Title: Wetland Protection
1Wetland Protection
- Why should the Federal Government protect
wetlands? - Protect waterways as natures filter
- Flood control
- Wildlife habitat
- Endangered species
- Spawning habitat
- Recreation
- Aquifer Recharge
2Wetland Protection
- Greater than ½ of nations wetlands have been
lost much of remainder is degraded - Many states safeguard wetlands
- Not Texas or other playa states
- Federal protection
- Since 1988 no net loss still lose 100,000
3Wetland Protection
- Swamplands Acts 1849, 1850, 1855
- provided a mechanism for transferring title to
federally owned swampland to private parties
agreeing to drain the land and turn it to
productive, presumably agricultural, use - Everglades, Great Lakes, Louisiana
- Assisted with cost to drain and fill
- Ceded wetlands to states for drainage and
reclamation - Not reversed until Wetland Protection Act of
4Wetland Protection
- Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Defense,
is the key regulatory agency - Protection grew out of efforts to protect
navigability of nation waterways - Rivers Harbors Act of 1899
- Principal purpose to protect navigation
- Section 10 prohibits anyone from dredging,
filling, or otherwise altering or modifying
navigable water without obtaining a permit from
the ACOE
5Wetland Protection
- Protection grew out of efforts to protect
navigability of nation waterways - Rivers Harbors Act of 1899
- To be protected a wetland must be navigable or
become navigable with improvements - Only some wetlands qualify
- But a secondary role in protecting wetlands
6Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Principal protection for wetlands
- No one can discharge dredged or fill materials
into a jurisdictional wetland without a permit
from the ACOE - Applies to navigable waters defined as waters of
the United States including the territorial seas - Courts have interpreted this to encompass
wetlands that would not have been considered
navigable - Downside regulates only a limited set of
activities and contains a number of broad
7Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Extends only to discharges
- Exempts normal farming, ranching, and
silviculture activities - Since CWA passed legal tug-of-war between those
that want to expand wetland protection and those
that think wetland protection should be decreased
8Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Revolves around definition of navigable waters
- Constitutional basis is the Commerce Clause
- Used the phrase navigable but stretched to
waters of the United States, which has required
judicial interpretation - Obscure
9Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Initially jurisdiction to include only navigable
waterways, which included few wetlands - Courts concluded that Congress intended to claim
as much jurisdiction as commerce powers permitted - ACOE issued new regulations in 1982 asserting
jurisdiction over not only actually navigable
waters but also adjacent wetlands, interstate
wetlands, and intrastate wetlands, sloughs,
prairie potholes, wet meadows, playa lakes, or
natural ponds, the use of which could affect
interstate or foreign commerce.
10Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- United States v. Riverside Bayview Homes, Inc.
U.S. Supreme Court agreed that the ACOE could
regulate wetlands adjacent to navigable waters - The 1982 definition was strict and few isolated
wetlands met the jurisdictional criteria - In 1986 (ACOE) and 1988 (EPA) the Migratory Bird
Rule was used to extend 404 regulations to
isolated wetlands migratory birds cross state
and international boundaries and hunting is
involved then the Commerce Clause should apply - Other criteria must be met to be jurisdictional
11Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Other criteria must be met to be jurisdictional
- Hydric soils
- Hydric plants
- Hydrology
- Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County
(SWANCC) v USACOE the Supreme Court by a 5-4
vote declared that the Migratory Bird Rule
exceeded the Corps statutory authority - Resulted in loss of 404 protection for isolated
wetlands - Interpretation also based on intrusion into
states right to regulate land use
12Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Regulates only discharge of material into
wetlands - Tulloch Rule regulation of dredging operations
if potential for redeposition of dredged material
exists - Gone through court decisions
13Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Exemptions
- Normal farming, silviculture, and ranching
activities - Construction of farm or stock ponds or irrigation
14Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Permitting Process
- CWA has little guidance, so it has evolved over
time - EPA was directed to develop appropriate
guidelines to oversee ACOE activities - If seeking a permit, must show that (1) there is
no practicable alternative to the proposed
activity that would have less impact on the
aquatic ecosystem, (2) the proposed activity will
not have significant adverse impacts on aquatic
resources, (3) all appropriate and practicable
mitigation will be employed, and (4) proposed
activities will not violate other state or
federal laws
15Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Permitting Process
- ACOE is supposed to scrutinize the activity to
see if it would be contrary to the public
interest - Consider the effect of the activity on fish,
wildlife, water quality, flood control,
recreation, and aesthetics
16Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- General Permits
- 100,000 activities/year that fall within 404
jurisdiction - Only 15 go through full regulatory review
process - Majority are covered by generic nationwide,
regional, or programmatic permits known as
General Permits - If comply with the conditions of the General
Permit then often do not even have to notify the
17Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- General Permits
- There are gt35 nationwide general permits
- Wildlife related can be exempt
- NW 36 used to allow filling of up to 3 acres of
wetlands without permits in 2000 replaced with
NW 39, which authorizes filling of lt1/2 acre with
requirements - NW permits can result in wetland loss
18Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- EPA has veto authority over permits
- As of 2000, only 11 of the gt150,000 permits
issued since 1979 have been vetoed - Constitutional Takings
- Many takings challenges as those denied permits
usually sue arguing that they have been deprived
of use of protected wetland - Decisions vary depend on how much land and
value of the wetland
19Wetland Protection
- Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
- Incentive Programs
- Incentives can often be more effective than
strict regulations - USDA Conservation Programs
- Swampbuster
- Wetlands Reserve Program
20Wetland Protection
- Supreme Court 2006
- Rapanos v United States
- Voided rulings against developers that wanted to
fill wetlands near Lake St. Clair, MI - 5-4 vote that fell one vote short of gutting the
CWA (Justice Kennedy provided deciding vote) - More challenges in the court system.
21The Endangered Species Act
- World is experiencing the highest rate of species
extinction since dinosaurs died out 65 MYA - Current loss rate 3-4 orders of magnitude greater
than historical - Humans are the major cause of the current wave of
extinctions - Habitat loss, modification, and degradation,
introduction of exotic species, harvest
22The Endangered Species Act
- The Endangered Species Act is the strongest
federal protection against species loss - Flatly bans the hunting or killing of endangered
species and protects against significant habitat
loss - Problems
- Does nothing about exotic species
- Waits until situation dire to install
protections species at the edge of extinction
difficult to restore - Passed in 1973
- Not much fanfare at the time
- One of the most powerful natural resource laws
23The Endangered Species Act
- The major controversy revolves around balancing
the benefits of preserving a species against the
economic costs of preservation - Federal agencies cannot take any action that
jeopardizes existence of an endangered species or
alter species critical habitat no matter how
valuable the action would be to society
24The Endangered Species Act
- However, Congress has never fully funded the
endangered species program indicating that other
items are more important - Many suits against the ESA
- The current law does not provide for the explicit
balancing of costs and benefits - Value of endangered species? Moral, ethical,
economic?? - Most endangered species have no commercial value,
which is why they are endangered
25The Endangered Species Act
- In 1973, Congress expressed that species should
be preserved for their potential genetic value
(medicines) - Biodiversity and ecosystem services are necessary
for humans to survive - Overall value in trillions but contribution of
individual species is uncertain
26The Endangered Species Act
- 2 Federal agencies split administrative
responsibilities under ESA - USFWS is responsible for protecting terrestrial
and avian species and freshwater fish - NMFS takes responsibility for marine species,
including anadromous fish such as salmon
27The Endangered Species Act
- Listing species
- Protects only those species listed by the FWS as
either endangered or threatened - Endangered if it is in danger of extinction
throughout all or a significant portion of its
range - Threatened if it is likely to become an
endangered species in the foreseeable future - Most provision apply equally to endangered and
threatened species
28The Endangered Species Act
- Listing species
- Section 4
- FWS can list a species or an individual or
organization can petition to list the species - Now gt1800 species listed
- gt1250 found in the United States
- gt500 animals and nearly 750 plants
- Decide what a species is
- ESA does not define
- Authorizes to list not only individual species
but also subspecies and for vertebrates, distinct
population segments that interbreed when mature
29The Endangered Species Act
- Listing species
- Try to keep economic and political consideration
out of listing decisions - Determine within 90 days of receiving petition if
the petition merits full review - Within 1 year of receiving petition must make
determine whether to list the species - Must list if natural or manmade factors make
the species endangered or threatened and cannot
consider the potential economic consequences of
listing the species
30The Endangered Species Act
- Listing species
- Policy of peer-review of expert opinion before
making a listing determination - Significant pressures not to list species, can
avoid decision - Need more information
- Warranted but precluded
- gt250 species candidate
- Congress issue moratoriums administration can
delay - Protections for other species can protect species
in question
31The Endangered Species Act
- Limits on Federal Agency Action
- Section 7, all federal agencies must consult with
the FWS before taking any action that might
affect either an endangered or threatened species
and must insure that the action is not likely
to (1) jeopardize the continued existence of the
species or (2) destroy or modify critical habitat - No consideration of cost
32The Endangered Species Act
- Limits on Federal Agency Action
- TVA v. Hill changed the ESA forever as it now
became a force in federal activities - Tellico Dam and Snail Darter
- Citizens Suit to stop dam supported by Supreme
Court - Endangered Species Committee (God-Squad),
cabinet-level committee to determine fate of
species - 1980 Congress exempted Tellico Dam from ESA in a
military appropriations rider
33The Endangered Species Act
- Limits on Federal Agency Action
- TVA v. Hill changed the ESA forever as it now
became a force in federal activities - Cannot use cost a as an excuse for not complying
with requirements of section 7 - Strongest tool that environmental groups have to
shape natural resource policy - Also illustrates that no matter what the statutes
state, cost and politics are the realities of
34The Endangered Species Act
- Limits on Federal Agency Action
- Of 186,000 reviewed federal projects under
section 7, alterations or delays for lt3 and
blocked lt0.05 most alterations were minor and
35The Endangered Species Act
- Critical Habitat
- Very controversial
- ESA requires the FWS to designate critical
habitat at the same time as listing as long as
the designation is prudent and determinable - Very expensive so usually postponed
- By 2002 lt15 of species had habitat designated
- Usually results in law suits
36The Endangered Species Act
- Critical Habitat
- Cost can be a factor in the decision of how much
and which habitat but not whether to declare or
not - Bill in Congress to change increase emphasis on
economics and practicality and time to designate.
37The Endangered Species Act
- Section 9
- No one, public or private, can take an endangered
species of fish or wildlife - 1981 a regulation that states if significant
habitat modification or degradation occurs that
actually kills or injures wildlife by
significantly impairing essential behavioral
patterns, including breeding, feeding, or
sheltering constitutes unlawful harm - More controversy on this regulation than any
38The Endangered Species Act
- Section 9
- Babbitt v. Sweet Home Chapter of Communities for
a Great Oregon Supreme Court upheld regulation
in 1995 - Incidental Take Permits
- To mitigate section 9s potential restrictions on
the use of private property - Authorized in 1982
- Under Section 10, the FWS can permit an otherwise
unlawful taking of a species if (1) taking is
incidental to an otherwise lawful activity and
(2) the permit applicant has devised an
acceptable Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP)
39The Endangered Species Act
- Section 9
- Administrative Reform Efforts
- Faced with increasing hostility to ESA and
Section 9, changes in policy were made in the mid
1990s - When a species is listed, activities considered
likely or unlikely to violate Section 9 are
provided - No Surprises policy provide landowners with
greater certainty by promising landowners who
receive incidental take permits that the
government will pay for any new habitat or
actions that might be needed to meet unforeseen
40The Endangered Species Act
- Section 9
- Faced with increasing hostility to ESA and
Section 9, changes in policy were made in the mid
1990s - Safe Harbor Agreements encourage landowners to
enhance, restore, or create habitat on their
property if a landowner voluntary enhances,
restores, or creates habitat, the landowner is
free to return the land its initial condition at
a later time - CCAAs
41The Endangered Species Act
- Section 9
- Criticisms
- Encourages landowners to destroy valuable habitat
- Unfair to force a limited group of landowners to
bear the burden of protecting listed species - Costs to society outweigh the value of the
protected species - Few Takings Challenges because rarely are
property owners prevented from making any use of
their land
42The Endangered Species Act
- Recovery Plans
- Section 4 states that FWS give priority to
developing and implementing recovery plans to
species that are most likely to benefit - Implement recovery plans
- Sections 7 and 9
- Section 6 provides funding to states to restore
species - Section 5 allows the FWS to acquire land and
water - Usually lack funds
43The Endangered Species Act
- Does it work?
- Argument that few species recovered so must not
work - 33 delisted 7 extinct, 12 due to administrative
changes, 14 because of recovery - Delisting should not be deciding factor
- Only 7 gone extinct may be best indicator of
success given existing threats
44The Endangered Species Act
- Changes
- Start protection prior to nearly extinct
- Protection of biodiversity and ecosystems
- Involve states earlier
- Employ Adaptive Management Procedures
- Due for reauthorization but Congress has