The Merchant of Venice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Merchant of Venice


The Merchant of Venice Day One Slide Show ENGL 305 Dr. Fike Business Please underline your thesis statement and pass your paper proposal forward. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice
  • Day One Slide Show
  • ENGL 305
  • Dr. Fike

  • Please underline your thesis statement (if you
    have one) and pass your paper proposal forward.
  • Note If you have not used Courier New 12-point,
    you must reprint your assignment asap.

Analysis Paper
  • Stage two is a development of your
    proposal5-page (minimum) nonresearched analysis
    paper. Of course, some topics cannot be done
    without a little bit of research, but try to
    limit yourself  to reference works and primary
    sources (e.g., the OED, a dictionary of
    mythology, historical material, and other primary
    sources such as Freud or Jung). Leave the
    secondary research until later do not let
    critics take over your project. You may want to
    think of this stage as a New Critical paper
    (i.e., a paper written straight from the primary
    text and your head). The main goal of the
    assignment is to continue to engage with the text
    and to refine your thesis. Nonetheless, it may
    be appropriate at this stage to read a copy of
    The Correct Use of Borrowed Information and
    review the MLA format. As with the paper
    proposal, you must have a list of works cited at
    the end of your analysis paper. Note This is
    an ANALYSIS paper therefore, you will need
    something to analyze (not summarize or narrate).
    In this respect, a single passage can often serve
    as your focused topic. If you do not have such a
    passage, be sure that you have some kind of
    aggregate of quotations so that you can analyze
    as a focused topic. Also keep in mind the
    difference between explication and analysis.
    Explication offers a detailed explanation of what
    something says. It is the foundation for
    analysis, which involves using what something
    says to support a controversial thesis statement.

Nosich 68
  • This is the page in your critical thinking manual
    that asks ten questions, one per element. A way
    to begin your analysis paper would be to put your
    topic through the elements, using these questions.

  • Bottoms name and the word dream in the title
    may refer to various things.
  • Especially if the queen was present for a
    performance of MSND, the play honored her status
    as the virgin queen, but it may also have gently
    reminded her that she had not produced an heir.
    (Re. power OberonTitaniaShakespeareElizabeth.
  • In any case, the play apparently served the same
    function for its original audience as Pyramus and
    Thisbe serves for the court characters.
  • Consider this homology PTcharacterscharacter
    saudience audience_________?
  • Complementarity Theseus is positive and
    negative, and what we know about his son
    Hippolytus undermines Oberons blessing.
  • Imagination Lover gt lunatic. But lunatic and
    lover are to intrapsychic as poet is to
    extrapsychic. Only the poet performs a useful
    social function. Theseuss negative speech is
    actually Shakespeares positive praise of the
    poets role (i.e., an apology for poetry).
  • PT is a tragic version of what happens to the
    lovers in the woods. It reminds us that comedy
    has tragic potential. Tragedy is failed comedy.

  • Day One
  • Discussion of Antonio.
  • Discussion of Shylock.
  • Day Two
  • Mini-lecture on usury. See Usury Handout.
  • Group One Discussion of 1.3.69-100 and Genesis
    3025 to 3116. Bring your own Bible. What is
    the relationship between the two texts? How does
    Genesis help you read this passage from MV?
  • Group Two Discussion of the casket scenes. Why
    does Portias father establish the casket test?
    Why dont Morocco and Aragon choose correctly?
    What about Bassanio? The casket scenes appear in
    2.7, 2.9, and 3.2.
  • Whole Class Discussion of a key motif
    venturing. Who ventures in MV?
  • Day Three
  • Shylocks attitude toward the bond.
  • Group Activity Portias speech at 4.1.182ff.
    The quality of mercy. Get the MV Exercise
    on our course calendar (the link is called
    Portias Mercy Speech).
  • The endingAct 5.

Other Resources
  • http//

  • Why I like The Merchant of Venice Christian and
    classical elements.
  • Isaac, Jacob, Esau dish of doves mercy Old
    Test. to New etc.
  • Jason and other classical lovers, Endymion and
    Diana, Hercules and Hesione.
  • Disappointment in The Merchant of Venice
  • Bedford 149 There were two overriding
    characteristics of Shakespeares practice as an
    adapter first, his eclecticism, his genius for
    combining classical stories with other materials,
    both ancient and modern, to form new creations
    and second, his ability to expand and multiply
    characters, episodes, and effects in order to
    surpass the classical models.

Which Mode?
  • Hard to figure out what kind of comedy it is
  • Not a festive comedy like MSND or Twelfth
  • Not a full-blown problem comedy like Troilus
    and Cressida, Alls Well That Ends Well, or
    Measure for Measure.
  • Not a perfect match for our MSND chart. Not a
    totally happy ending. No restorative return to
    Venice (next slide). Hard to figure out how to
    view Shylock. Do you know why (see two slides
    below)? Shylock is our central problem on days
    two and three.

Mixed Modes, Bedford 97
  • The Merchant of Venice is probably the most
    illustrative example of the high cost of comic
    resolution. The lovers gathering at Belmont in
    act 5, musical and joyous though it may be, is
    overshadowed by their intolerable treatment of
    Shylock in the trial scene (4.1). The movement
    toward assimilation that normally unites the cast
    in the last moments is not strong enough to
    include Shylock, who is stripped of his wealth,
    his daughter, and his religion and who leaves the
    stage for the last time in act 4. Although the
    merchant Antonio is present for the festivities
    in the last act, he has no partner and must go
    home alone.

  • Can we understand the play as the original
    audience did?

Harold Bloom, Shakespeare The Invention of the
Human 189
  • The Holocaust made and makes The Merchant of
    Venice unplayable, at least in what appear to be
    its own terms.

  • So how DID Elizabethans view Jews?
  • See next slide.

Jo McMurtry, Understanding Shakespeares England
A Companion for the American Reader 146-47
  • In theory, at least, the Elizabethans did not
    know any Jews, for Jews had been banned from
    England since the late thirteenth century.  There
    was, nevertheless, a small Jewish community in
    London, temporary residents in that the
    authorities could throw them out at any time. 
    They were not part of the general environment,
    and the typical Englishman had neither a personal
    acquaintance with individual Jews nor any
    detailed knowledge of Jewish culture.  Headline
    cases, so to speak, such as the trial and
    execution of Roderigo Lopez, a physician to Queen
    Elizabeth who was accused of plotting to poison
    her, simply confirmed the stereotype.
  • The stereotype was lurid indeed.  Jews, to begin
    with, were already barred from spiritual
    salvation by their ancestors' having preferred
    Barabbas to Christ when Pilate offered to free
    one or the other (Matthew 2721) there was thus
    no hope for them and they could be considered in
    a sense nonhuman.  In the popular imagination,
    Jews spent most of their time kidnapping
    Christian children for sacrifice in secret
    rites.  During leisure moments, they arranged
    loans at high interest and extorted payments from
    helpless victims.  Each possessed piles of
    ill-gotten wealth which it behooved honest
    Christians to take away from them.  And each
    usually possessed, as well, a beautiful daughter
    who wanted nothing more than to be rescued from
    her cultural fate by some handsome Christian.

Chaucer, The Prioresss Tale
  • Jews slit the throat of a Christian boy and cast
    him into a privy drain (outhouse).

Discussion Questions about Antonio
  • In what sense is Antonio the central character?
  • Why is he sad at the opening of the play?
  • What kind of Christian is he?
  • What kind of businessman is he?
  • Discuss one of these questions in a small group.
    Go on to another question if you have time. 7

First Question
  • In what sense is Antonio the central character?

In what sense is Antonio the central character?
  • Salerio and Solanio
  • Shylock ANTONIO Duke
  • Jessica Lancelot
  • Old Gobbo
  • Bassanio
  • Lorenzo Gratiano Portia Nerissa

Why is Antonio sad at the opening of the play?
  • What are the possibilities?

Possible Reasons for Antonios Sadness
  • Loss of ships
  • Love
  • Bassanio (2.8.50)
  • Homosexuality?
  • Guilt for treating Shylock badly?
  • Depression? Bipolar disorder?
  • Birenbaums answers (next slides)

A Critical Perspective
  • Antonio might be saying If only I did not
    have to be in a play with this Shylock. His
    sadness is an emotional bridge from the romance
    world Belmont cf. Fryes second world to the
    environment of pain (78).
  • Source Harvey Birenbaum, A View from the
    Rialto Two Psychologies in The Merchant of
    Venice. San José Studies 9 (1983) 68-82.
  • How do you evaluate this statement?

Birenbaum 79
  • It is no wonder that Antonio is melancholy! It
    is he, the titular hero, who is central to the
    testing-out process. It is he who would live in
    both worlds, the Christian merchant, and who is
    therefore caught most poignantly between them.
    His Venetian ducats secure the golden treasure of
    Belmont through the humility of his
    open-handedness. He does not register the
    implications of his ordeal consciously and
    explicitly, and he does not undergo any real
    change of character as a result of it (my
  • What does this quotation suggest about Antonios
    sadness? Do you agree with Birenbaum?

My Answer
  • See 2.6.13-14
  • GRATIANO All things that are
  • Are with more spirit chasèd than enjoyed.
  • What does this suggest about the human reaction
    to life? About Antonio?

  • Antonio may be sad because material acquisition
    is disappointing.
  • Achievement of any goal brings less satisfaction
    than one hopes and expects.
  • Acquisition leads to disappointment, and
    disappointment leads to sadness.

What kind of Christian is Antonio? What kind of
businessman is he?
  • Are there positives? See 1.3.41.
  • Are there negatives? See 1.3.110.

Discussion Questions about Shylock
  • What is Shylocks attitude toward the bond?
  • 1.3.38ff.
  • 1.3.159ff.
  • What causes his attitude to change? Does it
    really change?
  • What is his motivation? Friendship? Revenge?
    Both? Neither? Something else?
  • END
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