Title: XML and Storage
1- Who is Software AG?
- XML Adoption
- Wheres the pain?
- The pain relief!
- XML Server Examples
- XQuery
- XML and Storage
- Michael Hawkins
- General Manager Business Development
- Japan, Asia, China, Australia
237 Years Heritage of Technology Leadership
3Software AG has more than 600 Customers in
Financial Services
4and more than 3,000 Customers across all
Industries worldwide
XML Here To Stay "XML will continue to be a hot
story, though it is unlikely to hit the front
pages as much as it has in the past. In some
ways, that may be a good thing, as XML makes the
transition from topic for debate to forgone
conclusion. Christopher Lindquist / Ed Dumbill
- Jan 2002 Issue of CIO Magazine
- Hype Cycle
- XML adoption curve
6GARTNER - XML hype cycle 2003
Source Gartner Group - 05/2003
7XML Adoption Curve
Intermediate High
2-3 years
Adoption time line (mainstream usage)
- Business drivers
- The pain - reality check
9Business Drivers for XML
- Issues
- I Application integration
- Respond faster - improve efficiency - provide
better service - II Content integration
- Unified view - effective location of content
- III Content management
- Single source / multi channel publishing -
workflow - IV Device communication
- Common content format - offline access -
synchronization - V Other issues
- Cost reduction - investment risk reduction -
customer loyalty
10Business Drivers (I)
- Application integration issues
- Respond faster to changing business needs and
competitive pressure - Reduce efforts to adhere to regulatory
requirements - Mergers acquisitions require consolidation of
services - Logistics managemt. minimize inventory/optimize
resource usage - Offer new business services (e.g. Web services)
- Improve Business Efficiency
- Improve operational productivity of employees
- Increase efficiency of business processes (e.g.
increase automation, manage exceptions) - Provide better service to customers, partners and
employees - Customer self-service over the Web call center
solutions - Reduce process cycle time
11The need for integration
- Overwhelming number of data producers and
consumers in organizations - XML provides way to exchange data
- Point-to-point integrations have limitations
- No records, auditing
- No versioning
- No cross-application processes
- Increased complexity
12Business Drivers (II)
- Content integration issues
- Provide unified view and access to enterprise
content - Central content repository to serve
hundreds/thousands of users - Access to data in productive external sources and
applications - Allow effective location of pre-existing content
- Querying structured content - minor problem today
- Querying unstructured content - inefficient today
- Unstructured content proliferates
- Content not yet encoded w/ descriptive metadata
- Query content in repository and external sources
- Metadata aggregation storage required for
efficient enterprise-wide searching on
unstructured content
13Business Drivers (III)
- Content management issues
- Single source publishing - to leverage existing
assets - Create and store content for maximum reusability
and self-service - Store XML associated layout information other
types of data - Avoid inconsistencies and redundancies
- Assemble on demand
- Repurpose many times in different formats (Web,
print, mobile ...) - Personalized access to information relevant to a
specific subject - Workflow
- Streamline processes for higher efficiency (short
response-times ..) - Keep enterprise-wide processing of data in sync
(log, versioning ...) - Access control / authentication
14Business Drivers (IV)
- Device communication issues
- Mobile access
- Common format to transmit content/applications to
ext. devices - Common internal representation format gt XML!!!
- Content storage and indexing
- On central server -and- at point of consumption
(mobile device) - Online searches / cost-effective offline searches
(everywhere) - Synchronization
- Between central (staging) server and back end
infrastructure - Between mobile devices and central server
15Business Drivers (V)
- Other issues
- Reduce "update"/"administration"/"development"
cost - Web browser-based administration and access
- Use standard Web technologies and best-of-breed
tools - Keep storage efforts for XML documents as low as
possible - Drive down technology and investment risks
- IT solutions to be based on open standards
- No platform lock-in or vendor lock-in
- Improve customer loyalty
- With fast, comprehensive and accurate search
capabilities - Access to up-to-date planning / status data
- Delivery as promised
16The pain - reality check
- Large investment in existing systems that already
provide optimum performance for mission critical
functions - IT infrastructures are and will remain
heterogeneous - Not ready for Web services - often not even
Web-enabled - No central point of access / querying to
enterprise data - They are not connected
- 85 of application projects do not use
integration software - Less than 10 of business processes connected to
other systems - Lack of real-time access and information flow
- Content inconsistencies - the "cut paste
dilemma" - Re-use of existing content is ineffective
yields to inconsistencies - Insufficient versioning / revision management
- Low budgets
- Tactical, project-based funding but desire long
term strategic value - Projects are critical to business viability -
must show rapid ROI!
- Value of XML storage in the enterprise
- Where do we store it?
- Native versus Enabled
18XML storage in the enterprise
- Persistent storage for applications that rely
upon business documents - A repository for an Enterprise Service Bus
integrating multiple enterprise applications - A repository for XML content-oriented
applications including XML content management - A staging server and a repository for all
portal-centric content - A registry of web services, taxonomies, or other
directories (e.g. UDDI registry, metadata
repository, ...) - A database to manage Web service states,
long-term cache, or intermediary between
specialized repositories
Source Gilbane Report - June 2003
19Where do we store it?
- File system
- Text files
- Utilise existing infrastructure (backup/restore,
security, etc) - No query/reporting, etc
- Existing Database Structures
- Usually an existing RDBMS
- Utilise the facilities of a database for
management/processing, etc - XML-based storage
- Native XML Database/Server
- By design a RDBMS is good to handle normalised
table structures - XML documents have a kind of hierarchical nested
table structure that does not fit into the RDBMS
database unless you use features that help to
automate this mapping process.
21XML Document Structure
Markup content
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt ltmusictitle
mainclassContemporary" subclass"Rock"gt
lttitle titlekey"7"gtBlueslt/titlegt ltartist
artistkey"E00001"gtEric Claptonlt/artistgt
ltlabelgtUni/Polydorlt/labelgt ltproduct
productcode"B00000JNMN" type"CD"gt ltno.of.disc
discnum"2"/gt ltpricegt
ltlistpricegt24.97lt/listpricegt ltourpricegt22.47lt/ou
rpricegt ltsavinggt2.50lt/savinggt ltdiscountgt10lt/di
scountgt lt/pricegt ltreleasedate day"27"
month"7" year"1999"/gt ltavailability
avail"1"/gt lt/productgt ltcoverimg
src"B00000JNMN.gif"/gt lt/musictitlegt
22The Logical Structure of XML Documents
23Relational Database Views
24XML in a Tamino native XML Server
- No mapping required quick development results in
short time-to market - Native storage keeping the original structure
eg. for legal auditing purposes - High performance no delay of converting layers
in between - Scalable support for 1 to 100000 and more users
25Native vs Enabled
Youve got to admit that my storage is clear and
26Why is XML difficult to handle by RDBMS?
- An RDBMS is primarily designed to handle table
oriented data - structure and format of data is known prior to
storage - names and types of data components are fixed and
unchanging - column descriptions are used for indexing and
retrieval - without column descriptions we do not know the
meaning of the content
27How to store XML in MS SQL Server?
ltSTREETgt123 Cherry Lanelt/STREETgt
ltCITYgtBestlt/CITYgt ltSTATEgtCAlt/STATEgt
ltZIPgt94132lt/ZIPgt lt/HOMEADDRESSgt
create table customer ( customerid
number(10), firstname varchar(20), lastname
varchar(20), street varchar(40), city
varchar(20), state varchar(10), zip varchar(10)
Flatten the xml file ltrootgtltCUSTOMER
LASTNAMEAstoria STREET123 Cherry Lane
Create the stored procedure
Pass xml to stored procedure then parse insert
into the table
28Value of XML for XML repositories
- XML document is the basis
- XML documents can be stored as is - without
further conversion - Associated open XML standards provide for
effective access to document parts or the
document as a whole (e.g. XQuery, XPath) - Content validation prior to storage (XML Schema)
- XML-DBs promote automation of document exchange
by providing persistent message storage for
logging, auditing and tracking of business
documents - XML provides context
- to stored information so it can be queried and
presented most effectively - for intelligent re-formatting gt flexible re-use
in multi-channel publishing services - XML makes stored content flexible to change
- Changes in the document structure mainly require
a change in the associated schema - little or no
data remodeling
29Caching / staging server
- XML Database is frequently used as caching
server, for example, for online catalogs - Ensures performance requirements of business
solutions (good response times) - Reduces direct load on back-end applications
- Storing information in XML format makes it easier
to - create or generate different "skins" (user
interfaces / layout) or personalized views on the
data - Manage multiple languages
Enterprise TransactionSystem
A Caching Server
30XML-DB in a service oriented architecture
System of Record Completed Documents relational
- Permanent, long-term storage - System of
record - Rigid schema - Normalized and
highly typed
XML as an intermediate data representation or
middleware layer and storage format to
effectively facilitate inter-system communication
Operational Data Store Documents in Progress
XML - State data and payload data -
Managed for the duration of the process -
Shared, updated, audited iterative extensions
- Dynamic (variable) schema
- What is Tamino?
- Tamino in the enterprise
32Tamino XML Server Architecture
Core Services
Obj. Processor Obj. Composer
Query / Text-RetrievalService XML Parser
Query Interpreter
Security Service
Data Map XML SchemaService
Tokenizer (opt.) Chin.,Jap.,Kor.
Internet File System
Native XMLData Store
Administration Services
Tamino Manager
33Facts and features
Full XML Support
Interfaces APIs
Integration Adapters
ERP (SAP, Peoplesoft, etc.)
C, C, VB
Application servers
XML Schema
Heritage systems
XML Namespaces
XML Industry Standards
(ebXML, XBRL, SWIFT etc.)
XML Signatures
(more than 200)
Windows2000 XP
Application Servers
Web Servers
Office Packages
Sun Solaris
SuSe Linux (Intel)
Suse Linux (OS/390)
RedHat Linux
34Selection of customers (1)
35Selection of customers (2)
Pharma Healthcare
Media Technology
36Selection of customers (3)
37(No Transcript)
38XML-Based Content Management
- Problem
- Statutory obligation to preserve holdings for
future generations - Protect against Corporate Alzheimers!!
- This includes
- Books, journals and other publications, plus
- Papers, manuscripts, photographs, oral history
readings, architectural plans, maps and other
artefacts relating to SA History. - Solution
- Based on research, concluded XML required and
native storage required - Terabytes of content will be available to the
public thru the web and their CM Systems - Project SA Memory a collaboration outside SA
39UK Ordnance Survey OfficeSVG and GML
- Build and manage a high-performance web directory
of European businesses with information on approx
500,000 companies in 33 countries. - Fast response times.
- Powerful query capabilities.
- Support for multiple languages (including Eastern
European languages). - Move from an SGML based system to XML.
- Information is stored and managed in the form of
XML documents. The customer referred to this as a
natural choice. - Solution is built on Tamino XML Server.
- The internet site has good performance and
powerful search mechanisms. - Currently 24 languages are supported.
- The solution also contains a thesaurus with some
300,000 entries in the area of B2B. - Site has been live for approximately 2 years.
43Workflow-based XML document management for
complex testand diagnostic data
- Use XML as the standard for consistent management
of all testing and diagnostics information
related to electronic control devices in
Mercedes-Benz vehicles. - Establish an intranet-based portal for a
standardized horizontal workflow of documents
through the development, production and service
Mission of ASAM www.asam.net Reduction of effort
and expense to maintain and adapt automation and
test systems in the areas of development,
production and service.
45Thank you! ....