insider Trading Regulations
- Brought to you by
- James Bertsch
2- Policy and how it works.
- Policy provides for SEC to implement harsh
punishments upon those who violate law by trading
on information that is not available to the
public. These include fines and/or imprisonment. - The public is the winner because regulations
increase consumer confidence in corporate top
management teams and boards. - The losers are the market and those who are found
guilty of violating regulations.
3- Economic justification Insider trading
regulations help to ensure consumer confidence in
corporate trades. - Provide stiff penalties for those guilty of
violating these laws! - SEC is cracking down heavily on insider trading
because of recent scandals involving high profile
investors such as Martha Stewart and Sam Waksal
of ImClone.
4- Confidence increases with these regulations
MPB w/ insider trading regulations
MPB w/ Loss of confidence
5- Losers- Market
- It is very hard to ID Insider Trades. Which
Increases MPC
MPC with Trading Regulations
6- Economic Policies
- A price distorting tax which economically harms
those who do not violate policy. - A corrective regulation that increases MPC beyond
the level need to correct the inefficiency in the
market. - Prisoners Dilemma- fine and imprison everyone
for insider trading as much as possible, no
matter size, eventhough regulations are extremely
7- Price distorting tax created
- This is because those who abide by the laws are
required to carry the burden of those who are
guilty of violating this policy. - Additional filing costs will increase the number
of filers from 52,000 to 65,000. - With the average filing take an average of 5
hours, each filing will cost 762.50. - This will result in a total cost of 49.5
million. - With a approximately 247 cases in 2002, those who
abide by these regulations will pay for all but
300,000 of these filing costs.
8- Price distorting tax results in DWL
MPC plus Filing Costs
Costs associated with Insider Trading
MPC w/ Filing Costs
DWL results from the addition of filing costs.
These costs do not determine who is guilty and
who is not, so corporate investors who abide by
rules and regulations are affected negatively by
these costs
MPC w/o Filing costs
Proper Insider Trading
MPB w/ filing costs
9- Inefficiencies caused from MPCltMSC
- Costs associated with the filings help to
increase consumer confidence. - A price must be paid with this additional
consumer confidence! - While increasing the MSC, MPC will remain as is
creating inefficiencies.
10Prisoners Dilemma
No Insider Trading 2 pts
Commit Insider Trading 0 pts
No Insider Trading 2 pts
Commit Insider Trading 0 pts
11- Prisoners dilemma-
- Only two choices to make.
- Pareto Superior Move would be to commit no
insider trading. This would never happen because
corporate investors would take advantage of the
commons. - Few gain wealth when one person decides to commit
insider trading while the other is no worse off.
Pareto Optimal moves.
12- Prisoners dilemma
- Everyone is worse off if all commit insider
trading resulting in a move that is Pareto
Ineffiecient. - This is the tragedy of the commons considering
this regulation. If everyone would be ethical
and abide by the rules than everyone would be
better off. - Free riding will occur. People will rely on the
others to carry them while doing what is best for
themselves rather than the whole.
13- Solutions for Economic Policy
- Clearly define what constitutes insider trading
and what does not. Laws can be extremely vague
when it comes to the prosecution of Insider
Trading. - This will aide to create a greater consumer
confidence as well as save taxpayers money paid
to prosecute these high profile violators! - Increase Penalties on the Corporate Investors for
violating regulations to deter Insider trading.
14- Solutions for Economic Policy- continued
- Lower filing costs to corporate investors. This
will affect MSC and by lowering costs market will
become efficient where MSCMPC.
This is because MPC equals MSC because of the
lower filing costs to the public
Decrease the cost of filing to the point where
Insider Trading
15- Sources used for economic analysis
- Baldwin, William Off With Her Head
www.forbes.com 7/7/03 - Khan, Walayet and Lamba, Asjeet The
Effectiveness of Legal Sanctions in Curtailing
Insider Trading Evidence from Exchange Listings
Quarterly Journal of Business Economics, Winter
2001, Vol. 40, Issue 1, pg 3-13. - Freedman, Michael Will She Walk www.google.com
7/7/03 - NYSE, http//www.nyse.com/content/articles/1043269
646568.html - Roberts, Bill Growing Pains Electronic
Business, May 2002, Vol. 28, Issue 5, pgs 64-69 - United States Government (SEC) Final Rules and
Regulations of Insider Trading - Valenti, Catherine The Insiders
www.abcnews.com 6/24/03