Title: Seeking
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3Seeking New Members
4Dong Kurn Trivia
5Regional Resources
6Citation Challenge
7Retention Dos
8DMCs By the numbers
9Seeking New Members
Dong Kurn Trivia
Regional Resources
Citation Challenge
Retention Dos
DMCs by The numbers
10The process of sourcing, screening, and
selecting people for a job or vacancy within an
12This vocational principle exists to make Rotary
Clubs representative of their Community
13The Classification Principle
14Though 84 of this Rotary affiliated groups
current participants are interested in joining
Rotary, 58 of Rotary clubs admit that they do
not recruit them
15Rotary Foundation Alumni Including Group Study
Exchange, Ambassadorial Scholars, Teacher
16Expanding Membership was determined to be a
key priority in the 2007-2010 Strategic
Plan adopted by this Rotary body
17The Rotary International Board of Directors
18According to a 2003-2005 RI Study, this single
factor resulted in a 450 increase in
Prospective Member Forms submitted online
19Increased Media Publicity
20Young Ja is the spouse of this leader of Rotary
21R.I. President D.K. Lee
22This Peninsula is bounded by China on the west,
Russia to the north, And has Japan to its east.
23The Korean Peninsula
24This representative cloth Was an inspiration
for the 2008-09 Rotary Theme Graphic
25The flag of The Republic of South Korea
26This years R.I. President Served as Honorary
Consul to Korea for this peninsular Southern
European Nation
27The Republic of Italy
28District Governor D.K. Lees chartering of 32
new clubs started a stampede of 1,800 new
members, and was recognized at the 1996 R.I.
Convention in this Canadian city
29Calgary, Alberta Canada
30Zones 33 34 Have a joint web log, On the
Internet also known by this contraction
31a Blog ------ Zone 33-34 Membership Blog
at membership33-34.blogspot.com
32R.I. trains a Rotarian From each Zone to serve
as a Membership Resource, known by this acronym
33RRIMC ------ Bevin Wall Regional R.I. Membership
34This Training Event for District Membership
Leaders will occur in conjunction with The
Presidential Membership Conference in March 07
35Zone 33 Membership Training Seminar
36These teams of trained facilitators are
available to lead strategic planning sessions
for your club
37Club Visioning Teams -------- supported by
Faculty from Zone 33 Rotary Leadership Institute
38These six Rotarians work across Zone 33 to
assist clubs and districts with Membership issues
39RMAs or Regional Membership Assistants
40Of all the Presidential Citation Goals involving
membership, this is the only one that is
41A net increase of one new Member by 31 March 2009
42120,000 new Rotarians worldwide would Be the
result of this 2008-09 suggested percentage goal
43A 10 net membership increase per club
44This mid-Atlantic State Capital Located 40 miles
from Washington, DC will host one of two North
American Presidential Membership Conferences in
45Baltimore Maryland March 27- 28,
2009 ---------- Citation Requirement one Club
Member attend
46The Presidential Citation encourages this
concept promoting balanced membership in light
of racial, ethnic, age, gender differences
48Of these 7 other Membership optional Presidential
Citation requirements, name one
49District Membership Seminar 10 of club get new
member 1 Alumni as new member Recognize 2
Proposers Classification Survey Help relocated
Rotarian join Report using Member Access
50The guts of a Rotary Meeting, poor ones are
often cited as the reason Rotarians leave
their club
52Unlike the 1962 Neil Sedaka Hit, this popular
benefit of Rotary membership is easy to do
53Making Up -------- Breaking up is hard to do
hit 1 on the Billboard Charts in 1962, and 8
when rerecorded in 1976
54A horse for a traveling preacher and a public
toilet are the first two of these
55Service Projects ----- of the Rotary Club of
Chicago, circa 1908
56This role should be assigned to new Rotarians
within 4 weeks of joining
57Committee Member or Greeter
58Daily Double!!
59The original reason for the first Rotary Club,
this concept is still the foundation of
successful clubs
61Of these three weaknesses cited as the top
factors contributing to Membership losses, name
62Not appealing to young members Weak club
leadership Weak club programs
63These two Rotary publications were rated most
useful, name one of the top two
64This is Rotary Rotary Basics Whats Rotary New
Members Orientation Membership Development
Resource Guide How to Propose a New Member
65These were the top three topics on which DMCs
wanted additional information available, Name
66Retention Strategies Recruitment
Strategies Information for New Members
67These were cited as the top five unique
issues Facing small Rotary clubs, Name two
68Too much work- member burnout Lack of good
programs projects Small recruitment pool Club
unattractive to prospects Recruitment
69These were rated as The top five areas where
clubs could most improve, name two
70Recruiting variety of diverse people Identifying
inviting new members Publicizing events in the
media New member orientation program Involving
new members on committees