The Merchant of Venice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Merchant of Venice


Numerology is to mathematics as astrology is to astronomy. 3 The number 3 suggests: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice
  • Day Two Slide Show
  • ENGL 305
  • Dr. Fike

  • MV includes a mixture of classical and Christian
  • Although not officially a problem comedy, it is
    darker than MSND (festive comedy) and is
    therefore a good example of what the Bedford
    calls mixed modes.
  • The sadness of Antonio, the central character,
    has numerous possible causes but the ones that
    we favored last time are that he is overly fond
    of Bassanio, who is moving toward marriage, and
    that material acquisition is ultimately
  • Shylock has a secret desire to harm Antonio, but
    private hatred becomes public motivation,
    possibly when he finds out that Jessica has
    traded the ring that Leah (his late wife) gave

Why Shylock Seeks Revenge
  • We noted that Shylocks aside indicates a
    desire to harm Antonio, but that private desire
    probably doesnt become public intention until
    Shylock learns that Jessica has used his ring to
    buy a monkey.
  • On the next slide, I explore the psychological
    implications of their father-daughter
    relationship in terms of projection.

My Take on Shylock
  • In The Merchant of Venice, the antagonistic pair
    of gendered opposites is the father/daughter
    syzygy of Shylock and Jessica. The Jew may be so
    leery of losing his daughter to romance because
    he has already lost his wife, Leah, to death
    therefore, he possessively projects the part of
    his anima that appropriately attaches to a wife
    onto his daughter, an imbalance in which
    disappointment festers. Just as the mother seems
    to be the first carrier of the projection-making
    factor for the son, so is the father for the
    daughter, writes Jung (CW 9ii, 28/14). I am
    suggesting that projection, in Shylock and
    Jessicas case, works in the opposite direction
    as wellthe daughter receives the fathers
    projections. But when Jessica leaves with
    Lorenzo, taking Shylocks money and an important
    anima-token, the ring that Leah gave him, he is
    deprived of father/daughter relations and
    reminded of the missing husband/wife conjunction.
    As a result, he becomes centered on himself and
    fixed on revenge. For Hillman, Jungs syzygy
    theory accounts for such a reaction in the wake
    of psychological loss An animus that loses its
    soul (anima) connection, that posits itself as
    independent of the syzygy, is ego or what
    Jung calls the monotheism of consciousness. In
    Shylocks case, ego-consciousness manifests as a
    desire for strict justice. emphasis added
  • --Dr. Fike

Todays Main Topic Venturing
  • The American Heritage Dictionary n. 1. An
    undertaking that is dangerous, daring, or of
    doubtful outcome. 2. Something at hazard in a
    venture stake. --tr. 1. To expose to danger or
    risk. 2. To brave dangers of ventured the
    high seas in a light boat.

More on Venturing
  • Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  • Venturing involves risking something for the sake
    of gain.

Usury One Type of Venturing
  • Lending money at a rate of interest.
  • May I have readers for the next 6 slides?

Jo McMurtry, Understanding Shakespeares England
A Companion for the American Reader, pages 80-81
  • England, or for that matter western Europe,
    did not have in the sixteenth century banks of
    the sort we know today. No central banks offered
    customers the convenience of savings plans or
    personal loans. Banking functions were evolving
    in various parts of the economy, but one could
    not go to one place and conduct ones financial
    business with the kind of assistance we know
    today. ?

McMurtry, continued
  • With regard to the ease with which monetary
    operations could take place, a considerable
    difference existed between large-scale and
    small-scale transactions. A small businessman
    had no means of transferring money easily. With
    no paper currency and no regular systems of
    credit, he had to carry around bags of coins. A
    large trading company had more scope. It might,
    for example, set up a system of agents and pay
    its accounts through bills of exchange, thus
    keeping the wheels of commerce turning. Since
    these bills were drawn on a specific mercantile
    house, the necessary element of faith was easy to
    achieve. ?

McMurtry, continued
  • On this comparatively large scale, and
    particularly when the business was being done
    abroad, loans could be arranged, usually at a
    reasonable rate of interest because the borrower
    was not helpless and might seek better terms
    elsewhere. Nations as well as companies were
    involved here. The financial wizard Sir Thomas
    Gresham, for example, spent much of his career in
    Antwerp negotiating loans for the Tudor
    sovereigns. ?

McMurtry, continued
  • International finance owed a considerable
    amount of its growth to the Jewish moneylenders
    who in many countries of Europe had become an
    important part of the picture. Holland
    particularly welcomed refugees fleeing
    persecution elsewhere, in contrast to Englands
    continuing medieval bias. ?

McMurtry, continued
  • The association between Jews and lending money
    on interest, or usury, had been mandated, in the
    view of many Englishmen, by the Bible itself,
    which appeared to say that Jews might charge
    interest from Christians and that Christians
    should not charge interest from each other. Upon
    examination one finds that this interpretation
    depends on a somewhat twisted logic. In Exodus
    2225 and Deuteronomy 2319, Jews are forbidden
    to lend money upon usury to fellow Jews but are
    allowed (in Deuteronomy) to enter such
    transactions with strangersinterpreted as
    Christians, although an Old Testament text could
    hardly be specific about this particular type of
    stranger. Neither passage goes into the question
    of what kind of loans strangers are allowed to
    make to each other. ?

McMurtry, continued
  • Gradually, during the sixteenth century,
    Englands official attitude toward the charging
    of interest, whether by Jews or Christians,
    shifted. The view of capital as a commodity like
    any otherwarehouse space, for exampleto be made
    available for lease on certain terms, began to
    win practical acceptance, and the notion that
    money might breed other money no longer seemed
    an offense against nature. Between 1545 and
    1552, Parliament allowed certain types of
    interest-bearing loans to be made, provided the
    interest charged was no higher than ten percent.
    (This stipulation referred to transactions within
    England. Loans arranged in foreign countries,
    even if English merchants or the English
    government were involved, had never come under
    Parliaments authority.) The ban on usury was
    renewed in 1552 but was finally lifted in 1571,
    the same year that Gresham opened the London
    Royal Exchangea handsome, four-story building
    modeled after the bourse at Antwerp, with a
    central court surrounded by arcaded walkways
    where merchants might discuss business matters
    without having to stand in the rain. The
    building served as a quite practical symbol of
    Englands increasing prominence in the worlds

Exodus 2225
  • If you lend money to any of my people with you
    who is poor, you shall not be to him as a
    creditor, and you shall not exact interest from

Deuteronomy 2319-20
  • You shall not lend upon interest to your
    brother, interest on money, interest on victuals,
    interest on anything that is lent for interest.
    To a foreigner you may lend upon interest, but to
    your brother you shall not lend upon interest
    that the Lord your God may bless you in all that
    you undertake in the land which you are entering
    to take possession of it (emphasis added).

The Point Is
  • The Jewish position was that you dont lend money
    on interest to your brothers, but it is okay to
    loan money to a foreigner.
  • Christians interpreted this to mean that Jews
    could loan money to Christians.

What About the Bond in MV?
  • It is NOT usurious!
  • It simply imposes a penalty, one that Shylock
    passes off as a joke.
  • In other words, the loan is in Christian
    termsgratis, no interest.
  • Cf. 1.3.41 He Antonio lends out money gratis
    and brings down / The rate of usance here with us
    in Venice.

More on Shylock and the Bond
  • Shylock claims that loaning money without
    interest reflects his interest in brotherhood
    To buy his favor I extend this friendship
  • His actual intention, however, is more
    sinisterto catch him Antonio upon the hip
  • And Shylock gets in trouble when he loans money
    on Christian termsi.e., without interest.

A Critics View
  • When he loans money without interest, he is
    forcing Antonio to borrow as friends and equals
  • He has been admitted to the society to the
    extent that he has been allowed to lend money
    gratis, as its members do.
  • Source Paula Brody, Shylocks Omophagia A
    Ritual Approach to The Merchant of Venice,
    Literature and Psychology 17 (1967), 230 and 232.
    (Omophagia is the eating of raw flesh.)

The Problem
  • But Shylocks sinister intention regarding the
    bond makes it clear that Otherness is still a
  • As the Bible says, there are brothers, and there
    are others.
  • Despite the interest-free loan, Antonio still
    views Shylock as one of the latter, and Shylock
    sees himself the same way. As a sign of this
    disconnection, the loan, while interest-free, is
    not penalty-free.
  • Point Shakespeare is playing with the biblical
    background on usury, but ultimately the Jew is
    still the Other.

Jews in Early Modern England
  • See Usury Handout.

Venturing and UsuryVenturing and the Caskets
  • These themes come together in the passages where
    Shylock justifies his business practices and
    where the suitors choose a casket.
  • Note Those of you working on the casket scenes
    will need to divide the questions and passages
    up. (The casket handout is something one of my
    former students found you are welcome to use it,
    but you may need to look beyond what it lays out.)

Group Activity Ten Minutes, Groups of 3-5 People
  • Your texts
  • 1.3.69-100
  • Genesis 3025 to 3116
  • What is the relationship between the two texts?
  • What is Shylock saying?
  • What is Antonios criticism?
  • How does venturing inform your reading of the two
  • Passages
  • 1.2.12-34 Portias father
  • 2.7.13ff. Morocco
  • 2.9.19ff. Aragon
  • 3.2.1ff. Bassanio
  • Why does Portias father establish the casket
  • Why dont Morocco and Aragon choose correctly?
    Are they appropriate for her?
  • What about Bassanio? Is he more appropriate for
  • Does Portia play by the rules of the casket test
    when Bassanio chooses?
  • How is Belmont unlike Shylocks house? See 2.3.2
    and 2.5.29ff. Compare 5.1.60ff.

Shylock and Biblical Allusion
  • Your texts
  • 1.3.69-100
  • Genesis 3025 to 3116
  • What is the relationship between the two texts?
  • What is Shylock saying?
  • What is Antonios criticism?
  • How does venturing inform your reading of the two

Questions about the Casket Test (a particular
  • Why does Portias father establish the casket
    test? See 1.2.27.
  • Why dont Morocco and Aragon choose correctly?
    Are they appropriate for her?
  • Does Portia play by the rules of the casket test
    when Bassanio chooses?
  • What about Bassanio? Is he more appropriate for
    her? See 1.1.161-63, 1.2.110, and 3.2.77.
  • How is Belmont unlike Shylocks house? See 2.3.2
    and 2.5.29ff. Compare 5.1.60ff.

Third times a charm.
  • Numerology is to mathematics as astrology is to
  • http//

  • The number 3 suggests
  • Union of opposites (male and female) in marriage.
  • Reunification/reconciliation.
  • Wholeness/completeness.
  • Unity, harmony, human love, and divine love

From a Bulgarian Students Undergraduate Term
  • Thus, there is a kind of heavenly aura about
    the number three as a sign of divine love which
    unites two lovers into one. It combines the
    limited nature of each to generate a limitless
    experience shared by both. It leads to the
    highest expression of love, which unites all
    lovers in general. In this sense we can conclude
    that the presence of the number three as a major
    motif in the casket scene in MV is a favorable
    omen for the choice that needs to be made by
    Portias wooers. The use of that number suggests
    that love, in its noblest form will triumph in
    the end.

More on Venturing
  • How else does MV make use of the motif of
  • What other examples are there?
  • Brainstorm Write down examples in your notes.
    You might go right down the list of characters
    before 1.1 and consider each one in terms of
  • Share them with the class.

Summary of Venturing
  • Antonio sends his ships abroad.
  • Shylock loans Antonio money.
  • Antonio loans Bassanio money (again). See
  • Jessica runs away with Lorenzo (cf. Rachel).
  • Lorenzo runs away with Jessica (cf. Jacob in a
    foreign land ShylockJessicaLabanRachel).
  • The suitors Morocco, Aragon, Bassanio venture
    (3.2.10) for Portias hand in marriage. See
    2.7.9 and 2.9.31ff. (For a connection between
    Morocco and Lancelot, see 3.5.36-37. Does Portia
    fear miscegenation?)
  • Lancelot ventures when he switches from Shylock
    to Bassanio (cf. the shift from the Old Testament
    to the New Testament). (LancelotOld
  • Prodigal son allusion the prodigal Christian,
    2.5.16. (Prodigality means both extreme
    wastefulness son and extreme generosity
    father. Cf. Sylvan Barnets article,
    Prodigality and Time in The Merchant of Venice
    in PMLA 87.)
  • Jason 1.1.170, 3.2.241-42. (Jasons success
    with the golden fleece is the opposite of the
    prodigal sons unsuccessful venture.) END
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