Title: Bermuda Government retained the services of a Sustainable D
1 S U S T A I N A B L E D E V E L O P M E
N T T h e B e r m u d a A p p r o a c h
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
Malaysia - August 2008
2S u s t a i n a b l e D e v e l o p m e n t
I n B e r m u d a
Purpose of this Presentation
Outline Bermudas approach to and the current
status of Sustainable Development in Bermuda
Share with you the current initiatives focussi
ng on water and waste
CPA Conference August 2008
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I n B e r m u d a
Background The Bermuda Approach
Bermuda Government retained the services of a
Sustainable Development (SD) Consultant from the
UKs Government to spearhead a local project team
to develop a plan to approach the development of
a Draft Sustainable Development Strategy and
Implementation Plan.
CPA Conference August 2008
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I n B e r m u d a
Background The Bermuda Approach
Extensive consultations with Bermudians and ot
her interested Residents Non-Governmental Organiz
ations (NGOs) Business and Professional Organiza
tions Social and Workmens Clubs Faith Based Org
anizations Former and current Members of Parliame
nt and Senate Civil Servants Other Nations
CPA Conference August 2008
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Outcome of Consultations
Draft Sustainable Development Strategy and
Implementation Plan prepared in 2005
SD Roundtable established to provide an advisory
and public relations role. A Sustainable Developm
ent Unit was established within the Cabinet
Office in 2006 Draft Plan circulated for public c
onsultation for about one year
Final version was then presented to and approved
by Cabinet in February 2008
CPA Conference August 2008
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Bermudas SD Plan Built Around 5 Themes
CPA Conference August 2008
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The Focus Today is Water and Waste
Theme 2 of the Bermuda SD Plan Living within Our
Limits Covers these two important areas On a
per-capita basis, Bermudas increased population
consumes about 30 gallons of water per day. This
represents an increase of approximately 400
since 1970. Bermudas strong economy and relati
ve affluence has contributed to the unenviable
distinction of producing one of the highest per
capita waste streams on the planet.greater than
New York.
CPA Conference August 2008
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Government Commitments to Water and Waste
Planned and Current Actions
Develop a 20-year water strategy
Improve water efficiency Introduce a governme
nt water efficiency programme Develop and susta
in a public education campaign
Managing Demand And Supply for Water
Focus on sewage from urban centers
Assess feasibility of collecting sewage from ce
ss pits
Managing Sewage and Waste Water
Add redundancy to//expand our waste treatment
facility Develop new composting facility Use
Airport site for inert waste only
Construct a new Material Recovery Facility
Addressing Increasing Waste And Waste Streams
Population drives demand for water and was
Ensure accurate population projections are
conducted Use population projections to inform
policy decisions Regularly update population pr
Managing Population Size
CPA Conference August 2008
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Questions Suggestions?
CPA Conference August 2008