COWSJosé Eduardo P. SantosVeterinary
Medicine Teaching and Research Center School of
Veterinary MedicineUniversity of California -
- Discuss the metabolic and endocrine effects of
feed additives during the transition period - Potential impact of the use of feed additives
during transition on performance and incidence of
metabolic disorders in dairy cows
3Rumen Fermentation
Microbial Protein NH3
CO2 CH4 H2
CHO Protein
Acetate Butyrate
4Effect of Ionophores on Rumen Bacteria (Gram )
- Extracellular Intracellular
- H H
- H H
- K K
- Na Na
- H H
5Results of Ionophore Use
- Reduces Gram population
- Proteolytic and amilolytic bacteria
- Decreases proteolysis ----gt Greater flow of
nonammonia-nonmicrobial nitrogen to the duodenum - Reduces lactate producing bacteria Streptococcus
bovis and Lactobacillus spp. - Increases molar concentration of propionate
- Reduces CH4 concentration ---gt Less energy loss
6Why Ionophores Would Benefit Transition Cows?
- Improves efficiency of energy metabolism
- More propionate
- More glucose
- Less BHBA
- More insulin
- Less lipid mobilization
- Lower incidence of subclinical ketosis
- Reduces the risk for ruminal acidosis and bloat
- Increases the flow of true protein (It may not
change total protein flow because of the negative
impact on microbial N)
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10Gluconeogenic Precursors
- 4 major sources
- Propylene glycol
- Calcium propionate
- Sodium propionate
- Glycerol
- Poorly fermented in the rumen
- Calcium propionate is also a source of Ca
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16Effect of Propylene Glycol on Liver Lipids and TG
17Effect of PG on Transition Cow Performance
- PG had no impact on milk composition and plasma
insulin - PG increased IGF-I, plasma cholesterol and
decreased MUN and NEFA
P gt 0.15
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Blood Compartment
Adipose Tissue
Diacylglycerol Monoacylglycerol NEFA
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24Ruminally Protected Amino Acids
- AA can be used as gluconeogenic precursors
- Enhance oxidation of fatty acids by the hepatic
tissue - Enhance VLDL synthesis and secretion
- Reduce ketogenesis
- Supply limiting amino acids for milk and milk
protein synthesis
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27- Bauchart et al. (1998) observed that
rumen-protected lysine reduced hepatic
triglyceride content - Review by Garthwaite et al. (1998) - 6 studies
- Rumen protected Lys and/or Met supplemented pre-
and postpartum - ? DMI 0.5 kg/d, ? milk yield 1.5 kg/d, ? milk
protein yield 79 g/d, and ? milk fat yield 85 g/d - 2 studies, supplemental Met was detrimental to
28Yeast Culture
- Possible reasons for feeding Saccharomyces
cerevisiae in transition diets - Increase rumen pH (Selenomonas ruminatium)
- Stimulate the growth of fiber digesting bacteria
- Increase NDF digestibility
- Reduce the depression in DMI immediately before
calving - Improve DMI postpartum
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30Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on transition
cow performance (Robinson and Garrett,1999)
- Feeding YC from d -28 to d 56 had no effect on
DMI, DMI as BW, BW and BCS changes, and NEL of
diets during the pre- and postpartum periods - Feeding YC had no impact on concentration and
yields of fat, protein, and lactose of
primiparous and multiparous cows
P lt .28
P lt .09
31Hypocalcemia (clinical or subclinical)
? Smooth Muscle Function
? Rumen and GI Tract Motility
? Uterine Motility-Immunity
? RP ? Involution
? DA
? Metritis
? Ketosis
? Milk Production
? Fertility
32Bone Resorption
PTH/Vit D Calcitonin ? Hypercalcemia ?
Vit. D
Extracellular Ca Pool (8 to 10 g)
Plasma Ca Pool 2.5 to 3.0 g
PTH and Vit D
Fecal Loss 6 - 10 g/d
Milk 20 - 80 g/d
Fetal Bone 2 - 10 g/d
Urinary Loss 0.25 - 1.0 g/d
33Acidogenic Salts
- High chloride and sulfate salts
- CaCl2, NH4Cl MgCl, MgSO4, CaSO4, (NH4)2SO4
- HCl
- Acidify the blood by increasing H absorption
- S is poorly absorbed --gt It is not a good
34Intracellular and Intravascular Spaces
Lumen GI Tract
Cell Membrane
? H
? pH
? HCO3-
35Strategies for Prevention of Hypocalcemia
DCAD lt 250 mEq/kg
DCAD gt 250 mEq/kg
? Calcitropic Hormones
? Passive Absorption
? PTH Receptor Sensitivity
Addition of Anions
Low Ca diets lt 20 g/d Vit. D Analogues
Ca Gels
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38Equations to Calculate DCAD
- DCAD mEq/kg (0.38 Ca 0.3 Mg Na K) - (Cl
0.6 S 0.5 P) - (NRCs coefficients)
- DCAD mEq/kg (0.15 Ca 0.15 Mg Na K) - (Cl
0.2 S 0.3 P) - (Goffs coefficients)
- DCAD mEq/kg (Na K) - (Cl S)
- Assumes equal rate of absorption for all strong
39How to Use Them
- Step 1
- Analyze all feed components for their mineral
content - Na, K, S, Cl, Ca, P, and Mg
- Select forages and ingredients with low K and Na
content - Grain silages, low K alfalfa (mature), brewers
grains, beet pulp without molasses, citrus pulp - Basal diet DCAD lt 250 mEq/kg
40- Step 2
- Adjust mineral content
- Provide Mg to achieve 0.4 diet DM
- MgSO4, MgCl, MgO
- Increase S up to 0.35 to 0.4
- CaSO4
- S gt 0.4 may cause PEM and may interfere with Cu
and Se - Keep P at 0.35 to 0.4
- High P intake (gt 80g/d) may cause milk fever
41- Step 3
- Acidify the diet
- Keep K as low as possible (K lt 1.2)
- Keep Na as low as possible (Na lt 0.15)
- Increase Cl
- CaCl2
- Keep Cl lt 0.8, but high enough to lower urine pH
- Adjust Ca content to 1.0 to 1.2
- Ca Propionate or CaCO3
42Mineral Profile of a Close Up Diet
- Dietary DCAD should be
- Multiparous cows - 50 mEq/kg
- Primiparous cows 0 mEq/kg
- Monitor urine pH
- Urine pH should be between 5.8 and 6.8
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- Ionophores (Monensin)
- Prepartum 30 ppm and Postpartum 10 - 15 ppm
- PG and Ca Propionate may be used in the
concentrate or as an oral drench. Consider Ca
Prop. when using anionic salts - Niacin Controversial results
- Lipotropic agents and Yeast Not recommended
- Acidogenic salts Highly recommended when
hypocalcemia is a concern - RP AA positive effects on milk protein content
and yields of milk and milk protein when
supplemented pre- and postpartum
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