Title: ICT in Bhutan
1ICT in Bhutan
- Challenges and Opportunities
Christopher Faris ICTD Focal Point, UNDP Bhutan
Presented at APDIP POWII Workshop Kuala Lumpur,
12-14 February 2004
2ICT in Bhutan Presentation Structure
- Bhutan Background
- New Ministry - Policy Challenges
- Digital Opportunity Initiative and Bhutan ICT
Policy and Strategies - Free and Open Source Software
- Obstacles into Opportunities
- Future directions Bhutan and APDIP
- A half-baked idea
3Bhutan Brief Background
- Gross National Happiness, not Gross National
Product - Small (700,000 people)
- Mountainous up to 7500m steep terrain
- Dispersed rural population
- Not rich (LDC, LLC)
- Embryonic ICT sector
4Where does new Ministry sit in Government?
5ICT Policy Process Digital Opportunity
2 previous attempts, but no national ownership or
political will
- Five concurrent Committees
- Cross-cutting membership overseen by Council of
Secretarys - But
- Donors? Resource mobilisation?
- Participatory?
- Sector plans eg health?
6FOSS, WTO and culture - no laughing matter
Language cultural heritage national
MS Office/XP 250 143 days salary
(Bhutan) 2.5 days salary (US)
Option 2 Pentium I (donated) 0 Open Office
CD 1 1 ( installation)
Option 1 Pentium IV 1200 MS
Office/XP 250 1450
7Obstacles into opportunities
??? Wireless? ??? FOSS? ??? SME
development? ??? (Indian joint ventures?)
1. Mountainous, dispersed population living in
hamlets 2. Cost of software relative to
income 3. Small ICT sector
8Future Directions Bhutan and APDIP
- Commenced - FOSS IDRC / NUCES PAN
localisation - - A2I initiative DGTTF3 portal, access
points, services - APDIP - SMEs - Appropriate industry development
- - Wireless possible solution for rural areas?
- UNDP Bhutan - ICT and Crisis Prevention /
Recovery - - ICT4D Donor Co-ordination meeting soon!
- RGOB - E-government strategy
- - Private sector development (outsourcing)
- - Preservation of cultural heritage
- - Awareness-raising AV material, Korean IT
9Finally, a half-baked idea
Open source model of knowledge management?
10Thank you Tashi Delek