Title: International Seminar on Integrating Modern and
1International Seminar on Integrating Modern and
Traditional Information and Communication
Technologies for Community Development Januar
y 22-27, 2001 Kothmale, Sri Lanka
Sonam Tobgyal
3Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Bhutan
- Situated between India and China
- Land area 47,000km squared
- Around 70 is under forest cover
- 8-10 Agricultural land
- Population 700,000
- A major technical challenge for the Broadcaster
4Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- As Public Service Broadcaster aim
- Low literacy rate, rugged terrain makes Radio
popular medium of information
5Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Brief History
- 1973 Group of Volunteers started radio service
- Used a 400 watt SW transmitter
- 1979 Became part of Dept of Information and
- 1986 Professional 5KW RIZ SW Transmitter put into
6Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Brief History(cntd)
- 1991 50 KW BBC SW Transmitter complex
- UNESCO-DANIDA Project enabled good transition
- 1997 DANIDA funding for National FM Network
7Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Present Status
- Broadcasts 10 Hours a day
- 4 Major languages
- Dzongkha
- Sharchopkha
- Lhotsamkha
- English
8Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Nationwide FM Network
- FM started in 1990 using a 100W transmitter.
- Intensive tests carried out to choose the
transmitter sites
- Set up 3 main 1KW transmitters two 20watt
- Covers 1/3rd of the Country
9Bhutan Broadcasting Service
10Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Internet
- Services started in June 1999
- Restricted to urban areas
- Computer with modem
- Service still expensive
- Nu.1000/month Local telephone charges(15-20
- UNDP Strongly supporting Internet usage
11Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Radio Browsing
- Idea planted in June 2000 during Jayaweeras
- Program where listeners can send letters,
postcards, email or phone in for information from
the Internet on any subject
12Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Objectives
- Provide information
- Create IT awareness
- Provide information through the Internet
- Broaden Internet market
- Provide quality and variety to programs
13Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Target Groups
- Students
- General Internet users
- Uneducated farmers, workers, businessmen,
- Travel agents
14Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Requirements( Hardware)
- Computers
- A leased Internet connection
- Studio with Telephone Interface
- Toll free lines to encourage more callers
15Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Requirements( Software)
- Technical support(ISP)
- Professional Support(Resource Persons)
- Anchor having fairly good Internet knowledge
17Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Funding and sustainability
- UNESCO and Telecom provided capital
- Look for sponsors
- IT Industries ready to fund but will it be
18Bhutan Broadcasting Service
- Future
- Increase Program time
- Establish a regional bureau near a Telecenter
- Eventually set up a small broadcast station ?