Title: medications
1Chapter 6
Medication Safety
2Learning Objectives
- Understand the extent and effect of medical
errors on patient health and safety - Describe how and to what degree medication errors
contribute to medical errors - List examples of medication errors commonly seen
in practice settings - Apply a systematic evaluation of opportunities
for medication error to a pharmacy practice model - Identify the common medication errorreporting
systems available
3Medical Errors
- A medical error is any circumstance, action,
inaction, or decision related to healthcare that
contributes to an unintended health result - Most of what is known about medical errors comes
from information collected in the hospital
setting - hospital data make up only a part of a much
larger picture - most healthcare is administered in the
outpatient, office-based, or clinic setting - Medical errors are difficult to define
- possible causative circumstances are infinite
4Medical Errors
- Medical-related lawsuits show the scope of
medical errors in the United States - One large government studied only medical errors
during hospitalization - 44,000 to 98,000 people in the U.S. die each year
as a result of medical errors (greater than the
risk of death from accident, diabetes, homicide,
or human HIV and AIDS) - multiple sources for potential medical errors
What are some examples of medical errors?
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
What are some examples of medical
errors? Answer Lab tests drawn at the wrong
time (inaccurate results), major surgical errors
ending in injury or death
7Medication Errors
- A medication error is a medical error in which
the source of error or harm includes a medication - Like medical errors
- medication errors have no specific definition
because the possible causes can be endless - information on the effect of medication errors
comes mostly from studies done in the hospital
setting - Medication-related deaths are estimated at about
7,000 each year
8Medication Errors
- Fewer studies of medication errors in community
practice exist - an estimated 1.7 of all prescriptions dispensed
in a community practice setting contain a
medication error (4 of every 250
prescriptions) - Not all medication errors result in harm to a
patient - 65 of the medication errors detected had a
meaningful effect on the patients health
9Medication Errors
- Measuring results of medication errors
- lost lives
- disabled patients
- time lost from work or school
- cost to the healthcare system
billions of dollars physician visits
additional hospitalizations emergency room visits
admissions to long-term care continuation of disease
10Healthcare Professionals Responsibility
- Working in healthcare means making a commitment
to first do no harm - The profession of pharmacy exists to safeguard
the health of the public - Healthcare must focus on treating the patient
- to the best possible outcome
- by the safest possible means
- No acceptable level of medication error exists
- effect of a potential medication error on the
patient cannot be predicted - each step in fulfilling medication orders should
be reviewed with a 100 error-free goal
11Healthcare Professionals Responsibility
Safety Note
The only acceptable level of medication errors
is zero.
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
12Healthcare Professionals Responsibility
- MAs can identify potential patient sources of
medication error - careful listening and observation during a
patient or medical staff interaction - notifying the pharmacist
- MAs make a significant contribution to patient
safety - constant surveillance for potential sources of
medication error
13Tips for Reducing Medication Errors
- Always keep the prescription and the label
together - Know common look-alike and sound-alike drugs
- Keep dangerous or high-alert medications in a
separate storage area - Always question bad handwriting
- Prescriptions/orders should be correctly spelled
with drug name, strength, appropriate dosing,
quantity or duration of therapy, dose form, and
route - Use the metric system
14Tips for Reducing Medication Errors
- Question uncommon abbreviations
- Be aware of insulin mistakes
- Keep the work area clean and uncluttered
- Verify information
- Labels should always be compared with the
original prescription by at least two people
15Healthcare Professionals Responsibility
Safety Note
If information is missing from a medication
order, never assume. Obtain the missing
information from the prescriber.
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
16Tips for Reducing Medication Errors MAs
- Use the triple-check system
- Regularly review work habits
- Verify information with the patient or caregiver
- Observe and listen
- Keep your work area free of clutter
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
17Patient Response
- Most patients have the intended therapeutic
response expected from the medication - Unique physical and social circumstances make it
impossible to predict which - medication errors may result in no substantial
harm - may result in death
18Physiological Causes of Medication Errors
- Each patient has a unique response to medication
- genetically unique
- speed at which medications are removed from
body varies - Even a problem caught and corrected before harm
occurs is still considered a medication error
19Social Causes of Medication Errors
- Outpatients can contribute to medication errors
through incorrect administration - Social causes of error include
- failure to follow medication therapy instructions
because of cost - noncompliance
- failure to receive therapy
- misunderstanding instructions (language barriers)
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
20Social Causes of Medication Errors
- Patients can contribute to medication errors by
- forgetting to take a dose or doses
- taking too many doses
- dosing at the wrong time
- not getting a prescription filled or refilled in
a timely manner - not following directions on dose administration
- terminating the drug regimen too soon
21Social Causes of Medication Errors
- Social causes may result in an adverse drug
reaction, or a toxic dose - Over 50 of patients on necessary long-term
medication are no longer taking their medication
after 1 year - All of these social circumstances would be
considered medication errors
22Categories of Medication Errors
- Possible causes of a medication error are
numerous - Categorizing errors into types aids in
identification and prevention of possible causes - Categories focus on grouping errors under a set
of common definitions
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
23Categories of Medication Errors
- omission error a prescribed dose is not given
- wrong dose error a dose is either above or below
the correct dose by more than 5 - extra dose error a patient receives more doses
than were prescribed by the physician - wrong dose form error dose form or formulation
that is not the accepted interpretation of the
physician order - wrong time error drug is given 30 minutes or
more before or after it was prescribed
24Categories of Medication Errors
- Errors can be classified by what causes the
failure of the desired result - Errors can be categorized within three basic
definitions of failure - human failure
- technical failure
- organizational failure
25Categories of Medication Errors
- Human failure is a failure that occurs at an
individual level - pulling a medication bottle from the shelf based
on memory, without cross-referencing the bottle
label with the medication order/prescription - errors made by the patient such as non-compliance
to prescribed drug therapy - Technical failure is a failure resulting from
location or equipment - incorrect reconstitution of a medication because
of a malfunction of a sterile-water dispenser - failure to properly operate automated equipment
26Root Cause Analysis of Medication Errors
- Root cause analysis is a logical and systematic
process used to help identify what, how, and why
something happened to prevent reoccurrence - With basic principles of root cause analysis, any
person can - examine his or her own work flow to determine the
opportunities for potential error - determine what type of failure the potential
error may be - create a list of specific potential causes
27Root Cause Analysis of Medication Errors
- Identifying specific potential causes allows a
person to take specific actions to prevent the
potential error - Actions taken improve the quality of work being
done - Common causes of medication error by handlers and
preparers include - assumption error
- selection error
- capture error
28Root Cause Analysis of Medication Errors
- assumption error an essential piece of
information cannot be verified and is guessed or
presumed - misreading an abbreviation on a prescription
- selection error two or more options exist, and
the wrong option is chosen - using a look-alike or sound-alike drug instead of
prescribed drug - capture error focus on a task is diverted
elsewhere and an error goes undetected - something captures the persons attention,
preventing the person from detecting the error or
causing an error to be made
29Root Cause Analysis of Medication Errors
Safety Note
- Maintaining focused attention when filling
prescriptions is important to avoid errors.
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
30Prescription-Filling Process in Community and
Hospital Pharmacy Practice
- Review for potential causes of medication error
begins with outlining work tasks in a
step-by-step manner - Each step in this process can be a
- source of medication error
- place where pharmacy personnel can correct a
medication error
31Prescription-Filling Process in Community and
Hospital Pharmacy Practice
Safety Note
Each person who participates in the filling
process has the opportunity to catch and correct
a medication error.
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
32Prescription-Filling Process
Safety Note
Outdated prescriptions should not be filled.
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
33Prescription-Filling Process
Safety Note
A prescribers signature is required for a
prescription to be considered valid.
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
34Prescription-Filling ProcessStep 1
- Prescribing errors include
- poor handwriting
- using nonstandard abbreviations
- confusing look-alike and sound-alike drug names
- wrong drug
- using as directed instructions
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
35Prescription-Filling ProcessStep 1
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
36Prescription-Filling Process
Safety Note
A leading zero should precede values less than
one, but a zero should not follow a decimal if
the value is a whole number. A tenfold error
occurs if the decimal point is not detected.
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
37Prescription-Filling ProcessStep 1
- Opportunities for medication errors increase with
the number of medications a patient takes - common with many older patients
- Profile review for every prescription should
include - check for existing allergies and multiple drug
therapy - check for drug interactions or duplication of
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
38Prescription-Filling Process
Safety Note
Check the patient profile for existing allergies
or possible drug interactions.
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
39Prescription-Filling Process
- Retrieve Medication
- Products can contribute to errors with
- look-alike labels
- similarities in brand or generic names
- similar pill shapes or colors
- Use NDC numbers, drug names, and other
information to verify selection of the correct
product - use both the original prescription and the
generated label when selecting a manufacturers
drug product from the storage shelf - use NDC numbers as a cross-check
40Prescription-Filling Process
- Step 5 Fill or Compound Prescription
- Calculation and substitution errors are sources
of medication errors - write out the calculation and have a second
person check the answer - Take care when reading labels and preparing
compounded products
41Medication Error Prevention
- Preventing medication errors means
- carefully examining potential points of failure
- using available resources to verify information
given or decisions made - Drug identification is the most common error in
dispensing and administration
42Medication Error Prevention
Safety Note
Incorrect drug identification is the most common
error in dispensing or administration.
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
43Medication Error Prevention
- Many medication errors occur during prescribing
and administration - Prescribers are responsible for ensuring the
five Rs or five rights - the right drug
- for the right patient
- at the right strength
- given by the right route
- administered at the right time
44Innovations to Promote Safety
- The physical pharmacy work setting can have a
major contribution to the overall safety of any
work environment - Automate and bar code all fill procedures
- Maintain a clean, organized, orderly work area
- Provide adequate storage areas
- Encourage prescribers to use common terminology
and only safe abbreviations - Provide adequate computer applications and
45Innovations to Promote Safety
- Innovations can minimize possibility of errors
- In community pharmacy, redesigned packaging helps
patients take medication safely - Target ClearRx packaging helps patients manage
their medications - colored rings help patients identify medications
intended for each family member - clear, easy-to-read label for patient
administration instructions and cautions - includes a pullout patient information card or
Learn more about the Target label design
46Innovations to Promote Safety
- In hospital pharmacy, integrated computerized
filling systems allow institutions to - improve efficiency
- redirect resources
47Medication Error and Adverse Drug Reaction
Reporting Systems
- The first step in prevention of medication errors
is collection of information - Fear of punishment is a concern with errors
- people may decide not to report an error at all
- allows the same error to occur again and again
- Anonymous (no-fault) reporting systems have been
established - focus on fixing the problem, not fixing the blame
48State Boards of Pharmacy
- More than 20 states have mandatory
error-reporting systems - most state officials admit medical errors are
still under-reported mostly because of fear of
punishment - Some states have worked to reduce the fear of
reporting - allow pharmacists to document errors and
error-prone systems without worry of punishment - most boards of pharmacy will not punish
pharmacists for errors
49State Boards of Pharmacy
- Pharmacy technicians are an integral part of the
error identification, documentation, and
prevention process - The final and most important piece of medication
error reporting is informing the patient that a
medication error has taken place - commonly the task of the pharmacist
50State Boards
- The circumstances leading to the error should be
explained completely and honestly - Patients should understand
- the nature of the error
- what if any effects the error will have
- how they can become actively involved in
preventing errors in the future - People are more likely to forgive an honest error
51Joint Commission on Accreditation for Healthcare
- Organizations can create a centralized point
through which all members may channel error
information safely - The Sentinel Event Policy was created by the
Joint Commission on Accreditation for Healthcare
Organizations (JCAHO) in 1996 - A sentinel event is an unexpected occurrence
involving death or serious physical or
psychologic injury
52Joint Commission on Accreditation for Healthcare
- When a sentinel event is reported, the
organization is expected to - analyze the cause of the error (perform a root
cause analysis) - take action to correct the cause
- monitor the changes made
- determine whether the cause of the error is
eliminated - Accreditation of hospitals depends on
demonstrating an effective active errorreporting
Learn more about the Joint Commission
International Center for Patient Safety