Title: Provisional Restoration
1Provisional Restoration
2- ??
- Requirements
- Types of Provisional Restoration
3Temporary restoration? ??
- vital tooth? dentin? dentinal tubule??
cytoplasmic fiber? ???? pulp chamber??
odontoblast? ????. ??? dentin? ???? bacterial
invasion, chemical thermal irritation ? pulp?
????. ?? ?? ???? hypersensitivity, inflammation,
necrosis? ??? ??? ? ??. - ???? vital tooth? preparation? ??? ??? temporary
protection? ???? ??. ???? gingival margin?
protection, ???? ?? ? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????.
- 1.pulpal protection
- - ? ???? ??? ?? saliva? leakage? ??? ?
- 2. positional stability
- - excursion?? drifiting? ??? ?.
- 3.Occlusal function
- - ?? ? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??.
- 4.Easily cleaned
- - gingival tissue? recession?? inflammation? ???
? ?? margin? ? ??? proper contour, surface polish
5- 5. Nonimpinging margins
- - ?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??. ? ?? ?? ??? ??
??? ??, ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ? ??? ??? ? ??. - 6. Strength and retention
- - ????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ?? ? ??? ?.
- 7. esthetic
- - ?? ??? ????
- 8. diagnostic inflammation
6Types of Provisional Restoration
- 1)Prefabricated vs Custom restorations
- 2)Direct vs Indirect tech.
- ?Direct
- -????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??
- -??? ??
- ?Indirect
- -?????? ????? ??
- ?poly(methyl methacrylate)? ??? ? 8?? ?????
- -?????? 70?? ??
- -?? ??? ??? ??
7- 1. aluminum shell
- ???? shell (can)? gingival margin ?? 0.5mm ?? ??
??? ??? ZOE cement ? ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ?? ????
aluminum ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??. ?? ???? ?????
???? ???? ??? ????? ??.
8- 2. cellulose or polycarbonate crown form
- ? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?set? ??
- ???? ???? ???? ??? size? crown form? ??? ?? ?? ?
??? ?? temporary cementation - ?? ? ???? ?? ?? ????, ?? ?? ? ????? ?? ??.
10(No Transcript)
11?? ??? ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ??? dowel core? ?? ???
??? ?????? ???? ?? ???. Paper clip ?? ??? Wire?
?? ?? ?? ? ?? ??? ?? standard polycarbonate
crown? ???? ?? ??
123. Preformed anatomic metal crown
- ??? ???? ??? ?? ?(?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??).
- ??
- ? ??? ?? ??
- ? Crown? ??? ??
- ? ?? ??? trimming? ??
- ? ???? cementation
13Masuring gauge
14Stretching block
15(No Transcript)
16Custom acrylic provisional restoration
- lt properties of self-cured resingt
- monomer? polymer? ??
- methylmethacrylate ???? volume?? monomer
polymer 1 3? ?? ???. ??? ??? ?? ??? polymer ??
???? ??. - Closed bowl?? ?? ?? stage?? ????
- sandy stage, sticky stage ,dough stage(???? ??
??),rubber stage - resin ??? ???? ?? curing ?
- ?? ??? ??? polymerization
- ??? ???, ?????? ?????? ?? porous?? ??? ??? ??
??. ??? ????.
17- ltbiologic compatibilitygt
- resin? monomer? pulp? ?? pulp gangrene,
pulpitis?? - ?? polymerization ? ???? ???? ?? ???
polymerization ? ? monomer? dentinal tubule? ??
pulp ? ?? - ?????? pulp cooking
181)Direct method
- 1. silicone putty? diagnostic wax up?? ??? ?? ??
??? ??? ??? ??? impression(?? ?? 0.02? vacuum
formed plastic sheet?? ??) - 2. impression?? interproximal impression
material? ??? ??? ?? - 3. ?? ????? ????? ???? ?? ? ??? ?? self curing
resin? dappen dish? ???? spatula? ??? ???? ?? ???
? ? impression? ???? ???? ?? - 4. resin? ?? ???? ? ????? ???? impression???? ??
- 5.????? margin, occlusion?? check?? ??
- 6. defect?? ?? bead brush??? resin? ???? ?? ??
- 7. pontic ???? embrasure?? ????? ???? ??
- 8. ?? (wet pumice, polishing compound)
192)Indirect method
- ?? ?? ?? ??? resin? packing?? ?? direct method?
???. - ????? ?? ? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ? ??? full
contour? ??? ??? ??? plastic cell?? impression??
???? ????? ??? ??? resin packing ?
polymerization. - ?????? ??? ?? ???? ??? ??. Direct method ??
resin allergy? 20? ???. - ??
- -Overimpression-fabricated provisional crown
- -Template-fabricated provisional FPD
20Overimpression-fabricated provisional crown
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
24Template-fabricated provisional FPD
1 inch droop
25Vacuum forming machine? ?? ??
10?? ?? ???? ????
26(No Transcript)
27- ??? ?? 5?? ??.
- Pontic? disc? bur? ???? proximal embrasure? ???
????(?) - ?????? ????? ?? ?? saddle??? ??(?)
- pontic? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ??. ???? ???
????? ???? ?? ??? ???? pontic??? ???.
28Template? ??? VLC ?????
- ??? template? visible light-cured (VLC) resin?
???? ??? matrix? ?? ?? ??.
29??? ?? template? ???? ??? ? ??? ??? ?? ???? ??
30Shell? ??? ?? ???
Shell? ?? ??? ??? ??
31Overimpression?? ??? ?????(overimpression-fabrica
ted Bis-acrylic composite crown)
- ??? ?? ?? ???? ???, ???? ??? ???? ??.
32(No Transcript)
33(No Transcript)
34??? ??? ?????.