Title: Parahuman
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6India Avatars of Vishnu
7Mesoamerica Mayans, Toltecs, Aztecs Bacabs
Jaguar Gods who hold up the sky Camazotz Bat
God Cucumatz Creator God, feathered
serpent Hunahpu and Xbalanque
turtle Quetzalcoatl Feathered serpent Vucub-
Caquix- Monster, bird Xolotl Dog-shaped
8Egyptian Early Gods had the bodies of
animals Later Gods took human bodies but
retained animal heads Ra falcon Anubis
jackal Apis bull Bastet cat Hathor
cow Menthu- hawk Meretseger snake with human
head Seker hawk-headed mummy Sobek
crocodile Taweret childbirth, pregnant
hippo Tefnut lioness- headed Upuat jackal or
sometimes wolf
9Chinese Journey to the West
10H. G. Wells The Island of Moreau (1896)
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12"The Young Family Patricia Piccinini