Title: San Jos Unified Student Wellness Policy
1San José Unified Student Wellness Policy
2Student Wellness Policy
- Federal Child Nutrition WIC Reauthorization
Act of 2004 - SB 12 (Food)
- SB 965 (Beverages)
- SB 490 (Fats)
- Goals for nutrition education and physical
activity that promote wellness - Nutrition guidelines for all food sold and
offered on campus
3Obesity Physical Inactivity
- Percent of young people who are overweight has
doubled in the last 30 years. - Today in California 1 in 3 children are
overweight and 40 are physically unfit. - Predicted that half of all African American
Hispanic children born in the year 2000 or after
will develop diabetes.
4SJUSDWellness Policy
Adopted by School Board June 06
- Food On Campus
- Classroom Parties Rewards
- Fundraising
- Competitive Sales
- Home Baked Goods
5Student Nutrition Changes
- No fried foods or foods with transfats
- Low fat cheese, and whole wheat flour in pizza
and breads - All chips are baked
- Serve fresh fruits and vegetables every day
- Offer non-fat milk and 100 fruit juices with no
added sugars - Student entrees contain less than 4 grams of fat
per 100 calories - No soda for sale on campus
6School Celebrations
- Class celebrations should occur after the last
lunch period (except for am kindergarten). - Limited to no more than 1 celebration per month
when non-nutritious food/beverage are served. - When non-nutritious food/beverage is served a
healthy alternative should be offered. - All other celebrations during the school day must
include foods and beverages that meet the
nutritional standards established by the district
and state law. - All After School Programs are strongly encouraged
to follow the same school/classroom celebration
7Student Wellness Policy
- Home-prepared and home-baked goods are not
permitted on school campus for students, except
for individual consumption. (Health Safety Code
113700, 114015)
8Food Sales/Student Stores
- Non food items for rewards and fundraising are
encouraged. - All foods and beverages served on all elementary,
middle and high school campuses from 1/2 hour
before the morning opening of school until 1/2
hour after the last period is compliant with
State laws and regulations and have been approved
by Student Nutrition Services. - Refer to wellness policy for nutritional
requirements for snacks or entrees sold. AR
3550(a) - All schools or organizations having fundraisers
must fill out Request for Approval for
Fundraising Event Form (In Wellness Binder or
District website). Food fundraisers must be
approved by Student Nutrition Services for review
of compliance with AR 3550 and state law.
9Available Resources
- Wellness Policy Summary Handout
- Wellness Policy Facts For Parents
- Frequently Asked Q As for Nutrition Guidelines
for Food and Beverages - Healthy Snack List for Fundraising, Student
Stores, Classroom Celebrations - Healthy Beverage List
- Ideas for Healthy Fundraising Alternatives
- Request For Approval for Fundraising Event Form
10SJUSDWellness Policy
Adopted by School Board June 06
- Coordinated School Health
11District Coordinated School Health Council
Based on results of the schools School Health
- Implementation of School Health Council School
Health Leadership Teams
- Full Time School Nurse At Every School
- Health Safety Promotion for Students
- Student Education-Sequential K-12 PE Health
Education, Nutrition Asthma Education
Physical Activity Opportunities
12Schools Role
- Educate all of school community about wellness
policy with a goal of everyone working together
to obtain 100 compliance. - Choose two weaknesses identified in your school
health index and create a plan. - Implement plan
Coming together is a beginning keeping together
is progress working together is success.
Henry Ford
13Healthy Students Learn Better
Q As