Title: Basic DX Tools
1Basic DX Tools
- Presented By Glenn (K2FF)
- 11 July 2009 MDXA Breakfast Meeting
2List Of Things To Consider
- Major AssumptionTransceiver, Antenna, Strength
? - A Few Goals Never Hurt Anyone
- DXCC Countries List Color Maps
- Quick Tracking Charts/Records
- Logging Software For Permanent Files
- DX Bulletins/Newsletters/Forums
- Propagation/Beacons
- DX Clusters/Nets/Friends
- Contests, Contests, Contests
- Memory Automation
- Grayline/Night Owls
- Upgrade CW
- E-mails/Skeds/WWW
3Assumption 1Transceiver
4Age Is A Matter Of The Mind,If You Dont Mind,
It Doesnt Matter
5Assumption 2Antenna
6Or Something Elsehttp//www.k2kw.com/6y2astory/s
7QRO BabyQRO! http//www.hfpower.com/new/a2000a.h
8A Few Goals Never Hurt
- Go from a single band dipole to a multi-band
dipole - Stacked arrays not in the budgethomebrew
2-element 20m yagi - Install 50ft of that tower thats been out back
for how many years - Try the WARC bands12m, 17m, 30m are a pure
delight - Enter a contest and call CQ yourselflet the DX
come to you - Forget the contestSaturday morning call CQ DX on
18.145 - 25 Countries by x-date50 by x-date75 by
x-dateDXCC by..? - FISH RULETeaching vs GivingIndependence vs
9DXCC List, Atlas, Maps
10Quick Tracking Charts
11Quick Tracking ChartsDXpedtion XYZ (1 10 July)
12Logging Software/Permanent Files
- N3FJPs Amateur Radio Software
http//www.n3fjp.com/ - Ham Radio Deluxe http//www.ham-radio-deluxe.com/
- Easy Log http//www.easylog.com/eng/index.htm
- LOGic http//www.hosenose.com/radio/
- Win-EQF http//www.eqf-software.com/
- WriteLog http//www.writelog.com/
- DX4Win http//www.dx4win.com/
- DXbase http//www.dxbase.com/
13DX Bulletins/Newsletters/Forums
- The DailyDXpublished daily by W3UR, sent via
e-mail, has sources worldwide, cost 49
http//www.dailydx.com/ - QRZ DXpublished weekly by N4AA, sent via e-mail,
has sources worldwide, cost 25
http//www.dxpub.com/qrz_dx_nl.html - OPDX Bulletinpublished weekly by KB8NW, sent via
e-mail, has sources worldwide, cost FREE
http//www.papays.com/opdx.html - 425 DX Newspublished weekly by I1JQJ IK1ADH,
sent via e-mail, has sources worldwide,
cost FREE http//www.425dxn.org/ - W1AW DX Bulletinpublished weekly by ARRL, sent
via e-mail, uses major sources, cost FREE
http//www.arrl.org/w1aw/dx/ - DX Forums conducted at various hamfests,
conventions, etc
14Propagation DX Beacons
- The W6ELProp http//www.qsl.net/w6elprop/
- ACE-HF Pro http//home.att.net/acehf/
- ARRLs Radio Frequency Propagation Course
(EC-011) http//www.arrl.org/cce/courses.htmlEC-0
11 - 3-day Solar-Geophysical Forecast
http//www.swpc.noaa.gov/forecast.html - Dynamic collection of propagation information
http//dx.qsl.net/propagation/ - NW7US propagation information website
http//hfradio.org/lastminute_propagation.html - NCDXF/IARU Beacon Transmission Schedule
15W6ELProp Main Screen
16W6ELProp Band Screen
17ACE-HF Pro Display
18DX Clusterstelnet//dxc.mdxa.org/
19DX Clustershttp//www.bcdxc.org/ve7cc/default.htm
20DX Nets Friends
- MDXA DX NetKA5VFUs repeater on 147.375, every
Tuesday evening at 8pm local, sharing of DX news
among membership - Arkansas DX Association DX Net, on 3.815 MHz,
every Saturday morning at 1500 UTC, sharing of DX
news among membership - Oklahoma DX Association DX Net, on 3.860 MHz,
every Monday evening at 2330 UTC, sharing of DX
news among membership - Family Hour DX Net, on 14.244 MHz, weekdays at
1430 1700 UTC, with DX stations checking in and
allowing list contacts - Southern Cross DX Net, on 14.238.5 MHz, weekdays
at 1115 1400 UTC, with DX stations checking in
and allowing list contacts
21Contests, Contests, Contests
- DONT pass up the opportunity to work a ton of DX
during contests! - ARRL sponsored contestscalendar list
http//www.arrl.org/contests/calendar.html - ARRL DX Contests (CW SSB), Feb Mar each year
- ARRL 160m Contest, Dec each year
- ARRL 10m Contest, Dec each year
- CQ sponsored contestscalendar list
- http//www.cq-amateur-radio.com/Annual20Contest2
0Cal20July202005.html - CQWW WPX Contests (CW SSB), Feb May each year
- CQWW DX Contests (CW SSB), Oct Nov each year
- CQWW 160m Contests (CW SSB), Jan Mar each
22Memory Automation
- Take advantage of optional memory keyers, PC/CW
interfaces, and SSB voice recordersalways work
smarter not harder! -
23Grayline Night Owls
- The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost 1916
- Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the
one less traveled by, and that has made all the
difference. - The "grey line" is a band around the Earth that
separates daylight from darkness. Propagation
along the grey line is very efficient. One major
reason for this is that the D layer, which
absorbs HF signals, disappears rapidly on the
sunset side of the grey line, and it has not yet
built upon the sunrise side. Ham radio operators
and shortwave listeners can optimize long
distance communications to various areas of the
world by monitoring this band as it moves around
the globe. -
24Greyline Night Owls(Continued)
25Greyline Night Owls(Continued)
- Think about your normal waking hours
- Think about your normal sleeping hours
- Realize greyline is happening 24 hours a day
- Now consider what youre missing during sweet
dreams ? - The low bands (30m/40m/80m/160m) come alive at
night - MDXA members participate in Hoot Owl Nets which
have run from 10pm local until 5am the next
morning sometimestalk about fun! - Operator skills/techniques should be uniqueyour
callsign is! - Remember what Robert Frost said about the road
less traveled
26Upgrade Morse Code
- Recall that going from single dipole to
multi-band version means more available frequency
coverage and thus more DX possibilities - Same is true with license classesupgrading
brings additional HF frequencies upon which to
operate and use those additional ants - DXpeditions and DX stations in general like
CWLOW in the band
27E-mails, Skeds, WWW, Etc
- YOU hold so much power in your hands and at YOUR
fingertips - Utilize QRZ.COM and look up an operators e-mail
address - Been hearing a certain DX station on x-freq but
he/she is only working EU from start to
finishask for a skedhams love to help - Use search engines on the web (Yahoo, Google,
etc) - Use major ham radio/DX info sites
- AC6V http//www.ac6v.com/
- ARRL http//www.arrl.org
- CQ http//www.cq-amateur-radio.com/
- QRZ.COM http//www.qrz.com/
- DX Summit http//www.dxsummit.fi/
- NG3K http//www.ng3k.com/Misc/adxo.html
- DXer dot Com http//www.dxer.com/
- DX Central http//www.dx-central.com/
28R E C A P
- S e t S o m e P e r s o n a l G o a l s
- Maintain Current DXCC Countries List Display
Color Maps - Make Some Quick Tracking Charts/Band Mode Needs
List - Logging Software For Permanent QSO Records/Files
- Subscribe To DX Bulletins/Newsletters Attend DX
Forums - Study Propagation, Listen To HF Beacons, Spin
The Knob - Monitor DX Clusters/Nets Establish Cadre Of DX
Friends - Participate In DX ContestsFish Will Jump Into
Your Boat - Take Advantage Of Memory Keyers/Voice Recorders
- Experience The Road Less TraveledGrayline/Night
Owl - Challenge Yourself To Upgrade, Learn CW, Increase
Speed - Utilize E-mails, Skeds, Web Pages, Search
Engines, Etc.
30Upcoming MDXA Events
- AUGUST 8 Breakfast at Barnhills then Fox 25
Tour courtesy of Ray, K5XXV - SEPTEMBER 12 Breakfast at Barnhills then
Lightning Protection presentation courtesy of
Cecil, K5DL - SEPTEMBER 26 ARRL Day In The Park at Camp
Shelby, hosted by Hattiesburg ARC. Need MDXA
volunteer to work with their POCs concerning our
involvement/participation - OCTOBER 10 Breakfast at Huckleberrys then DX
Clusters presentation courtesy of George, K5JZ - NOVEMBER 14 Breakfast at Barnhills then
D-Star presentation courtesy of Ed, KA5VFU - NOVEMBER 28/29 K5MDX activation in the CQWW DX
Contest, hosted by Darryl, K5CQT at his QTH in
Ocean Springs - DECEMBER 12 Annual DX Dinner