Title: Seeking ‘a’gile Testing
1Seeking agile Testing
- Robert Manger Senior Test Analyst
2Seek Context Numbers Facts
- gt14 years old
- Sales, Advertising Marketing Company
- 5 technology platforms
- 7 project streams (in IT alone)
- After several false starts didnt want to be
Agile - Focused on problem of Speed to Market
agile was the answer
3Agile flavours at Seek
XP (Extreme Programming)
4Agile flavours at Seek
XP (Extreme Programming)
Teams use a combination of whatever makes sense
to them
- Its not about adopting Agile.
- Its about using agile techniques to get better
5High Level Scope
- People
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Attitudes and Perceptions
- Tools
- Some of the tools we use to help us in our jobs
- Process
- How we ensure we are maintaining and measuring a
high level of quality while ensuring speed
7Distinct Roles within a Successful Team
Agile Myth We Dont Need Testers
- Source Craig Smith - Suncorp
- Quality and Testing is a joint effort for all
parties involved
8Changing Roles Responsibilities
- Testing is more important than ever, but it is
10Choosing a Toolset
Agile Myth We Dont Need Tools
Theres no such thing as a Silver Bullet
11Choosing a Toolset
Too much?
Too little?
- The Right Tools for the Job
12Use what you need to get the job done
- The tools do not dictate how you do your job
- They help you to do a better job
14A Working Process
Agile Myth We Dont Need Planning or
15Quality Gateways through the whole process
0 - Inception
1 - Story Workshop
2 - Story Kick-off
3 Parallel Development and Test Planning
4 - Story Walkthrough
5 - Test Execution
6 - Showcase
7 - Retro
16Quality Gateways
- Everyone is involved in Project definition
- Everyone has input into the requirements and
- Developers are absolutely clear on what they need
to do
- Parallel Development and Test Planning
- Testers are absolutely clear on what they are
- Stakeholders get a chance to give feedback
- Everyone has a chance to improve!
- Everyone is involved at every step along the way
174 Test Execution
60 of Test Effort lies in Automation
40 of Test Effort lies in Manual/Exploratory
- End to End traceability is automatically
18Reporting is automatically generated
- Reporting should be customised depending on the
intended audience
- Testers are increasing their skillsets
- Testing is known to be an integral part of a
strongly cohesive team - There is no one right way of doing things
- Testers (and BAs) are now driving the development
- There is no hidden effort across the whole
project - We can easily respond to change
- Testers determine their own toolsets
- A continuously improving process
- This is just the tip of the iceberg
- The journey has only just begun.
20Questions Contact
Robert Manger rmanger_at_seek.com.au _at_robertmanger