Country Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Country Presentation


The Kingdom of Bhutan is the last Buddhist Kingdom of the Himalayas that is ... 2000 Bhutan Communication Authority (Regulatory Body) Established ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Country Presentation

Country Presentation
  • Ninth APT Standardization Program Forum (29th
    March 2005- 1st April2005)
  • Ms.Ambika GurungBhutan Communications
  • Ministry of Information and Communications,
  • ThimphuBhutan.

  • The Kingdom of Bhutan is the last Buddhist
    Kingdom of the Himalayas that is bordered by the
    Tibetan Autonomous Region of China to the North
    and India to the south.
  • Most of the Countrys population is concentrated
    in the valleys while large areas at higher
    altitudes are virtually empty except for nomadic
    herders.Bhutan is divided into 20 Dzongkhags or
    Districts for administrative purposes.

Country profile
  • Capital Thimphu
  • Area 38,394sq Km
  • Population 0.734 million
  • Currency Ngultrum (Nu)
  • GDP US 646 million (2004)
  • Per Capita Income US 835 (2004)
  • Tele density
  • Over all 4.03
  • Urban 15
  • Rural

  • Waiting list for Telephone lines 450 (2004)
  • Cellular Subscribers 17,800 (2004)
  • Paging Subscribers 1
  • Telex Subscribers 6
  • Internet Subscribers
  • Dial up - Above 3,036
  • Lease line 30 (2004)
  • International Outgoing Traffic 7 million

History of Telecom in Bhutan
  • 1967 First Telecom Service started in Bhutan.
  • 1987- 1990 Satellite Earth Station
  • 1996 Fully digital Microwave completed
  • 1999 The Telecom Act, approved by the 77th
    session of the National Assembly
  • 1999 first Internet Service provider (ISP)
    Druknet Commissioned
  • 2000 Bhutan Communication Authority (Regulatory
    Body) Established
  • July 2000, Telecom Department Turned state own

ICT Development in Bhutan
  • June 1999 Bhutans first Internet Service
    Provider (ISP) named Druknet commissioned under
    the Bhutan Telecom.
  • July 2003 Ministry of Information and
    Communications established.
  • November 2003Bhutan Mobile Communications
    Service started using the GSM 900 by the Bhutan
    Telecom (B-Mobile).

Telecom Networks
  • The National backbone network consists of
  • 34Mbit/s digital microwave links in the 8 GHz
    frequency band for main routes.
  • 34Mbit/s digital microwave links for the spur
    routes in the 8.3 GHz frequency band.
  • 8Mbit/s capacity routes.
  • Telecommunications Services are also provided
    using digital radio multiple access subscriber
    system (DRAMASS) to densely populated districts.

Telecom Networks cont..
  • DRAMASS connectivity to the TX network is through
    2x2Mbit/s and 8Mbit/s digital microwave radio
    links in the 2.4Ghz frequency band.
  • The 34Mbit/s and 8Mbit/s digital microwave radio
    links terminate at fifteen digital NEC NEAX61E.
  • DRAMASS TX link terminate at ten DRAMASS
  • In rural areas,ultra high frequency (UHF) and
    very high frequency (VHF) technologies have been
    used to provide basic voice telephony services.
  • In rural areas,ultra high frequency (UHF) and
    very high frequency (VHF) technologies have been
    used to provide basic voice telephony services.

Bhutan Communications Authority
  • BCA was established in the year 2000. Bhutan
    Communications Authority is headed by the
    Director with 20 staffs.
  • BCA is mandated to regulate and facilitate the
    Development of the BhutaneseTelecommunications
    sector. Its responsibilities include economic
    regulation, technical regulation standards.
  • Coordinating the Development of the
    telecommunications infrastructure, managing the
    radio frequency spectrum, administrating
    Commercial cable television licensing terms and
    conditions, providing to the Government on
    telecommunications matters and representing
    Bhutan in International

Standardization Scenario in Bhutan
  • The Bhutan Communications Authority is working on
    Standardization Unit by 2004-2005.
  • Framing of Standardization rules and regulation
    is ongoing.
  • Type approval scheme
  • -such as conformity declaration scheme is being
  • Evaluation based on document submission (MRA and
  • -Evaluation at Test Lab
  • Implementation of rules and regulations
  • -To set up rules and to regulate ICT

  • Rules and document to be prepared
  • Rules of type approval
  • License conditions
  • Guidebook for type approval
  • Applications forms
  • Work manual of BCA
  • Supporting facilities for implementation
  • Library of Technical document
  • Test Laboratories
  • Soft ware

Standardization Activity
Approval Schemes
Frame work of Schemes
  • Compliant Equipment Scheme
  • This scheme will be applied to ICT equipment such
    as single wire-line equipment which is
    technically matured and is used worldwide. Since,
    the public switched telephone network in Bhutan
    follows the world class technical standards such
    as ITU-T, so single wire-line equipments used in
    other countries could be accepted in Bhutan
    without much detail technical evaluation.
  • Acknowledged Equipment Scheme
  • This scheme will be applied to ICT equipment such
    as low power radio equipment which could cause
    interference in others telecommunication in
    Bhutan due to the difference in environmental
    conditions when compared to other countries. The
    equipment must be verified by recognized test
    bodies as complying with BCA specifications or
  • Validated Equipment Scheme
  • This scheme will be applied to that ICT equipment
    of unique features which is not universally used,
    but could be used in mountainous countries like

Future Activities
  • At present, the main drawback faced by BCA is the
    requirement of skilled human resource. Such
    workshops as this one would be one form of
    enhancing and solving this problem where one
    could exchange and learn from other participants.
    Besides developing the framework, BCA is also
    looking into opportunities to enhance its human
    resources capacity.
  • Bhutan still needs to learn a lot from other
    countries experience and it is felt that a
    close Regional Cooperation between regional
    regulatory bodies and active continuous exchange
    of ideas and information in terms of
    technological developments would be beneficial
    not only for Bhutan but also for other member
    countries facing similar problems.

Promotion of Standardization
  • Presently the standardization activities are
    almost nil in Bhutan.But with the proper
    Workshop/Forum received with the aid of of
    International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and
    Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) like this
    Workshop would be very beneficial for my office.
  • By such workshops and trainings, one gets to know
    about different standards followed in different
    countries. Therefore, it would help one to decide
    what standards to be adopted in their country.In
    future if a competent laboratory is set up, the
    researchers can be under taken and adopt a
    standard that is best for ones own country.

  • (What I expect from this Workshop)
  • This workshop is especially on the
    standardization activities of Telecommunications
    equipments, I expect to learn a lot of Standards
    followed in the developed countries as well as
    the developing Countries.
  • Thank You
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