Title: Motorsport Aerodynamics
1Motorsport Aerodynamics
Brian Feldman
2Importance of Aerodynamics
3Aerodynamic Design Methodology
- Develop parts and visualize flow over car and
devices before models are built - Wind Tunnel
- Scale model testing of devices
- Full size testing of vehicle (rolling road)
- Track
- Devices are assessed and approved for racing
- Highly Developed
- Highly Secretive
- Heavily Regulated
- Extremely Competitive
5Front Air Dam
- Limits the Amount of Air Passing Underneath the
Car - Contributes to High Pressure In Front of the Car
- Causes Low Pressure Underneath the Car
6Front Splitter
Captures Some of the High Pressure Created In
Front of the Air Dam, Causing Downforce
7Side Skirts
- Side Skirts Prevent High Pressure Air Around the
Car from - Disturbing the Low Pressure Underneath the Car
8Canards (French for Duck)
- Captures a Small Amount
- of Downforce by Redirecting
- Airflow Upward.
- Main Purpose is the
- Creation of Large Vortices
- That Run the Length of
- the Vehicle
9Canard Vortices
- Vortices Spin Inwards, Towards the Vehicle on
Each Side - Canard Vortices Work In Conjunction With Side
Skirts to Limit the High Pressure Air From Mixing
With the Low Pressure Air Found Underneath the Car
10Venturi Tunnels / Rear Diffusers
11Ground Effects
- Ride Height
- Downforce Increases
- with Reduced Clearance h
- Diffuser Stall
- Individual to Each Design
12Underbody Pressure
- Suction Peak Occurs Near the Diffuser Entrance
- Can be used to Control the Vehicle Center of
13Rear Diffuser
- Expands Air Back Down
- to Road Velocity
- Slows the Flow and Raises
- the Air Pressure
- Acts as a Pump Drawing
- More Air from the Undertray
- Rear Wing Drives the
- Diffuser Because of its Proximity to the
Wing's Low Pressure Side - Reduce the Overall Pressure Drag on the Vehicle
by Introducing High Pressure Air into the Low
Pressure Wake Region
14Diffuser Vortices
- Two Vortices form at the Side Edges
- of the Diffuser
- Flow Separates at the Sharp Leading Edge
- Reattached by the Side Vortices
- Separation Line is Dictated by the Leading Edge
- Reynolds Number Effect Insignificant
- Reasons for Loss of Downforce at Low Ground
Clearance - Vortex Breakdown
15Venturi Tunnels
- Venturi effect
- constricts the flow
- creates low pressure
- high velocity flow
- Less pitch sensitive than flat bottom
- Highly regulated to limit cornering speeds
16Underbody Vortices
- Induced vortex speeds up
- flow over F-16 wing
- Vortex Lift
- Vortex Generators speed
- up flow at the front
- Strong stable vortex creates
- suction loads along its trail
- Bernoulli says air
- pressure decreases
17Vortex Generators
- Trips the Boundary Layer, Causing the Laminar Air
Traveling - Over the Roof to Become Turbulent
- Typically the size of the boundary layer,
- 15mm - 30mm at the rear end of a vehicle roof
18Effect of VGs on Flow Separation
Separation Region
Separation Region
Without VG
With VG
19Effect on Bluff Bodies
With VG
Without VG
- VGs Cause Drag, but Reduce Pressure Drag by
- Delaying Flow Separation from Occurring
- Reducing the Magnitude of the Separation Region
- Increases the Static Pressure of Separation
- Higher Velocities Closer to Car,
- Resulting in a Smaller Wake Behind Vehicle
20Wing Endplates
- A Wing with Endplates is Equivalent to
- a Longer Wing Without Endplates
- Effective Aspect Ratio
- Aspect Ratio (AR) Span/Chord
- AR_effective
- AR(11.9(Endplate Depth/Span)
21Gurney Flaps
Typically 1 to 4 of the Wing Chord Length
22Effect of a Gurney Flap on Flow
- At High Angles of Attack,
- Flow Separates
- Addition of Gurney Flap
- Reattaches Flow
- Can Increase the Downforce
- of the Wing up to 30
- Can Provide the Same
- Amount of Downforce with
- 3O less Angle of Attack
23How a Gurney Flap Works
- Vortices Reattach Flow and Redirect it Slightly
Upwards - Relative to the Flow Over a Clean Wing,
Implying An - Increase in Circulation as the cause of
increased - Downforce
24Gurney Flap Size Vs. Lift
25Current Research on Gurney Flaps
- Von Karman Vortex Street
- Forms Downstream of
- Gurney Flap
- Fluid of Negative Vorticity
- Becomes Trapped
- Upstream of Gurney Flap
- Trapped Fluid Escapes,
- Interfering Either
- Constructively or
- Destructively with
- Downstream Vortices
- Increases Circulation and
- Downforce
26Additional Aerodynamic Considerations
27Questions ?
- Jang et al, Numerical investigation of an
airfoil with a Gurney flap 1998 - Katz, Joseph. Aerodynamics of Race Cars 2006
- Koike et al, Research on Aerodynamic Drag
Reduction by Vortex Generators 2004 - Nikolic, Additional Aerodynamic Features of
Wing-Gurney Flap Flows 2006 - Sport Compact Car Magazine Automotive
Aerodynamic Part 2 - Troolin et al, Time Resolved PIV Analysis of
Flow Over a NACA 0015 Airfoil with Gurney Flap
2006 - Troolin et al, Time Resolved PIV Analysis of a
Gurney flap on a NACA 0015 Airfoil 2005 - Troolin et al, The Effect of Gurney Flap Height
on Vortex Shedding Modes Behind Symmetric
Airfoils 2006 - Zhang, Xin et al. Ground Effect Aerodynamics of
Race Cars 2006 - www.army.mil/armyimages/armyimage.php?photo6806
- www.autocult.com.au/img/gallery/997gt3773.jpg
- www.mulsannescorner.com
- www.seriouswheels.com
- www.topgear.com
- www.insideracingtechnology.com/tech107bndrylayer.h
tm - http//zedomax.com/blog/2007/04/19/rolling-wind-tu