Title: Network Security Specialist (1)
2IT support
? It is a comprehensive management solution for
your IT environment. ? . ? IT Support ?
3Hosted Voice Solutions
? Hosted voice solution are comprehensive
communication options,
like HD video conferencing.
? Ipromedia is provides business VOIP service
they are good for all
? We provide a great deal of businesses need to
update or replace
their legacy phone systems.
? The hosted voice usage 38 in phone services
for business.
4Technical Support Specialist
? Technical support specialist is a user friendly
assistance for individuals
who are having technical problems with electronic
? Ipromedia provides best assistance and
technical support to own businesses or consumers
that are experiencing technical and hardware or
software issues Such as slow performance,
connection problems and an inability to access
5Best Cloud Service
? A best cloud service is also an important
factor in ipromedia.
? They are have been a number of high profile
hacks of cloud
storage providers.
? We allows users to drag and drop files in the
cloud storage and their
local storage.
? We are good for all the services we included
here to let you store
music, video and documents.
6Best Cloud Storage
? Ipromedia is fully based on best cloud storage.
? We provide three main cloud based storage
architecture models
are public, private and hybrid.
? Private cloud are on premises and storage
services provide a
dedicated environment protected behind an
7Network Security Specialist
? The ipromedia is provides training to general
staff regarding to security issues and we develop
policies that govern how employees can access
company information using a smartphone, laptop
and home computer.
8Certified Regulatory Compliance
? It is defined as all we provides external and
internal benefits internal benefits are increased
process control, increase quality of product and
? External benefits are access to new markets we
increased market
share and increased sales.
9Wireless Networks
? Wireless networking is a method by which homes
and telecommunications cables into a building, or
as a connection between various equipment
? ipromedia is provide a home network Devices
capable of
participating in this network.
? For example, smart device such as network
printers and handheld mobile computers, often
gain enhanced emergent capabilities through their
ability to interact.