Title: Psychedelic/Hallucinogens - Chpt 12
1Psychedelic/Hallucinogens- Chpt 12
2Hallucinogen Class/structure
- Cholinergic
- Muscarine
- Scopolamine
- Glutamatergic
- Ketamine
- Dextromethorphan
- Opioid
- Salvinorin A (Salvia)
- Serotonergic
- LSD-25
- Psilocybin/Psilocin
- DMT - Ayahuasca
- Bufotenine (ibogaine)
- Ololiuqui (oh-low-lee-oo-kee)
- Morning glory seeds
- Mescaline (peyote)
- MDMA (ecstasy)
- Myristin and Elemicin (nutmeg and mace)
3Effects of Serotonergic Hallucinogens
- Sympathomimetic
- Visual hallucinations
- Can influence perception of time, space events
- Altered consciousness
- Intense emotional experiences
- May produce Expansive or Restrictive Effects
- Lysergic acid Derived from ergot alkaloids
- Ergot is a poisonous fungus that infects rye
other grains grasses (Saint Anthony's Fire) - Albert Hoffman 1938 - synthesized 25 in series
of new molecules related to ergot alkaloid
chemistry - 1943 - returned to 25 making new batch
absorbed some through skin
5Albert Hofmann-Discovered LSD-1943
6LSD in the USA
- 1950s
- Clinical usage Psychiatric training
- Military Usage U.S. military and CIA as
incapacitating agent and truth drug - U.S. government gave LSD to unsuspecting
individuals to study effects
7LSD in the USA
- 1960s - popular use advocates
- East Coast Timothy Leary (clinical psychologist
at Harvard) - West Coast Ken Kesey (noted author)
8Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey
Timothy Leary LSD guru of the 1960s-Turn on,
tune in and drop out
Advocate..Author-One flew over the Cuckoos nest
9LSD in the USA
- Spread through country with huge publicity until
peak 1968 to 1972 - Schedule I in 1968
- Early 1990s - LSD came back
10Doses of Acid
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12Visual Hallucinations
- Enhanced color perception-increased
vividness/contrast emotional significance - Flickering of the visual field-Altered Perception
of motion - Synesthesia- mixing of sensory qualities, Sounds
can take on visual forms music may take on
enhanced meaning or intensity - Form constants-
- Visual hallucinations that are commonly
experienced - gratings, latticework, honeycomb, chessboard,
- tunnels, funnels, alleys, cones, vessels, and
spirals - can be present with eyes open or closed
- involve bright light in center with figures
moving in from periphery - forms appear to move in depth and take on color
shades, red common
14Form Constants
- Lattice Pattern
- Tunnel/Vortex
- Spiral Explosion
15Pharmacology of LSD
- Pharmacological Effects
- Effects heavily dependent on dose taken
- not just intensity of effects, but type of
effects - Low doses mild perceptual alterations
- comparable to effects of marijuana use, but
greater clarity -
16Effects of LSD
- Effects of drug come on in about 30 min (oral or
mucousal) - first signs are autonomic activation
- followed by overt behavioral signs - loosening of
emotional inhibitions - giddiness, laughter for no reason
- mood euphoric and expansive, but labile mood
swings notable - abnormal color sensations, luminescence
- colors reported as more brilliant
17Effects of LSD
- space and time disorders
- added depth with loss of perspective - up/down
altered - close in space influenced more than distant
- general slowing of time reported
18HIGH dose Effects of LSD-Tripping
- progression through mental and emotional
experiences - 6-12 hrs duration
- Each trip unique, highly dependent upon
setting and personal expectations - Can alter subjects emotional feelings during
trip by experimenters previous behavior - warm and supportive or suspicious and
19Tripping can be divided into four stages
1. Onset 30 min to 1 hour visual effects begin
2. Plateau next 2 hours sense of time slows, visual effects intensify
3. Peak after about 3 hrs and lasts 2-3 hours Each trip unique, highly dependent upon setting and personal expectations In another world, synesthesia
4. Come down 2 hours May take up until next day to feel normal again
- Many people have used hallucinogens for
social/communion/party purposes..however,many
claim that these substances can produce profound
experiences - The Peak experience-feelings of unity,
transcendence of time and space, strong positive
affect, sense of reality and objectivity of the
experience, sacredness, ineffability,
Paradoxicality, transiency, and subsequent
positive changes in attitudes and behavior.
21Hallucinogenic drug problems
- Bad trips anxiety/panic-
- - traumatizing, dark imagery, insights appalling
- Usually occur in novice users, feel out of
control - Generally negative set and setting are key
contributing factors
22Adverse reactions to Serotonergic Hallucinogens?
- Can lead to suicide or prolonged psychotic
- Can usually be talked down from a bad trip
- Other psychological effects sometimes
experienced- depersonalization, anxious or
fearful state, - disruption of logical thought.
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27LSD Flashbacks
- Spontaneous recurrence of trip after period of
normalcy - can occur after long periods of abstinence
- more common after multiple high dose use
- prolonged afterimages for days and weeks after
- mechanism unknown
- can be brought on by other drugs or setting
- most commonly reported in low light situations
- not intrinsically dangerous and usually goes away
28Experimental receptor study
- Vollenweider (1998)
- Administration of antagonists
- Risperidone, Ketanserin (5-HT2A D2 DA)
- Decreased drug-induced visual illusions/hallucinat
ions - Haloperidol (Only D2 DA Not 5-HT2A)
- Completely failed to prevent hallucinogenic
effects - 5-HT2A is key mediator of hallucinogenic action
- Tolerance acquired via down-regulation of
receptors - Very rapid tolerance nearly complete in 4 days
29LSD Neurotransmission
- Binds to 5-HT2A receptors
- agonist effect
- Increases amount of sensory information getting
to cortex through excitation of the Locus
- Very rapid tolerance (Tachyphylaxis) nearly
complete in 4 days - Tolerance acquired via down-regulation of
receptors - No withdrawal syndrome
- No indication from any study of either
psychological or physical dependence - animals do not self-administer
31Adverse Effects Myth Reality
- Birth defects/chromosome damage
- Myth!
- Acute Psychotic Reactions (Bad Trips)
- Fairly Common
- Use 7 times and legally insane
- Myth!
- Residual Psychosis
- Rare not certainly related to LSD
32Adverse Effects Myth Reality
- Flashbacks
- Fairly common among heavy users
- For some people, flashbacks are constant
- Rare, but true hallucinogen persisting
perception disorder - Stored in spine?
- MythCauses of flashbacks unclear
- The largest Problem relates to
decisions/behaviors while intoxicated - Accidents, Suicide, Aggression/violence
33Psilocybe Mushrooms
34Psilocybe Mushrooms
- Psilocybin
- magic mushrooms or shrooms
- Fungi that manufactured alkaloids with
hallucinogenic properties - Oral consumption
- Eaten raw, boiled in water to make tea, or cooked
with other foods to cover its bitter flavor - Major ingredients
- Psilocybin metabolized to psilocin.
- Last about 6-10 hours
- Less potent than LSD-25
- 5-HT2A agonist
- Same basic effects as LSD
- Mushrooms occasionally toxic
- employed for divinatory and healing purposes by
peoples of the Amazonian regions of S.A., is
known by a number of different names. - Supreme Court has ruled in favor of religious use
of hoasca (Ayahuasca) tea (DMT) as of 2009)
- DMT (dimethyltryptamine)
- Derived from plants (Virola Shrub)in South
America - Devoid of psychoactivity when taken orally
- Except with ayahauasca, vine of the soul
- In solid powder form and smoked.
- Onset of Effects is Rapid (45 sec.) but are short
lasting (5-15 min.) - 5-MeO-DMT (5-methoxy-dimethyltryptamine)
- Foxy Methoxy
- Oral active synthetic DMT analog is considerably
more potent
- Substance found in morning glory seeds
- Similar to LSD
- Significant nausea, vomiting and cramping
- From the Peyote cactus
- Mescal (peyote) button
- Native to SW United States and N Mexico
- Administration
- Chewed raw or cooked and eaten
- Pure powder form
- Structurally similar to NE
- However, most of the effect is mediated by our
friend, the 5-HT2A agonist action - Legal for members of the Native American Church
42Peyote cactus-mescaline
43Religious Use of Hallucinogens
- Right to peyote ritual is protected for Native
44Peyote cactus-mescaline
45Pharmacology of selected Hallucinogenic Drugs
- Pyschedelic effects
- begin within 30-90
- min (oral)
- LSD or mescaline trip lasts for 6-12 hrs
Psilocybin dissipates sooner - DMT effects user within seconds and dissipates in
an hour or less
- Depicts the typical dose range taken by
recreational users (psilocybin is most potent and
mescaline is the least)
Drug Route of Admin Typical Dose Range
LSD Oral .05-.10 mg
Psilocybin Oral 10-20 mg
Mescaline Oral 200-500 mg
DMT Smoking 20-50 mg