Title: Design Process Evolution
1Design Process Evolution
2Design Process some possible steps
- Start with your big idea
- Try to convey this concept with quick study
models or sketches - Your desk should be littered with these. Do not
fear commitment you are just starting out - Next step
- Take your design to the next level. Consider
materials if you havent already. Consider
structure (in a basic way) if you havent
already. Continue to draw sketches/build models,
as an iterative design process. You will
eventually find a direction that works, then go
on and repeat this step a few more times, each
time getting closer to the design of an actual
building. - General tips
- Document the process
- Stay true to your ideas. 8 times out of 10,
someone on your review will say, The first
model/sketch you made was the best, why did you
get off track?
3Cohabitation Preliminary Landscape Models
4Cohabitation Preliminary Intervention Models
5Cohabitation Final Model
6Science Museum preliminary model/sketches
7Science Museum preliminary sketches
8Science Museum preliminary models
9Science Museum final model
10Science Museum final plan
11Train Station preliminary design concept
12Train Station preliminary models/sketches
13Train Station preliminary models
14Train Station preliminary models/sketches
15Train Station Final drawings
16Train Station Final drawings
17Train Station Final drawings
18Train Station Final Model
19Train Station Final Model
20Train Station Final Model