Title: Phantom Limb Phenomena
1Phantom Limb Phenomena
2Hand movement observation by individuals born
without hands phantom limb experience constrains
visual limb perception.Funk M, Shiffrar M,
Brugger P.
We investigated the visual experiences of two
persons born without arms, one with and the other
without phantom sensations. Normally-limbed
observers perceived rate-dependent paths of
apparent human movement . The individual with
phantom experiences showed the same perceptual
pattern as control participants, the other did
not. Neural systems matching action observation,
action execution and motor imagery are likely
contribute to the definition of body schema in
profound ways.
- Both genetic factors and activity dependent
factors play a role in developing the brain
architecture and circuitry. - There are critical developmental periods where
nurture is essential, but there is also a great
ability for the adult brain to regenerate. - Next lecture What computational models satisfy
some of the biological constraints. - Question What is the relevance of neural
development and learning in language and thought?
4Connectionist Models Basics
- Jerome Feldman
- CS182/CogSci110/Ling109
- Spring 2007
5(No Transcript)
6Realistic Biophysical Neuron SimulationsNot
covered in any UCB class?Genesis and Neuron
7Neural networks abstract from the details of real
- Conductivity delays are neglected
- An output signal is either discrete (e.g., 0 or
1) or it is a real-valued number (e.g., between 0
and 1) - Net input is calculated as the weighted sum of
the input signals - Net input is transformed into an output signal
via a simple function (e.g., a threshold
8The McCullough-Pitts Neuron
- yj output from unit j
- Wij weight on connection from j to i
- xi weighted sum of input to unit i
9Mapping from neuron
Nervous System Computational Abstraction
Neuron Node
Dendrites Input link and propagation
Cell Body Combination function, threshold, activation function
Axon Output link
Spike rate Output
Synaptic strength Connection strength/weight
10Simple Threshold Linear Unit
11Simple Neuron Model
12A Simple Example
- a x1w1x2w2x3w3... xnwn
- a 1x1 0.5x2 0.1x3
- x1 0, x2 1, x3 0
- Net(input) f 0.5
- Threshold bias 1
- Net(input) threshold biaslt 0
- Output 0
13Simple Neuron Model
14Simple Neuron Model
15Simple Neuron Model
16Simple Neuron Model
17Different Activation Functions
- Threshold Activation Function (step)
- Piecewise Linear Activation Function
- Sigmoid Activation Funtion
- Gaussian Activation Function
- Radial Basis Function
18Types of Activation functions
19The Sigmoid Function
20The Sigmoid Function
21The Sigmoid Function
Sensitivity to input
22Changing the exponent k(neti)
K gt1
K lt 1
23Nice Property of Sigmoids
24Radial Basis Function
25Stochastic units
- Replace the binary threshold units by binary
stochastic units that make biased random
decisions. - The temperature controls the amount of noise
26Types of Neuron parameters
- The form of the input function - e.g. linear,
sigma-pi (multiplicative), cubic. - The activation-output relation - linear,
hard-limiter, or sigmoidal. - The nature of the signals used to communicate
between nodes - analog or boolean. - The dynamics of the node - deterministic or
27Computing various functions
- McCollough-Pitts Neurons can compute logical
functions. - AND, NOT, OR
28Computing other functions the OR function
i1 i2 y0
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
- Assume a binary threshold activation function.
- What should you set w01, w02 and w0b to be so
that you can get the right answers for y0?
29Many answers would work
- y f (w01i1 w02i2 w0bb)
- recall the threshold function
- the separation happens when w01i1 w02i2 w0bb
0 - move things around and you get
- i2 - (w01/w02)i1 - (w0bb/w02)
30Decision Hyperplane
- The two classes are therefore separated by the
decision' line which is defined by putting the
activation equal to the threshold. - It turns out that it is possible to generalise
this result to TLUs with n inputs. - In 3-D the two classes are separated by a
decision-plane. - In n-D this becomes a decision-hyperplane.
31Linearly separable patterns
PERCEPTRON is an architecture which can solve
this type of decision boundary problem. An "on"
response in the output node represents one
class, and an "off" response represents the
Linearly Separable Patterns
32The Perceptron
33The Perceptron
Input Pattern
34The Perceptron
Input Pattern
Output Classification
35A Pattern Classification
36Pattern Space
- The space in which the inputs reside is referred
to as the pattern space. Each pattern determines
a point in the space by using its component
values as space-coordinates. In general, for
n-inputs, the pattern space will be
n-dimensional. - Clearly, for nD, the pattern space cannot be
drawn or represented in physical space. This is
not a problem we shall return to the idea of
using higher dimensional spaces later. However,
the geometric insight obtained in 2-D will carry
over (when expressed algebraically) into n-D.
37The XOR Function
X1/X2 X2 0 X2 1
X1 0 0 1
X1 1 1 0
38The Input Pattern Space
39The Decision planes
40Multi-layer Feed-forward Network
41Pattern Separation and NN architecture
42Conjunctive or Sigma-Pi nodes
- The previous spatial summation function supposes
that each input contributes to the activation
independently of the others. The contribution to
the activation from input 1 say, is always a
constant multiplier ( w1) times x1. - Suppose however, that the contribution from input
1 depends also on input 2 and that, the larger
input 2, the larger is input 1's contribution. - The simplest way of modeling this is to include a
term in the activation like w12(x1x2) where
w12gt0 (for a inhibiting influence of input 2 we
would, of course, have w12lt0 ). - w1x1 w2x2 w3x3 w12(x1x2) w23(x2x3)
43Sigma-Pi units
44Sigma-Pi Unit
45Biological Evidence for Sigma-Pi Units
- axo-dendritic synapse The stereotypical synapse
consists of an electro-chemical connection
between an axon and a dendrite - hence it is an
axo-dendritic synapse - presynaptic inhibition However there is a large
variety of synaptic types and connection
grouping. Of special importance are cases where
the efficacy of the axo-dendritic synapse between
axon 1 and the dendrite is modulated (inhibited)
by the activity in axon 2 via the axo-axonic
synapse between the two axons. This might
therefore be modelled by a quadratic like
w12(x1x2) - synapse cluster Here the effect of the
individual synapses will surely not be
independent and we should look to model this with
a multilinear term in all the inputs.
46Biological Evidence for Sigma-Pi units
presynaptic inhibition
axo-dendritic synapse
synapse cluster
47Link to Vision The Necker Cube
48(No Transcript)
49Constrained Best Fit in Nature
inanimate animate
physics lowest energy state
chemistry molecular minima
biology fitness, MEU Neuroeconomics
vision threats, friends
language errors, NTL
50Computing other relations
- The 2/3 node is a useful function that activates
its outputs (3) if any (2) of its 3 inputs are
active - Such a node is also called a triangle node and
will be useful for lots of representations.
51Triangle nodes and McCullough-Pitts Neurons?
52Representing concepts using triangle nodes
triangle nodes when two of the neurons fire, the
third also fires
53They all rose
- triangle nodes
- when two of the neurons fire, the third also
fires - model of spreading activation
54Basic Ideas behind the model
- Parallel activation streams.
- Top down and bottom up activation combine to
determine the best matching structure. - Triangle nodes bind features of objects to values
- Mutual inhibition and competition between
structures - Mental connections are active neural connections
555 levels of Neural Theory of Language
Spatial Relation
Motor Control
Cognition and Language
Structured Connectionism
Neural Net
Computational Neurobiology
Triangle Nodes
Neural Development
56Can we formalize/model these intuitions
- What is a neurally plausible computational model
of spreading activation that captures these
features. - What does semantics mean in neurally embodied
terms - What are the neural substrates of concepts that
underlie verbs, nouns, spatial predicates?