Title: Joseph Throneberry – Security Specialist
1 Joseph Throneberry Security Specialist
2 Joseph Throneberry is a talented and skilled
individual with extensive work experience in
security, loss prevention, and fraud. He has
worked for a number of different retail
organizations where he played a vital role in
ensuring the safety of the merchandise. His
career began as a police officer for the Delray
Beach Police Department in 1999. He is a full
time sworn law enforcement officer with
experience in arrests, citations, responding to
calls for service, conflict/dispute resolution,
criminal and traffic investigations, and
providing court/legal testimony.
3 At his job, he performed patrols, and also
helped to develop policing projects and crime
prevention programs. His job profile also
included gathering evidence, preparing reports
and logs, conducting interviews, and researching
statutes/laws while investigating criminal
investigations. He believes that as a police
officer, it was his prerogative to be societys
4 During his job at TrustSolutions LLC , he
worked as a Senior Medicare Fraud Investigator,
he led criminal investigations into major
Medicare fraud in Part A, Part B, Home Health
Hospice, and Durable Medical Equipment. Next he
presented these findings to Federal law
enforcement and the US Attorneys Office for
prosecution. The average value of these
investigations ranged from 1-75 million.
5 In addition to these jobs, Joseph
Throneberry also had his own ventures, including
Advanced Security Investigations, Inc.,
Lauderdale Lake, Progressive Training Centers,
Pompano Beach, and Global Elite Inc., Garden
City. Advanced Security Investigations was a
private security and investigations company
licensed within the State of Florida. He hired on
contract for clients regarding surveillance, due
diligence/background investigations and criminal
investigations. He contracted security services
for special events. In addition, he hired and
trained staff as large as 100 employees.
6 Currently, he
is employed with Capital One in Richmond, VA as a
Senior Fraud Investigator. His successful track
record of conducting fraud and related
investigations allows him to perform his job with
the utmost efficiency.